MangaLuv: It's the start of Chapter 17! Enjoy!

Len: MangaLuv doesn't own Vocaloid, thank the gods. *phew*




Master walks in and claps his hands twice. I look up from the book that I'm reading. "Oh boy. Time for translations. Let's see what you have, Kaen, from memory, and if you don't understand anything, just ask." I tell Kaen, and she nods. "Thanks." she says.

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" Master says. "We're about to go up on stage and perform for the first time. Is everyone ready for this?" Master asks. "Nope." all of us respond, and Master nods. "Me too, and I'm not even performing..." he says, and sits down with his face in his hands. I sigh. I look at Kaen, who gives me a thumbs up. I nod and go back to my book.

"Master, are you going to be okay?" Rin asks, walking over to Master and patting his shoulder. "Yeah, I'll be okay. You guys will be okay, as you guys, even though you don't know it, have performing abilities in your blood."

Hey! I'm not an android! I'm sure I don't have performing abilities in my blood! I slightly remember when I was in Chorus and I had almost gotten sick from being up there; and that was with other people. Now, I'll be performing mostly alone, and with my brother. I look up from the book to my brother, and then I go back to my book again, starting to get nervous.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to see Kaen, who is giving me a big smile. "Don't worry. You'll be okay." she says, and I smile back at her. "Thanks." I say, and Kaen nods. Having close friends has MASSIVE perks. It's like they can read your mind and stuff! :D

"Doesn't matter, Bow. Rin and Len will be performing first, anyway." Master says. "WHHAAAT?!" Rin and Len yell at the same time. I hear Kaito and Meiko snicker, and I sigh, despite everything, still reading my book to calm me down.

"Yes, you will perform Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder." Master says. "Well, we know that, but you didn't tell us that we would be up first!" Rin yells.

"Calm down. I bet you people in America can hear you guys." Arrow says, smiling. Rin gives a pout look and looks at the wall.

"I don't want to calm down. I don't even want to perform. I'm not used to it." Rin says, and Master sighs. "It's okay, Rin. You'll be okay. Everyone will be okay. I'm positive of it."

"I bet you everyone won't be used to seeing the Vocaloids with slanted eyes." I start still looking at my book.

"Yeah. Also, all of the cons must be going nuts about this." Kaen adds.

"A lot of people must be watching this on YouTube, too."

"And at their homes."

"Guys, calm down. You're adding on more pressure." Arrow says and he pats Rin's shoulder, who looks up at him and smiles. "It's okay, Arrow. I'll be okay. I'm the indestructible Rin Kagamine!" she says, and Arrow laughs.

"Please. That's what I am. I'm more indestructible then you are." Len says, putting his hands on his hips.

"Doubt it." says Rin. Arrow backs up, both hands in front of him, and he moves to the side.

"Psh. I'm stronger and even taller than you now."

"I drive the roadroller."

"I'm the main driver, and everyone knows it. I couldn't drive it that day because my leg was broken, if you forgot."

"How can I forget your complaining moans to Bow!?"

At this, I closed my book and hit my head on it, then looked at Rin. "Will you be quiet?" I ask her. "Facebook..." mutters Arrow, and I flip him the middle finger really quickly for 2 seconds, still looking at Rin. Rin sighs. "You guys are nuts." Rin says, and she gets up and walks into the bathroom, slamming the door.

"Someone's getting run oooverrr~." Miku sings in singsong, and I hit my head on the book again. "You're going to lose even more brain cells if you keep on doing that." Arrow says. I give him a death look, yet I put the book down anyway.

"Guys, we shouldn't get worked up before the concert. Calm down, everyone." Master says as Rin walks out of the bathroom patting her face on a towel. "Are you okay?" Arrow asks. Rin nods slowly. "Yeah. I'm okay." she says, and she gives Arrow a hug.

I look at Len, who looks back at me. It's like a mind thing, and we both say at the same time, really loudly, "AWWWWWWWWW!"

Arrow and Rin let go, and Arrow runs over to me with his arms out. "I'm gunna get chuuu!" he says, and I bolt up out of my chair, over the back, and we both start running around the room.

