Summery: When Harry gets attacked by a vampire at the end of 6th year his entire world is thrown for a loop. HP/DM

Disclaimer: I own nothing Harry Potter, nor do I own any vampire book/movie that this story bears resemblance to.

AN: Hey guys, I hope you like the first chapter of my new story In My Darkest Hours, I will still be writing on Unexpected and it will be my main focus, I've just had this story picking at my brain for a while and finally decided to let it have its way, this chapter is very short but you guys should know me enough by now to know I like giving teaser chapters. I wanna hear what you guys think about this story so far. And just let me say, this is my second chapter I've posted today…doing pretty good eh! Ok so this story isn't my normal Snarry it is my very first Drarry although our wonderful Severus will play a huge part in this story. It is the end of Harry's 6th year, this story is so AU it's not funny. Vampirism, Dumbledore does not die and Draco hasn't taken the mark.

Chapter 1: The Alley

"Harry, looks like the storm is going to hit soon and it looks really bad, lets head back to the castle" Hermione called over the screeching wind as she clutched her cloak around her.

Harry looked up and saw a bolt of lightning dart across the purple and green haze of clouds covering the sky "You and Ron go ahead, I need to stock up on a few more supplies for the summer, don't know if I could go another break without cauldron cakes!" He yelled waving his friends off, Harry stood by the door of the Three Broomsticks and watched his friends leave the little village of Hogsmead. It was the last day of finals and the golden trio had finished their final exam before lunch and had decided to go for an end of term Butter Beer.

Harry looked back up at the sky as he felt the first drops of rain begin to fall, "I should hurry" he thought as he ran across the street and took a back alley short cut to Honeydukes. As Harry neared the end of the alley he got the feeling he was being watched, he quickly pulled out his wand and began to walk faster, moments later he felt a strong hand on his shoulder and one on his head and before he could react there was an excruciating pain in his neck. After a minute the hands that had been holding him still were gone and so was the sharp pain in his neck, Harry fell to his knees unable to stay on his feet, he looked down at the pavement underneath him and noticed for the first time that the rain was pounding down.

"So all it took to bring the great Harry Potter to his knees was a little blood loss" a whispery voice mocked from behind Harry.

Harry tore his eyes from the puddle at his knees that was quickly turning pink from the blood pouring down the front of his robes, Harry opened his mouth to demand to know who this man behind him was but all that came out was a wet gurgling sound.

"Oh dear I must have hit your jugular, I had better move quick, you see Harry I don't like this Voldemort person so I wish him to be overthrown, but the ministry is not very understanding of 'magical creatures' so I don't support the light. So I was wondering to myself how the evil bastard could die and how to improve 'creature' conditions with the ministry, then it occurred to me. If I turned the one person destined to kill Voldemort into one of us the ministry would have no choice but to accept us more. So here we are" the man said as he walked around Harry so he was standing in front of the quickly fading man. He kneeled down then reached out and grasping Harry's chin lifted his head so Harry could see into his cold violate eyes. "You will make a fine immortal Harry, do not hate me for doing this to you, it will improve your chances of surviving this war, and it will improve my chances of surviving" he said softly looking apologetic.

Harry tried to speak again only to end up coughing up blood onto the man's clothing, he saw the strange man lift his wrist to his mouth but due to his quickly fading vision he was unable to see what the man was doing. Seconds later he felt a burning hot liquid against his lips, Harry cried out in pain turning his head as much as he could to avoid the pain.

"Come now Harry, you need this to live" the man said grabbing Harry's head in one hand and trusting his wrist against Harry's mouth.

Harry fought not to swallow as the molten liquid entered his mouth, but once his mouth was full he had no choice. Harry swallowed the fire only to find once it went down it no longer burned but soothed his pain. Without thinking Harry reached up and gripped the man's wrist and took a deep draught of what he assumed was blood and swallowed it quickly.

"Very good Harry, drink until the pain is gone" the man murmured as he let go of Harry's head and began stroking the boys hair gently.

Harry eagerly obeyed and continued to drink the wonderful elixir that was not only taking away his physical pain but also numbing his emotional pain as well, after a moment Harry's stomach felt as though it would burst and he slowly pulled away from the life giving wrist licking his lips.

"Very good Harry now I must leave you to begin the change, fear not no matter how painful it is, you will make it through you are strong and you have drank much blood" the man said reassuringly before pinching a spot between Harry's neck and shoulder causing Harry to slump to the ground unconscious.

