Title: What Happened After

Pairing: Jazz/ Prowl

Verse: Humanized AU, but meant to take place in Animated

Rating: NC-17

Warning: human male sexin's

Summery: What happened to Prowl after the events of Sildenafil Citrate ( .net/s/5941426/7/Hard_Merchandise )

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers, I mean, if I did I it would be porn.


Prowl's thoughts were elsewhere as he walked through the police station doors. The other officers around the station paid him little mind as he walked through with his head down, intent to head back to his desk. Unfortunately, the rest of his team was already there; Bumblebee sat on his mounds of paperwork swinging his legs back and forth leaving scuffmarks on the dark wood where his heels slammed into the side. Optimus was leaning against his own desk all smiles as he spoke with Ratchet while Bulkhead towered over everyone.

He avoided them all by hooking a sharp left and heading to another part of the precinct, namely the storage closet, to go hide for the rest of his shift. He didn't what to have to be around his friends feeling like he needed a scalding hot shower. Being around Lockdown always made him feel like he had been dumped into the middle of an oil spill. Then seeing that creep with someone in the middle of- Prowl shuddered with revulsion as the scene played itself out in memory again. There wasn't water hot enough or enough steel wool in the world to scour that image from his mind.

As he made his way to the storage closet, Prowl wound his way through throngs of people dressed in similar black and gold uniforms. His plans were derailed though when he bashed head first into someone. Recovering quickly Prowl shook his head as said someone put their hands on his shoulders.

"Prowl buddy, didn't ya hear me?"

Prowl looked up right into the bright blue eyes of Jazz. For a moment, the two stared at each other, Jazz's handsome face furrowed into an equally handsome frown.

"Something wrong Prowl? I've been calling ya for like ten minutes."

"What? Um… oh yeah no. No! I mean yes... wait what?"

Jazz's perfect mouth quirked up into a smile as his eyes glittered behind the semi translucent blue glass of his visor. Prowl's cheeks flushed pink before he could control himself.

"Something's eatin' at ya." Jazz said knowingly. "What's up?"

"Nothing, just…no it's nothing."

Jazz's handsome smiled faded into a frown again as he grasped Prowl's hand.

"Come on," he said tugging on the hand. "Follow me."

Not that Prowl had much choice in the matter as Jazz practically dragged him through the station. The motorcycle officer followed after the detective, unable to avoid staring at the other man's back. The perfectly tailed black and white suit looked stunning on the man, but then, he looked stunning in anything. Jazz was the most gorgeous man to ever grace the Earth and Prowl still had no idea way the handsome man had ever taken a romantic interest in someone like him. Jazz wound him through the station back to his own corner office and lead him inside, closing the always-open door behind them.

"Alright, spill. What's botherin' ya?" Jazz asked folding his arms and leaning against the door. "This ain't like ya Prowler."

"It's stupid." Prowl said rolling his eyes behind his own blue visor at Jazz's little pet name for him.

"Well whatever it is, it's got you upset enough that ya forgot to take off your helmet."

Prowl's hands flew to his chin and fumbled to undo the clasp. With more than necessary difficulty, he managed to unbuckle the helmet and yank it off his head, Jazz half smiling as he set it down on the desk.

"Come on, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't know when ya where upset?"

Prowl felt his defenses crumble a bit as Jazz smiled sweetly at him.

"You're not going to like it."

"But I like you." He smiled. "And we can deal with anything together."

Prowl sighed as that smile took a sledgehammer to what remained of his resistance.

"I," he started. "I ran into Lockdown on my patrol a while ago."

"Lockdown huh?" Jazz said almost flippantly. "Just a sec."

Jazz unfolded his arms and strode past Prowl to his desk. He opened one of the drawers as Prowl watched, pulled out a pistol and rammed a magazine into it.

"Jazz! What the hell are you doing?" Prowl squeaked, pouncing on his arm before Jazz could holster the weapon.

