Ok, uhm, hi . I realize that just posting my last chapter after so long and so randomly was kind of rude XD. Thanks for everyone who's keeping up with this nightmare of a story. I'll definitely need to rewrite it one day -.-. Any-who, I would appreciate some feedback on what you all thought of this story in its entirety. It's messy and sidetracks a lot, I know, but I couldn't bring myself to be all proper and go back and correct this train wreck. Thanks again!

This is killing me. My head is literally about to explode and then I'm going to trash every inch of this shitty apartment. I just can't take this brute anymore. What the hell is he playing at? Does he get off living like a college frat boy or something? His living room is full of clothes and remnants of takeout. His fridge is empty and there are cigarette butts everywhere.

"He is so getting an ass whoopin' when he wakes up…"

I had thought of waiting in bed with Shizuo until he woke up, but then 11:30 rolled around and my stomach started to eat itself. Little did I know that I would find the same amount of food in Shizu-chan's kitchen as I would in a garbage can. Seriously, with all that strength one would think he eats a cow for breakfast. Well with the amount of crap he's put me through lately, he sure as hell can get his imbecilic ass outta bed and find me some food.

I stomp through the main part of the apartment back into Shizuo's room and find the monster still twisted up in sheets and pillows lightly snoring as if it were a lazy Sunday. The sight somehow angering me more, I walk up to the bed, grab Shizuo's pillow from under his head, and proceed to beat the shit out of him with it, "Wake up you lazy ass!"

Unsurprisingly, Shizuo aroused like a giant cat. He yawned, stretched, and watched me stoically as I repeatedly hit any part of his body I could with his pillow. I was expecting a reaction, I wanted a reaction, and I get fucking this.

Shizuo suddenly reached up and took hold of my waist. He successfully rolled over and pulled me back into the bed, his pillow slipping from my fingers. I was momentarily distracted by how warm the bed felt from where Shizuo was just lying, his scent invading my senses. Still, I manage to twist around only to be thwarted when I'm shoved up against a naked, tanned chest and Shizuo buries his face into my neck.

"Hey!" I yell for no apparent reason, "I am not in the mood for your crap! I'm starving and there's nothing in your house!" The beast just pulls me closer and starts leaving lazy kisses along my neck as if he were trying to take a bite out of me.

"Shizu-chan, seriously, stop!" I wiggle and arch around hoping that he'll just back off since I wasn't going to be able to get anywhere until he let me.

"Why are you being so damn loud?" I still for a second to look at him. His bleached hair is in such a disarray that it can only be described as bedhead and his murky eyes are darkened with the last traces of sleep. Even disheveled his appearance still makes my heart race. That doesn't mean this bitch was going to get off easy though, "I'm upset! How do you have nothing to eat in your house?! Talking about you and no food in the same sentence sounds like a damn oxymoron!" his face twists, "A what?" "Oh, don't fuckin' worry about it!"

"What the hell you want me to do flea?" I sighed. This was getting us nowhere…as usual.

"Why don't you go to the store and find us some food? If you don't, I will happily leave and see you when I see ya." With that I started to get up and had almost managed to get my feet on the floor when I was pulled back…again.

"Wait, ok I'm sorry, I just haven't been eatin' much these days so there's nothin' in the kitchen. Let's go out, huh? We can go get sushi or cake or somethin'." I turned around in shock to look at Shizu-chan. Did he just ask me out on a date? I don't think the implications of his question have registered because while I was sitting here taken aback, Shizuo was just watching me with an earnest face and a pair of eyes begging me to say yes. Lord, how fucking far we've come.

"…Ok…but no cake." His face lights up, "That's alright; I'll eat with you another time." Why did that statement feel like it held a less than savory promise?

Shaking off anymore thoughts, I finally am free to leave the bed, "I'm gonna take a shower and get dressed." I heard Shizu-chan rustle around and pad over to the closet on my right, "Ok, I'll get you a towel." I headed towards the small connecting bathroom not five feet away and turned when Shizuo offered up a dull-colored towel.

"Oh, and Izaya?" I face him again, wondering what else he wanted. "I love you."

My heart thumps. Heat radiates from my chest and throughout my body making me consciously aware of every inch of myself. I stared at Shizuo's peaceful expression, his lips perked into a soft smile, his eyes clear and patient. I think I could've cried at my realization as I looked at him. He wasn't expecting me to say anything back. His eyes said it all. He just wanted to say it…just so I would know.

Not sure what to do, I just watch him. I wait for his face to fall in disappointment or regret, but it never does. His gaze never wavers. He just looks over me like he's trying to take a mental photograph, studying all my features.

"…I…love you too." Well that came out about as smooth as gravel. My voice was strained from how much I was forcing myself. I could feel my face instantly heating up from embarrassment and I really wished I had the brain capacity to run, but I obviously didn't. That was all before there was a pair of soft lips crushing mine and a body pinning me to it. Shizuo pulled away showing me his more amused expression, "I know." I sneered at him. What an arrogant…! "That wasn't so hard was it?" Ass.

I pushed the brute away and proceeded to the shower. I am so done with this imbecile. Too bad I knew I was never leaving, even if he is a prick.