"Grr… I wish I had remembered my umbrella today…" Grumbled Shinobu as he stumbled out of school, his hair and jacket already spotted with rain. He gripped his school bag tighter, clenched his teeth and stepped further into the semi-monsoon. He hated the rain! At times like these he sure did wish he were back in Australia, enjoying the sun, swimming in the ocean every other day… Well, he only ever did those kinds of things when he had the time.
"Oh! Time! What's the time?" The short teen mumbled to him self as he fumbled under his sopping wet sleeve for his watch. As soon as he saw the time, he groaned and hung his head low with his hair flopping sluggishly after; said hair had turned a darker shade of brown and was now looking greasy and sticking to his head. The rain really had started to pick up now, he would have to start running if he wanted to get home in time to make dinner for him and Miyagi…

Shinobu reached in his pocket for his phone, to text his older lover that he may be slightly late tonight due to the rain and lack of speed on such a tiresome day.

Beep, beep beep, boop, beep boop, beep beep beep, boop, beep, boop boop…
"Arrghh, I can't see what I'm typing! So much damn rain on the screen!" He whined to himself, and just then a new idea popped into his head; I need to find some shelter, just so I can quickly send this message…

After running a bit further down the street, Shinobu finally found a small, cosy looking flower shop with a material roof above the doorway area. Perfect, I'll just be a moment… Shinobu shivered and trembled under the canopy as the sloppily cold after affects of rain hit him. He wiped the screen of his phone with the palm of his hand, only making it slightly better since his hand was just as wet. Now, where was I?

Beep, boop— Beep beep!

"Eh…? Wah! No!" Shinobu growled as the red lighted flashed on his battery, and his phone turned black. Talk about inconvenient… Shinobu sighed as he slipped his phone back in his pocket and gazed into the darkening sky above him. He was going to be late. And there was no way around it.

Shinobu panted mercilessly as he staggered down the pathway to Miyagi's place. C-Come on Shinobu! You can do it! Just a bit further! He told himself, running that little bit faster in attempt to make it in time. His chest ached, and his throat was raw from breathing so hard. His head was spinning, and he felt so dizzy could almost—


Shinobu woke up about half an hour later, curled up against something soft, warm and smelling like roses. He snuggled his nose against the fabric, appreciating the reassuring feeling it gave him. That smell, what was it? So familiar, just on the tip of his tongue… He just couldn't think… He was so sure he had smelt it before, somewhere… No, it was more of a… Smell that was… Not just any smell it was… Miyagi!

Shinobu's eyes snapped open, and the pale grey orbs glanced around the room, looking for the tall dark haired man. He sat up stiffly, his back throbbed and he just wanted to go back to sleep… But where was Miyagi? This was Miyagi's house, right? It looked like it… It smelt like it… But… He was just so tired… And he… Just couldn't be sure… And so… He fell back… Into the comforting embrace… of sleep…

The older Sensei walked carefully back into the room where he had placed Shinobu on the sofa, after finding him laying outside of his house drenched in rain. He sighed, put out his cigarette and shuffled over to the young boy. I should probably dry him off before he gets a cold or something… And that's exactly what he did.