"Going to take care of this problem once n'for all!" Jazz snarled his voice dangerously quiet.

"You're being childish!" Prowl snapped as he tried to wrestle the gun away.

"No I'm not!" Jazz yelled.

Prowl managed to twist Jazz's wrist just enough to break his hold on the gun and get it way from him. The firearm was tossed back into the drawer where it came from and Jazz cupped Prowl's face with both hands.

"Wha'd he do?" Jazz demanded. "Did he say something to ya? Do something? Did he ask you ta be his partner again? 'Cause I'll kill him if he did!"

"No!" Prowl said forcefully grasping Jazz's strong hands. "Nothing like that!"

"Then what?"

"He didn't do anything!"

"That sleazily, scum bucket, poor-excuse-of a-man didn't do anything? Are you sure?"

"I was there," Prowl frowned irritably. "I think I'd know if he had."

"Then what happened?"

"I had just finished pulling over a speeding car of teens when I noticed a suspicious car parked in a loading zone. I went over and tapped on the window to see if anyone was there to move it and when the window rolled down it was him."

"That bastard was stalking you again?" Jazz snarled.

"Doubtful." Prowl snorted as he rolled his eyes. "He was with someone."

"What? Like…he found a partner?"

"Something like that. They were… were…"

"They were what? Wha-" Jazz's eyes widened with understanding. "Ooh! You walked in on them."

"Yes!" Prowl hissed shaking his head with disgust. "Alright I did! It was uncomfortable and there isn't enough alcohol in the world to make me forget that image or his lewd comments."

"What'd he say?" Jazz face darkened again.

"When I told him to move because he was in a loading zone he just said he needed two more hours to finish up."

"Yeah right, as if his tiny dick could go that long." Jazz snorted.

"And that was it. I left after that and finished my patrol."

Jazz leaned and kissed his forehead that seemed to burst into flames at the touch.

"If he ever, EVER shows up again you call me an' I'll take care o' him."

"I'm more then capable of taking care of myself thank you." Prowl snorted, his pride slightly offended.

"I know, but he upsets ya." Jazz said with another kiss, this time to the cheek. "And that upsets me. And then I wan' to make ya feel better."

"You do make me feel better." Prowl smiled pressing his lips to Jazz's cheek. "Just by listening."

Before Prowl even knew what was happening Jazz had his lips on his. His strong arms circled around his waist and pulled him close. Prowl's eyes closed as a gentle tongue was run across his lips.

"Jazz stop." Prowl could barely manage to push himself away just enough to break the kiss. "Not at work. We'll get caught."

Jazz only leaned back in and captured his mate's lips again.

"So?" He asked between kisses.

"So? It's not professional behavior and we could get fired!"

"Mmm I like that plan. Then I could do this all day wit ya with no work ta get in th' way."

"Jazz! Be serious!"

"I am bein' serious. Lockdown's trying to get his creepy hooks in ya and I not gonna let'em."

"I'd never let him get his hooks on me." Prowl smiled. "I have you."

"And I ain't never gonna give you up." Jazz kissed him again as he smiled.

Prowl's groan was covered by Jazz's purr as he pushed the smaller man into his desk. Prowl shook his head as Jazz leaned him back.

"Jazz, what are you doing?"

"Mmm, a great many things." Jazz purred as he kissed Prowl's soft neck. "First and foremost, I'm reminding ya that I love ya, as well as making ya feel better while I get that Lockdown stink off your fine body."

Jazz's nimble hands quickly unbuckled Prowl's belt and let it fall to the floor. Prowl squirmed but couldn't get out of Jazz's grip.

"Jazz!" Prowl hissed.

Jazz simply untucked Prowl's uniform and began unbuttoning the black coat.

"Let Sentential fire me. He'll be begging ta have me back in a week." Jazz murmured. "We gotta christen my office."

