She sighed and stared at the screen that sat waiting for her witty words. She had no story in mind, could think of nothing that would capture someone'e imagination. There she sat. Trapped. The blank page taunting her she watched the cursor blink its repititious flicker torturing her dry mind.

"Now love," the voice she had been craving sounded behind her. "How can you think of nothing to write? You have such a captivating muse."

She huffed a breath blowing her hair out of her eyes, "I don't know, but I need to get something going. I feel like a pen without ink, useless."

"You are far beyond useless," he reached around her tapping out the word 'Love'.

She laughed mirthlessly, "Yea I am full of love, full of love without an outlet. You only come around when you need something. That is not love."

She turned in her chair to face him, "What is it now?"

He looked at her face tired and starting to age, the lines by her mouth were starting to show and he could hear in her tone that he was close to losing her. Age had caught up with his princess, he hadn't taken her humanity seriously and now time was beginning it ravage upon her soft features. He looked in her eyes and saw the tears form.

"Sarah, maybe its time for you to accompany me Underground."

"Time?" she laughed. "I would say that time has passed Jareth. I look old enough to be your mother. How would that appear to your sensitive Fae constituents?"

He knelt before her seeing her clearly, she was quite correct, she had aged so much so quickly. Well, if he were honest with himself it wasn't all that quick, he hadn't really thought at all of her getting older. He kicked himself that should have been in the forefront of his mind. He knew she wouldn't last forever in the Above and hadn't stopped in all this time to bring her to the Underground to ensure that she would be with him always. What could he do to reverse the time that had taken its toll on his love?

She looked away from his eyes, "Jareth there is nothing you can do, I am old, so much more than when we first met. Please leave me be, let me go. Find someone more suitable."

He stood and turned away from her trying to deny her words and knowing her couldn't. He slowly produced a crystal and held it up to her, "If you ever, ever change your mind call me I will come in an instant."

He pulled her weathered hand to his lips and blinked out of her realm. Sarah brought her hand up and ran the spot he had kissed across her lips. She missed him already, but couldn't bring herself to call on him. She knew she never would, . She let the crystal fall to the hard stone floor and shatter.