What Every Little Witch Needs.

Well hello there loyal followers. Yes it has been a long time, I have not updated in a long time, it isn't that I don't like you guys it's just that my plot bunnies ran away from. So I had to go into other storied and find so more. Now if you are a follower of mine you have probably noticed that none of my stories are beta-ed. I have never had anyone look over my stories I just think and put them down. So I probably could do much better it's just I'm too lazy to find someone nice enough to look over my stories. Not I have found a new fancy and subject to write about and that is The Vampire Diaries, my mother got me hooked on that show, I didn't want to watch at first because I thought it was going to be like True Blood and that is just a little too pornographic for me, no offense. So anywhoser, I was reading one of the fabulous authors that write Bamon fic (Damon and Bonnie) and I wonderful idea popped into my head. I felt so proud of myself for it too. Well without further ado here is my next story, which if all goes well and gets good reviews there will be sequels that follow this story. You know what I lied I'm gonna write the next ones regardless, but that doesn't mean I don't want reviews, they make me smile. :)

Damon was lying on the couch minding his own business when pouty face had to show up.

"Hey, Damon I got a question for you," Stefan walked into the den hands in his pocket.

"Uh-uh-uh, BS you can talk to me until the glass is," Damon squinted and took his pinky marking a spot on the whiskey glass almost to the bottom of. "Right here."

"Well I'm gonna talk anyway-"Stefan paused realizing what his brother said to him. "BS?"

"Yeah, you like? It means baby Stefan, who spouts out BS, it fits perfectly cause that's all I ever come out of that thing between your nose and chin."

"Shut up, anyway, I was going to ask you if and what you're going to get Bonnie for her Birthday?"

"Wait a minute aint Bonnie's birthday in like a month? Why the hell you asking me this now?" Damon asked getting tired of this conversation already.

"Well unlike some lazy blood suckers in this house I like to plan ahead." Stefan replied with a rare smirk.

"So, what that got to do with me? You're interrupting my "me time" cant you see Im trying to get my drink on." Damon asked.

"Oh, please, its 2 in the afternoon I don't know why I asked you would probably get her something stupid off the freeway or something, I don't know why I was worried you might show me up or something." Stefan scoffed walking out of the room shaking his head.

'Alright that's it,' Damon thought through the glass sharply at the wall shattering it to pieces. 'He came in here being nosey, he messes up my drink time and he insulted me thinking I don't care about the town witch. Well even if they fight all the time doesn't mean he doesn't care about her. Don't you fight with the ones you love?'

"I'll show his ass up alright, and I'll show Bonnie too that I'm not some heartless psycho. Now what could I get the little witch?" Damon started to think. An hour and a half later Damon was about to give up when the perfect idea ran across his head.

"It's brilliant," Damon stood up with his excitement. "It's so genius it should be against the law why didn't I think of that before."

Damon was so excited about his gift idea that he didn't waste any time. He grabbed his leather jacket and hightailed it out the door to his car. After about breaking several traffic laws and compelling slash seducing a fine lady cop into not giving him a ticket Damon made it to the Pet Store just 20 minutes outside Mystic Falls.

Damon was so giddy he was about fly out of his pants and not in the good way.

"Hello, sir," the elderly man behind the counter asked when Damon came up. "How may I help you this fine after noon."

"Well sir I am getting a gift for a friend of mine and I was wondering if you had any cats available."

"Well my good man you are in such luck that a brand new batch of kittens were born just 2 weeks ago. Would you like to them?" The man lifted a section of the counter for Damon to step through.

At first Damon was going to decline thinking, his plan would have been much funnier if it were an old scary cat, but I guess you can't win every time without cheating.

"Lead the way."

"They're right back here in the back, we keep all of our newborns here before I take them out on display in the window or in the shop."

'Yeah whatever old man, just show me the damn cats so I can take it and get out of here' Damon thought to himself as the man went on and on about he was also the vet for the animals and how he raised them and ran the store practically by his-self, since his wife was a lazy cow.