"You're totally insaaaane." I yell as I run past Len, gripping onto his shoulders. I run to hide behind him. "SAVE ME!" I yell into his ear, and Len cringes. "You'll be okay." he says, and he pats my arm. Arrow stops and backs up. "I can't get in the way between the two love-birds, sorry." he says. I stick my tongue out at him. "What can I say, you both were meant to be together." Arrow says, and he backs up to be next to Rin.

"You and Rin were meant to be next to each other and date, too~." I say in a singsong voice. Arrow lunges at me and Len. I levitate over Len to stand in front of him and protect him. "Don't even think about it." I say, holding out my hands in a fighting position.

"Guys! Calm down!" Master yells, and we all look at him. "Hey, at least some of our pent-up energy is out." Arrow says, both me and him still in our exact positions we were just in.

"I guess that's true, but you both need to calm down none-the-less. At least have some energy for the concert!" Kaen says (in perfect Japanese, mind you), walking in between me and my brother. I sigh. "Fiine. Be that wwaaayy." I say, and I go and sit back in the chair I was sitting in before Arrow rudely interrupted me.

"Master, are we about to go on?" Len asks, poking him. Master stops Len, and then nods. "Yes. Are you ready?" he asks, and Len closes his eyes. "Nope." Len says, and he opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Sorry. You can't perform this with Bow." Master says, patting Len's arm.

"How did yo-"

"I'm Master, the one who created you. I know a lot about you, Len."

"You sound like a stalker."

At this, Master looked at him and gave him a 'Shut-Up-Before-I-Knock-You-Off-The-Stage-Into-Your-Rabid-Fangirls' look. Len backs up and then looks over to Rin. "You ready?" he asks, walking over to Rin and putting his arm around her own, linking arms.

"Nope, but if I'm with you, I can do anything, Len!" she says, sounding hyper now and standing. She throws the towel that I just realized she still had in her hands onto the floor, and Master stands up. "I'm going out there to tell them about introductions and stuff. You both will be right behind me, okay? I don't expect to be up there long..." Master's voice fades as Len and Rin walk out, arm's linked, behind Master.

I watch them all walk up to a door (did I tell you our backstage is actually in the stage just off to the side on which everyone preforms?) and I watch Rin and Len turn around. Everyone in the entire rooms gives them thumbs up and Master pats Len and Rin's shoulders.

Master gives a huge sigh and turns the door knob and walks out, and there are a bunch of claps and cheers; and this is just Master. "QUICK! TO THE TV!" Kaen yells once again in Japanese, and Kaito turns on the television, and there is Master up on the screen, waving.

"Hello, everyone, and welcome to the very first real Vocaloid concert. How about that, huh?" Master asks as he looks around at the crowd, and more cheers and applause follow. "That's a loooot of people." Arrow mumbles. "Shh." I say, and we continue watching.

"So, is everyone ready for some Vocaloid Fever?" Master asks, and a whole lot of reminders of that Justin Beiber guy (oh, don't get me started on my hate for him, totally copying Len's voice and style (dressing up in girl outfits)) and the 'Beiber Fever.' Ew.

((A/N: If you love Justin, I'm sorry. I can't take him. Soooo sorry.))

Plus, Len Kagamine sounds much more manlier than Justin Beiber. Riiight? Am I wrong?

"So, without further ado, let's get this show on the road!" Master says, and even more applause and cheers erupt. We watch Master walk off the stage to the side and we hear him open the door. "We've got quite a crowd." Master says as he steps into the room. "Are you guys ready?" he asks, and Len and Rin nod. "Let's go!" Rin says, and they hold hands.

I watch the screen on the TV and I watch the stage turn completely black besides the glowsticks which glow beautifully against the black.

I watch Len and Rin look back as Len turns and opens the door. They both give smiles and walk onstage very quietly.

We go back to looking at the TV. I watch the light appear on only Rin, and everyone cheers and screams. I see the look on her face, and she smiles. It's a true smile. She starts singing the beginning of Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder.

More cheers erupt, and Master is biting his nails. Kaito places a hand on Master's shoulder. "They'll be okay." he says.