"Harry! Harry can you hear me! Wake up dear boy!" a familiar female voice called but for the life of him Harry could not place it, his mind was too consumed with the pain that had consumed him since his world went black all that time ago.

"Poppy, look at his neck!" A voice that Harry would recognise anywhere said fearfully. If Dumbledore was scared then something had to be wrong. "I will go get Severus Poppy, I wouldn't do anything for the boy until I have him back here" Dumbledore said hurriedly.

"No, don't leave! Don't get Snape he'll let me die for sure!" Harry screamed in his head as he felt his body begin to thrash with pain, he was vaguely aware that had started vomiting and that Madam Pomfrey was very concerned.

After what seemed like an eternity of pain Dumbledore's voice was back "Severus, look at his neck, are those vampire bites?" he asked tensely.

"Vampire!" Harry thought alarmed until he thought about it "It does make sense, it fit with what we learned in third year..of course I wou-" he was snapped out of his thoughts by fingers touching the bite on his neck, Harry felt his back arch and heard himself scream as white hot pain shot through his body.

"Poppy has he vomited?" Snapes voice asked calmly as if he saw this every day.

"Yes, not long before you arrived, it was bloody I didn't know what to do" the nurse said shakily, Harry could hear the tears in her voice.

Harry could hear Snape sigh sadly "Yes Albus, it is a vampire bite, and from what I've seen Mr. Potter here is turning. He is in the early most painful stages of the transformation. He is trapped inside his body, he is fully cognitive and can hear every word we are saying. I remember that part of the transformation well, the rest is…unclear"

"Wait, Snape is a vampire! Ron owes me 5 knuts…He said I'm turning…I'm going to be a vampire" Harry thought morosely.

Harry's body must have betrayed his thoughts because almost instantly Snape was snapping at him "Potter don't you dare try to give up! You will make it through the transformation and become a vampire like myself. Now there are things I need to explain to you before you lose all lucidity. You are in the first stage of the transformation nearing the end of it, the next stage is the death of your human body. The pain you are feeling now is the immortal blood cleansing any of your own blood from your body, you will vomit once more then die. You will be dead for a month while your body undergoes the physical changes. I will be with you when you awake and I will help you through this, I know our past has been…less than ideal but it our past. From here on in I will look after you as if I were the one who made you"

Harry mentally rolled his eyes and was about to make a great effort at speaking to tell Snape exactly what he thought, but the moment he was able to open his mouth he vomited once more. "So next is death" Harry thought nervously.

"Alright Potter, you should be starting to loose feeling in your extremities, and within minutes you will feel nothing, after that you will lose your hearing and then you will die. This will take place in the next fifteen minutes. Potter do not worry, your transitioning smoothly there is nothing that will stop you from coming back to life in a month." Snape said reassuringly.

By the time Snape had finished his latest explanation Harrys entire body was numb, he could feel nothing "Much better than the pain" he thought. He could hear Snape talking but it sounded muffled like his head was under water "There goes the hearing" he thought sarcastically, moments later Harry's mind went blank.

Severus stood beside the blood soaked hospital bed that Potter was lying on, he could tell that the boys hearing had left him, five seconds later he heard Harry's struggling heart give one last thump before it was silent. Severus listened closely, his supernatural senses allowing him to hear the healing and changing vampire blood flowing through Harry's veins without the aid of a pumping heart. "He is dead, once his wound his healed I want to move him to quarters Albus. You need to inform his relatives he will not be returning to their house again, it would be unwise to put him in a house full of people he despises" Severus said leaning closer to the dead boy to inspect his bite wound, already the blood was doing its job, every second Severus could see the bite closing more and more.

Dumbledore walked up beside the vampire "Of course Severus, but I have one question for you, why are you helping the boy? You've always hated him and he you, what would possess you to take on the role of the boys sire?" he asked curiously his eyes never leaving the quickly healing wound on Harry's neck.

Severus remained silent for some time as he considered how to answer that man who was like a father to him, "Because Albus, I had no one to help me through this, I was attacked and changed during a recruiting mission for the Dark Lord. The vampires made an example of me to show my master that they were not pawns in his game. Once I had become myself again many years later I swore I would never let anyone go through this alone if I could help it. Nothing is more terrifying then the change, except going through the change alone and with no knowledge of what's to come." Severus reached out and gently pressed on the area on Harry's neck where a moment ago there was a bleeding wound "He is healed" he stated simply, as he leaned over and scooped the limp body of Harry Potter into his arms and walked out of the hospital wing.