Prowl groaned as Jazz swept his arm across his desk and sent everything flying to the floor. The dark skinned man eased Prowl onto his back as his lips kissed down his throat. Prowl whimpered softly as his uniform was gingerly opened. Jazz loosened his tie as Prowl's tan fingers began unbuttoning the white dress shirt under the perfectly tailored black suit jacket. The man's skin was beautiful, Prowl marveled again, as he ran his hands along the strong chest. It was the color of a fresh cup of coffee with just a splash of cream or like dark chocolate with just a hint of white chocolate mixed within it. Prowl moaned into the warm mouth as Jazz ran his hands along his legs. Prowl took the cue and wrapped them around the powerful hips.

"Mmm… you're so gorgeous." Jazz whispered as he cupped Prowl's cheek.

The door creaked open and both men's heads snapped up. Or rather Jazz's head snapped up and Prowl's head flopped upside down as Optimus walked in.

"Hey Ja- Oh!"

The young man quickly averted his eyes to the floor with the most sheepish look on his face. Prowl tensed as Jazz easily shrugged off the surprise like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Yeah Optimus?"

"I uh…well I was looking for Prowl but… it seems you um…found him."

Prowl said nothing as he hung upside down off Jazz's desk, he had no explanation for the situation that wasn't a awkward. 'Uh… we tripped.' Nevertheless, that didn't explain why Prowl had his legs around Jazz's hips or why both of their shirts where brazenly open. Jazz didn't seem concerned with the interruption though.

"Sorry Optimus," Jazz said. "I didn't mean to keep him so long. You can have him back in a few minutes."

"We don't need him! Oh I mean we don't need him right now. We were just worried that he hadn't come back yet but I see he has and he's in good hands."

Optimus cringed as Jazz giggled.

"I'll have him back to ya soon." Jazz smiled. "And you can tell Smokescreen the bet's been won."

Optimus grinned and then withdrew, closing the door quietly behind him. Jazz bent back down and kissed his stunned lover.


"Relax babe." Jazz smiled as he kissed Prowl's warm cheek. "Optimus is on our side. He thinks I'm perfect for ya. I gonna say I think he's right."

"Who's Smokescreen?" Prowl demand, seemingly out of things to say.

"Station bookie." Jazz grinned. "He's had a pool going since I transferred here about when we'd hook up."

"T-The whole station knows?" Prowl stammered.

"You didn't hide your longing looks too well." Jazz smiled trailing his hand down Prowl's body. "I'm surprised they didn't set up an intervention. You were one tough customer to bring around."

"I'm not some-!" Prowl snapped.

Jazz's lips cut him off. They pulled at his own sweetly as the pink tongue flicked across his own lips, asking for entry. Prowl moaned softly as he opened his mouth and Jazz's grateful tongue slipped inside. It shyly rubbed against Prowl's and coaxed it out to play. The beat cop shuddered as Jazz tugged his pants down and ran a gentle hand along his stiff member. Prowl's hips bucked as his knees fell open wider. Jazz carefully undid his own zipper as his tongue continued rolling around Prowl's mouth, tenderly exploring everything it could touch. Prowl moaned as Jazz broke their kiss.

"Let me make love to you." Jazz purred softly.

Prowl's arms wrapped around Jazz's neck and pressed his lips back to their mate's. Jazz groaned happily, as he slid inside his sleek lover. Prowl's head fell back against the desk as he gasped. Jazz slid in and out, as he moaned Prowl's name into his mouth. The smaller man answered back with his hips as they rolled up to match Jazz's slow thrusts. The desk creaked as they rocked together, Prowl's hands gripping the edge of the desk so tightly his knuckles turned white. Jazz angled his thrusts so that he was brushing against Prowl's sweet spot deep within him and Prowl's cries escalated in frequency but not in volume as he whimpered and moaned as Jazz rocked him along. He peppered kisses along Jazz's jaw as he released his death grip on the desk and held onto his lover's strong back.