Then, Len joins in, and the crowd goes even more nuts. That's the Len we know. I think to myself as he smiles with a huge grin on his face as he sings.

This song is quite a big hit with the fans, I realize as everyone starts jumping and as the glow sticks bounce up and down. Rin and Len starts walking across the stage, clapping their hands up above their head and jumping up and down. Practically, they're going nuts and ignoring dancing at all.

"They seem to be having a blast." Luka says and everyone giggles. "Yeah, I suppose so." Master says. For some reason, I want to be out there in that crowd watching Len and Rin perform. A TV screen just doesn't do it justice.

"Hey, Kaen, are you going to watch it from the TV or are you going to try and see it through the crowd?" I ask to said person, and she shrugs. "I don't know. I might just stay here. It would be to much trouble. Hey, do you think Necroshade is watching this? Along with my mom? I think my mom now knows who these people really are, since you lied to her about it." Kaen says in English, and she laughs.

"Truthfully, I do want your family to see this. I want my family to see this, too. Everyone back home, too." I say, and I start to feel tears forming.

Not now. I hear in my mind. I look to Arrow, who shakes his head.

Just how do you know that I'm about to cry? Huh?

Well, you're talking about sad things, and you basically just confessed it, stupid.

Arrow! You're so mean! Stop breaking the 4th wall!

Shhh. Pay attention.

I look back at the TV screen and I watch Len and Rin jump around and even get really close to the edge, like, deadly close. If you consider really really rabid fans deadly.

I watch Len bend down and give some dude (thank the gods that it was a guy) a high-five. "Len's getting to close." Luka mutters. "Yeah. He's getting to be reckless." Master says, and he stands up. But, to everyone's surprise, Kaito pushes Master back down.

"Let's see what happens. Maybe Len just wants to be closer to his fans. There is nothing wrong with that." he says, and Master looks at him, surprised. "Yeah, let's just wait and see." Arrow says, and Master nods.

We all look back to the TV screen. They start to wrap up the song and Len and Rin run over to each other and give each other high-fives.

They finish the song and they kiss each other on the cheeks. There are a lot of screams and squeals from that, and I grip my fists.

"THANK YOU!" they both yell out to the crowd in Japanese, and they smile and wave. Len ushers Rin to the door, and they both walk down the steps to the room. "OH MY GOD THAT WAS SOOOO MUCH FUN!" Len yells in English as he walks in.

"CAN WE, LIKE, DO THAT AGAIN?!" Rin yells right along side him, and everyone sighs. "So, you guys had fun?" Arrow asks as he leans against a chair. "YEAH! I'M, ALL, LIKE, PUMPED!" Rin yells, and she runs over to Arrow and she...

Kisses him.

On the lips.

Everyone looks at them both. I can't help but laugh at Arrow's face, which is like


and I think that there might be some


in there, too.

Len and I look at each other, and we resist the urge to even make any noise. Rin backs up and gives Arrow a hug.

"OMG! I WANNA GO PERFORM AGAIN!" she yells, and she runs into the bathroom.

"Rin's such an odd kid." Kaito sighs, and then touches the book that I was reading before. I don't care, though, and I walk over to Len. "Well, who's going up next? Do you know?" I ask him, and Len shrugs. "Not to sure. Ask Master." Len says.

Master looks to busy talking with Meiko, Kaito, and Luka for me to actually go out there and ask him.

"Not now." I say, looking back to Len. "Well, then have fun always being curious." Len says, and he walks over to the book that I was reading and picks it up.

He looks flips through the pages and his eyes widen. What? There's nothing bad in th-


WHAT?! What is shota-boy pulling nooow? I mean, really. This isn't Fifty Shades of Grey.

Everyone looks towards me, and my face gets red. "What are you talking about, you moron?" I yell, and Len chuckles.

"Your face is red." Arrow says, stating the obvious. Rin walks out of the bathroom in a rush. "What's wrong?" she asks, and then looks at Len. "What did you do?" she asks him, and it's Len this time who gets flustered. "Nothing! It's just that Bow's reading pornos!" Len retorts back with a massive grin on his face.

I go over to Len, rip the book out of his hands, and hit him over and over in the head with it.

