
This is my first story, and I plan to expand this one for a very long time c:

It's gonna go pretty slow. :c

Please review!

"Daddy, wake up! We're gonna be late!"

Logan Mitchell slowly opened his eyes to see his 7 year old daughter standing in front of him, impatience written all over her face.

He smiled weakly, acknowledging her presence, and turned to look at the clock. His eyes widened when he saw that they had 2 minutes to get to school.

"Get your brother Whitney, we really do have to hurry!" he said, in a half joking matter. As his daughter ran off, he groggily rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, wondering why she was so anxious to go to school. Then he remembered; this was her and her brother's first day at their new school in LA. He mentally slapped himself for forgetting, and went to grab the car keys.

Logan, a 24 year old musician, was struggling to make it big. He had originally lived in Minnesota, where he played in a band as lead guitar and singer. He was offered a deal in Hollywood, and after a lot of consulting with his fellow bandmates, they all agreed that it would be beneficial for Logan to go to Hollywood alone. Well, not completely alone.

Logan's 2 children, Whitney and Justin, 7 year old twins, were the result of his crazy adolescence. His highschool girlfriend had gotten pregnant at 17, and passed away during the birth of the twins. Being an A plus student, this shocked many people, mostly his parents, who almost immediately disowned him and cut off all ties to his other relatives. Logan was devastated, but that was when he met his "brothers", his bandmates Kendall Knight and James Maslow.

Kendall and James were two young delinquents, who were trying to live a dream doing what they love, make music. Logan met them completely by accident while looking for work at a music store. He had since the birth of his children, dropped out of school so he could raise his children. After landing the job, and getting to know Kendall and James, they discovered Logan's talent for singing and playing the guitar, which naturally led to him joining the two in hopes of making it big in the music industry. Since then, they had matured and landed a small record deal, producing a total of 2 albums that did relatively well, making enough money to sustain the three boys along with their jobs at the music store. However, once Logan was offered the deal, things changed dramatically for the boys.

Kendall, Logan, and James had all been living together, raising the two children all together. It was interesting environment, as they all loved the two kids who were almost replicas of Logan; conscientious and smart. When the boys were discussing Logan's new offer, they heavily debated whether or not Logan should take the kids, if it was better for Kendall and James to take care of them so Logan didn't have to worry about the kids too much. However, Logan knew that they were his kids and he had full responsibility over them, so he decided that he would take them, and the kids, although uncomfortable and unsure about the decision, were happy to oblige to their father's decision.

So, here they are, in LA in the heart of Hollywood, not knowing at all what to expect. Logan had a couple days before he was to meet with his producer, Gustavo Rocque, so he took this time to get used to his surroundings and make sure everything would go smoothly. Logan spent an extensive amount of time looking for an appropriate school for the children, since he really wanted his kids to get what he didn't get; a full education. He had eventually chosen a large public school that went through grades K-12, that was noted for its strong academic and music program.

"Be safe, and make lots of friends!" he said to Justin and Whitney as they left the car and cautiously made their way towards the daunting building, 3 stories high, red brick, and at least the size of a football stadium. Logan sighed as he watched his children enter the school, missing them already. He always wanted to have more time with the kids since he was constantly occupied with his career, requiring him to not be at home for long periods of time. He felt guilty, knowing that it would be the same here, even though the kids were more than capable of taking care of themselves now. As he was about to turn on the engine, he looked up, and saw something that made his breath stop.

There was a Latino man, maybe an inch shorter than Logan, with short cropped black hair and gorgeous tan skin. He was wearing thick framed glasses and a polo shirt, which grabbed very nicely at his pronounced pecs and biceps. Since he was only in khaki shorts, Logan could see his slightly hairy, muscular calves, and his shorts did no job of hiding his beautiful round ass. Logan could feel himself getting warmer just staring at the man, until he snapped out of his thoughts. For all he knew, that could be a student! You sick perv, he thought, punishing himself for having thoughts like that. He took a deep breath before driving home, trying to get the beautiful Latino out of his mind.

Once he got home, Logan had no idea what he should do. As a kid, he never really went out, and his "Fuck it I'm Young" years were taken away because of the pregnancy and trying to make it on his own. So, Logan decided to just take a walk outside, get some air and relax a bit. He literally had 7 hours to himself before he had to pick up the kids, so there was a LOT of time to fill. As a habit, Logan made sure he looked good before stepping out, as local paparazzi were always trying to catch the boys in their worst moments back in Minnesota.

After making sure his hair was spiked nicely – his trademark hairstyle – he locked the door to his small apartment and stepped onto the streets of LA, not knowing what to expect.