"Mmm! Jazz! Please hurry!" Prowl whimpered. "We're going to get caught!"

Jazz brushed his fingers through Prowl's long black hair with a pleased smile.

"Say ma name like that again."

"Mmm…ooh Jaaaaazz!" Prowl moaned, lifting his hips higher. "Please Jazz"

"Primus!" Jazz groaned as his hands slid down to hold Prowl's pumping hips. "Ya have the most beautiful voice, Prowl!"

Jazz snapped his hips forward and roughly filled Prowl's passage, striking his prostate. Prowl cried out softly as he head fell back over the end of the desk, eyes squeezed shut. Jazz relished in the soft cries as he pulled out and thrust back in again, only teasing Prowl this time. He alternated from fast to slow, rough to soft until Prowl was gasping in his arms. The beautiful man was beyond the point of words as he arched into the handsome detective, seeking more attention that Jazz was more than happy to give.

"Jazz! OoooOOooh JAZZ!" Prowl cried, a little too loudly to be completely blocked by the glass walls of the office.

"Hush Prowl baby hush." Jazz cooed as he pulled Prowl closer. "You're almost there."

Prowl moaned as he clenched around Jazz's impressive girth as he bucked his hips, needing release before he was driven insane. He gasped for air as Jazz's cock probed and caressed his prostate repeatedly. He shifted left and right gasping and groaning as he rocked along with Jazz.

"That's it babe…move that beautiful body for me… oOH!"

"Oh god Jazz! YES! Please Jazz! Jazz Jazz Jazz Jazz JAZZ!"

Prowl's voice caught in his throat as he climaxed in time with Jazz. He swirled around in a high as Jazz whispered his name in his ear. The light blue eyes rolled back in pleasure as Prowl felt Jazz's fluids release inside of him.

Prowl's body was still trembling slightly as Jazz affectionately kissed his neck. The officer flashed a grin as he sang softly into Prowl's neck.

I bet the neighbors know my name

Way you screamin' scratchin' yellin',

Bet the neighbors know my name

They be stressin' while we sexin',

I bet the neighbors know my name

My name my name

I bet the neighbors know my name

My my my...

Jazz didn't want to move. He wanted to stay right where he was, hunched over Prowl, deep inside of him, making love to him. He didn't want to have to let him go. The warm lips reached up to meet his as Prowl tiredly began to push himself up off the desk. Reluctantly Jazz withdrew from the hot body as Prowl eased himself off the desk, their mouths still pressed tight.

"Feel better?" Jazz asked as he closed his eyes and pulled Prowl into a tight hug.

"I honestly don't remember what I was upset about." Prowl purred, hands sliding down Jazz's chest. "But thank you."

"Come back ta my place tonight." Jazz whispered with a smile. "I'll cook dinner, we can have some wine and maybe watch a movie."

Prowl shook his head with a smirk as Jazz arched a single eyebrow. That meant that sure there would be a movie on, but they would be busy not watching it.

"We wouldn't stop at one movie." Prowl sighed. "And I have an early shift tomorrow."

"Then we'll skip dinner and the movie and just go straight to the wine."

Prowl chuckled weakly as he rebuttoned his coat and tucked in his shirt.

"I'd have to insist on dinner if you're going to keep me up all night. I may be a cheap date but I'm certainly not that cheep."

"Well then get ready for the best reheated spaghetti-o's of your life." Jazz smiled as he buttoned his own shirt and straightened his tie.

"I'll pick up a salad." Prowl chuckled.

He leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to Jazz's smiling lips.

"Be there at eight?" Jazz offered.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

With that pleasant thought still running in his mind, Prowl let himself discreetly out of the office. Jazz sighed and collapsed into his chair, goofy grin still plastered on his face. His eyes roamed the desk that was still warm from their lovemaking as his hand brushed the spot where Prowl's hands had been.

"Primus I'm so in love." Jazz smiled.