I had this idea for a Twilight story back when I first watched "New Moon." Basically, Jacob imprints on an orphan girl who had been taken in by Billy. Her name is Kayla. I don't really like Bella's character because of the way she treats Jacob, so sorry if I offend anyone with her portrayal in this story. There won't be any Bella bashing, I just want to apologize in advance if my dislike for Bella comes out in the story unintentionally. DISCLAIMER: I only own Kayla, the OC, everything else belongs to the author and the filmmakers.

Twilight: "Jacob's Imprint"


It was 5:00 on the morning of February 12th, 2000. Billy Black was woken from his sleep by the sound of his phone ringing on the bedside table. He groaned, rubbing his eyes, and rolled over to turn on the lamp. Billy grabbed the phone and said, "Hello?" A voice on the other end replied, "Billy, its Charlie. Sorry to wake you up, but you need to come down to the hospital in Forks right away." Billy sat up straight and asked, "Why? What's wrong?" He heard Charlie sigh before replying, "It's Sarah. She's here in the hospital. Apparently she was in a car wreck and it doesn't look too good. The doctors say she's in pretty rough shape." Billy hung up the phone without responding and jumped out of bed. He hurriedly put on his shoes and coat before writing a note for his three kids to let them know where he was going. He was out the door and in his truck before it really sunk in. Something serious could be happening to his wife and he could lose her.

Billy ran into the lobby of the hospital and saw Charlie sitting in one of the chairs next to a little girl, who was asleep. He recognized her as Kayla Winn, the nine year old daughter of his wife's college roommate. Billy quickly approached Charlie and asked, "What's going on, Charlie? What's happened to Sarah?" Charlie stood up and said, "She was in a really bad car wreck. Apparently the car was hit by a drunk driver. The doctors are working on her right now." Billy felt his knees going weak and quickly sat down in one of the chairs, Charlie sat down as well. "Kayla here told me that Sarah had gone to Seattle to pick her and her parents up at the airport," Charlie informed his friend, "Unfortunately, neither one of them made it. Sarah and Kayla were the only two who were alive when the paramedics arrived at the scene. The driver of the other car was killed as well."

"Do you know how she's doing?" Billy asked. "No," replied Charlie, "I wasn't one of the first on the scene. I came straight to the hospital to take Kayla's statement. Thankfully, Kayla's alright, just a few cuts and bruises. The doctors won't tell me how Sarah's doing since I'm not family, they just told me that she's in surgery." The two men sat in silence for a few minutes as Kayla slept, waiting for someone to tell them how Sarah was doing. Soon, a doctor came into the lobby and asked Billy, "Are you Sarah Black's husband?" Billy jumped up and said, "Yes, I'm Billy Black, Sarah's husband. Is she alright? When can I see her?" The doctor shook his head sadly and replied, "Unfortunately, your wife's injuries were so severe that we weren't able to save her. The truck hit directly into her side of the car, so she received several traumatic injuries. We'll clean her up the best we can so you can see her, but I must warn you, the damage to her body was pretty extensive. You might not want to see her."

Billy felt as though he was about to go into shock. His beautiful, wonderful, beloved wife, the mother of his three children, was dead. He was torn between wanting to see her and not wanting to see her in such horrible condition, but he knew that he had to see her in order to accept that she was really gone. He looked at the doctor and said, "I need to see her. Please, I need to see Sarah." The doctor nodded and said, "Alright, Mr. Black. I'll send one of the nurses out to get you once we have her cleaned up a bit. I truly am sorry for your loss." He turned and walked back to the operating room.

Charlie and Billy sat there, neither one knowing what to say. Finally, Billy said, "What am I going to do? I have three kids; how am I going to tell them that their mother is dead?" Charlie replied, "I don't know how you should tell them, but I do know that you won't have to deal with this on your own. I'll help you any way that I can, and I know that everyone else will as well. You're not alone in this mess." Billy nodded and then looked at the sleeping girl. "What's going to happen to her?" he asked, "Sarah told me that Kayla's parents had no other family. Where is she going to go?" Billy shook his head and said, "I don't know. If it's true that she has no other family, she'll probably have to go to the children's home in Seattle."

"No!" cried Billy, "She won't go to an orphanage! Her mother was Sarah's best friend, they were like sisters! I won't have this little girl go to an orphanage. I'll take her." Charlie looked at his friend skeptically and asked, "Are you sure, Billy? I mean, you just lost your wife and you have three kids at home. Are you sure you want to take on Kayla as well?" Billy nodded fervently and said, "Yes, I'm sure. Kayla needs to be in a place where she's loved, not some place where they'll treat her like an animal. Plus, I know that she and Jake will get along, since she's only a few months older than him." From that moment on, the lives of Kayla Winn and Jacob Black were entwined forever, in ways that no one could have ever guessed.