"Now anyway these are them right here in the corner." The man showed him to a pen of kittens some were gray one was all white with piercing blue eyes, it reminded Damon of him, for a moment Damon thought that was the one what better way to keep Bonnie's mind on him than to get a cat that looked just like him. But for the sake of being fair, which wasn't a thing Damon, was familiar with he looked at the other kittens and was about to give up when he noticed a black kitten fighting hard to get to its mothers tit.

"Can I pick one of them up," Damon asked already leaning over the cage to grab the little black kitten that perked his interest.

"Oh sure, just for a few minutes though, or the thing will start crying and mommy will be real mad." The old man cackled slapping Damon on his back almost sending him into the pen with the cats because of his leaning position. Damon rolled his eyes thinking that the mother could hardly do any damage, not just because he was a vampire but the thing barely looked any bigger than the babies, for a moment when he first saw them he thought they feeding from another kitten. Picking up the desired kitten Damon inspected it realizing that it fit in his large hand. The cat was black with white on its little paws. At first the thing was rubbing its head in his palm then it saw Damon's thumb move and decided to pounce on it and bite it with its little fangs. Damon barely felt a thing.

"Yeah she is a little scrapper, just like her mama." The man cackled again at the kittens behavior coming up to it to scratch her head with his finger. "Well if it wasn't for her being a fighter she wouldn't have made it. She is a lot smaller than the rest of the kittens and has to fight every day to get milk, I was going to feed her myself but she wouldn't have any of it."

"Hmm," Damon mumbled as he thought about how this little cat reminded him of how much she reminded him of the little witch he was buying it for. For better inspection he held it close to its face which granted him a sniff and a lick to the nose.

"Well that is a shock that she would be a runt, by the looks of her mama I would say she got it honest." Damon placed the kitten in his arm as if he was holding a football, which let the kitten fight with one of his buttons.

"Oh, no, young man you got it all wrong, Macie is just the right size for her type of cat. She is a Munchkin."

"Excuse me I don't think I heard you correctly." Damon said not believing what he just heard.

"No you heard me correctly, those kittens are munchkin kittens they don't get that much bigger than their mother, they got small paws and little bellies, almost like a wiener dog."

Damon couldn't believe his ears, not only did he find the cat that looked just like her, it was a munchkin, he had been calling her a munchkin for three months, Damon thought he could kiss this man.

"Oh, sir you have no idea how happy you have made me . I will take this one."

"Well I am glad to hear that but, unfortunately these kittens won't be able to leave their mother for another 4 weeks."

"Well that's perfect I don't need her right away." Damon said placing the kitten back into the pen going to its mother for some milk.

'Okay, if you want we can do all the paperwork and special gifts right now so that she won't get sold to anyone else before you come pick her up."

"That would be perfect," Damon said with a smirk. 'Eat shit Stefan'.

After going over all the legal paper work that made Damon yawn, they got to all the specialization part.

"So do you have a name in mind or is the special friend going to name her."

For a quick second and Damon became sentimental and thought how the little witch's face would light up at thought of naming her cat, then Damon got a wonderful idea.

"No, I think I have the perfect name…"

4 Weeks Later Bonnie's Bedroom

Bonnie took a deep breath as she sat on her bed while she surfed the net on her new laptop that her dad got her shopping using her new credit card also thanks to dad. Her birthday was great from anybody looking in on her day. She went to the new Italian restaurant Lingua Delizia, got a new laptop, got 3 new purses all green thanks to her blonde friend, "Cause they match your eyes," was Caroline reasoning for the jeweled purses. Bonnie couldn't lie they were beautiful but she didn't need her friends spending all their money on her. Elena's gift was nice too she got her new 4-inch stiletto heels, a new wallet, a cover for her Iphone, and a new fuzzy thick pillow, which Bonnie was their when they saw it and other variety of colors of those pillows that she loved, all of the items were pink, because they were so nice Bonnie didn't have the heart to tell her best friend of 2 years that she didn't like the color pink.

"Oh, well, at least she tried," Bonnie sighed as she continued to shop for a replica of the pillow Elena got her only in blue or green.

"Are you using your witchy juju to talk to some people beyond the grave or are you going crazy." Damon asked with a sarcastic tone from the window.

"Damon, the first rule of being a peeping tom is to not let the girl or boy see you." Bonnie said not even looking over at the man.

"Woo, that temper is on fire tonight, do I need to splash you with some water to remind you who you are talking to?" Damon said finally jumping into the room leaving the window open. After an attack at her house she had invited him in a moment of panic. Even though he does abuse it by coming in through her bedroom at the most unfortunate times – in the middle of the night, right after she gets out the shower, while she is still in the shower- but because she could be attacked at any moment and he might be the only help available, she never uninvited him.

"You're being so dumb," Bonnie mumbled into her hand that she had over her mouth as she leaned her elbow on her crossed legs.

"New rule," Damon stated as if it were his house, "No saying dumb in the bedroom."

"New rule, no being dumb in the bedroom," Bonnie snarked back.

"Well honey I have been called many things in the bedroom, Master, skillful, daddy, thick, great, and freaky." Damon said wagging his eyebrows. "But dumb, is not something I recognize in my bedroom repertoire."

"Just shut up and tell me what your nasty self wants."

"A lot of things baby, your just mad that I didn't give you a present, or come to that wanna-be party blondie threw you."

"I am not mad at anything; I know you wouldn't even wish me happy birthday much less get me a present."

"Wrong," Damon said sharply in her face making her lean back on her pillows. Damon came directly over her face practically laying on her." First of all I got you a present, second of all I didn't tell you happy birthday when I came in because I wanted to tell you when you got it and lastly I didn't want to come to blondies party because it would make the rest of those presents just look horrible."

Damon had them nose to nose making Bonnie's eyes cross trying to look him in the eye. Finally getting up and going over to the still open window Damon reached down to where the roof was under her window and came back with a medium sized ox that had green wrapping paper and a blue bow on top and a large plastic shopping bag.

"Happy birthday, little witch," Damon said in the most earnest way Bonnie had ever heard him talk.

"Oh, Damon that's so nice of you," Bonnie moved her laptop to the floor to make room for the present and Damon.

Placing the present in front of her crossed legs Damon lied at the foot of her bed propping his head on his hand.

Bonnie reached and opened the box, sitting in the middle of the box was a small kitten, with a bright green collar around her neck and gold tag, real no doubt, getting misty eyed Bonnie picked up the small cat and held for close inspection of the tag.

"Glinda," Bonnie said, chuckling softly at the name Damon had put on her. "She is so small, but she is cute

"Oh yeah, she is the runt of a munchkin litter, just like you." Damon smirked.

Bonnie slapped the hand propping his head making his fall down onto his shoulder like an idiot.

"But she is scrappy and doesn't let her problems stop her, just like you too."

"Oh, Damon thank you she is beautiful," Bonnie reached over and stroked his cheek quickly before going back to the kitten placing her in between her legs. "Well I guess that means I have to go shopping tomorrow."

" No need, triple W, as for I came prepared," sitting up and reaching into the plastic bag, Damon pulled out a large bag of cat food special for kittens, a litter box and a bag of litter, a rubber cat, a ball of cat nip, and two bowls both black with 'Glinda' written in big gold letters.

"Damon , oh my gosh you are doing too much for me, I know you were probably trying to be funny but she is the best gift I got today, ever in fact." Bonnie looked down at the now snuggling kitten.

"You don't got to sweat me about or nothing," Damon smirked getting off the bed and heading to the window, Bonnie following behind him to see him out in way.

"No but all seriousness," Damon turned around once he was on the roof. " You are my favorite witch always will be."

Bonnie just leaned through the window to give a small kiss on the lips before pulling back."

"When does the birthday girl start giving gifts instead of receiving them?"

Bonnie just shook her head and closed the window walking back to the bed to cuddle the tiny kitten and set the cats things up. "Best birthday ever," Bonnie sighed.

"Yes it was," Damon said looking in on the young witch before disappearing in the night.

The End

Thanks for reading, I love reviews the help feed my plot bunnies, and a special kiss and a hug for the people who can figure out what triple W means, it shouldn't be too hard, and if you don't know I will tell you in the next chapter. And a character will be named in the honor of the fan in my next story who can find the line I put in there hint: from a tv show, not this one, a sit-com. Have fun hunting. :)