"You. Are. A. Fucking. Idiot. I. Hope. The. Fans. Torture. You. With. Forced. Rape." I say over and over again with each hit, every time I hit him him going "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Rape. Isn't. Funny." over and over.

I place the book down on the table and look at Master. "So, who's going up next?" I ask him, finally getting his attention. "Uhhh, well, you and Arrow are."

My eyes widen. "NUUUUU!" I scream and I run into the bathroom. I hear from behind the door, "That child needs therapy." from Meiko.

I love you too, Meiko.

"Uhh, you guys are performing, like, now. You'll have to go out." Master says behind the door.

UGH! "Fiiiine." I say, and I walk out. "She looks green." Arrow says immediately. "She's just nervous. Hey, Bow, you'll be okay. I had a blast, and you will to, okay? Don't look at the people. Look out behind them. You should see out past those people. The city is amazing."

I hug Len after his calming speech. "Thanks." I say into his shoulder. "No problem. Just do your best, okay? Don't look at the people; and if you do? Smile!" Len says.

"Tokyo doesn't really care if you mess up, you'll be okay. Everyone's just happy that Vocaloids exist. That's what they are really here to see." Rin adds.

Arrow grabs my hand and he kisses my cheek. "You'll do fine. Hey, I'm kinda nervous, too." he says into my ear. I nod and I also give him a hug. "Thank you." I say into his ear. He's about the same height as I am.

"Let's get 'em." I say, and we walk over to the door. He grabs my right hand, I grab his left, and I open the door slowly. Unlike Rin and Len, we don't look back. We walk onto the stage. It's pitch black except for the glow sticks. I hope I don't fuck up.

That's a lot of glow sticks. Shit. That means that it's a whole lot of people. The power of the audience is overwhelming. I look at Arrow as he gets into position, and I do the same. I look out in the back of the huge crowd. The city of Tokyo isn't that far away. Len was right. The sight is beautiful.

What we are about to perform is "Evermore Dark", a song that Arrow and I had created not to long ago. It's a love song between Arrow and I.

If you're wondering, by the way, yes. Arrow and I are known as, like the Kagamines, to be whatever you want them to be. So yes, we are known as lovers or twins. Whatever you want us to be, we can be them, but we both know that we are twins.

We had a lot of problems writing the song, but we hope we got it under. The views on NicoNicoDouga are quite major...

The familiar tune starts up, and I feel massively sick. Oh boy. What if I get sick on the stage? What if I tumble and fall? What if I forget the words to my own song? Oh gods, that would be embarrassing.

I hear Arrow's soft and kind "Aaaaahhhh~" come from across the stage, and I hear a lot of fans scream and cheer (mostly girls) and then I see from the corner of my eye the spotlight show on Arrow.

As Arrow stops singing, it's my turn to say in a quite "Aaaaahhhhh~"

More fans cheer.

This feels nice.

I feel the spotlight on me, and it's very bright, but I force my eyes open.

Then a more upbeat tune comes on, and I smile. I look over to Arrow, who's looking at me.

I start the first verse.

I've got a message that spells danger

Written in ink that looks like blood on the

Dark parchment sheet

Telling me to meet you

To meet you

I hear all of the fans scream with joy. I smile, and I feel so happy.

I continue to sing.

When it's raining outside

I know something may happen.

Maybe my eyes

Will mimic the sky.

Or just cloud over

Like a day in November.

More screaming, and I feel even more happy. I walk over to Arrow, who starts walking over to me, and we both join hands and look at each other and smile, despite the fact that this song is kinda sad.

I put on my dress

That looks like the sun and I walk

I walk

To the place that you had said you would be


On this cold day.

The skies are dark and black

And remind me of Death's cloak

As I walk counting steps to where you said we would meet

Would meet.

I go to where you said you would be

And to no surprise, you do not show

Like a witch calling a ghost

That never lived.

I will stand and wait in the rain

For you

For you.

Even though I'm just nothing to you most likely

I will wait.

Why must I still love you?

I lean up against the back of the drenched wall

And my eyes turn as cold as your heart

And I clutch the bottom of my dress

Waiting alone in the evermore growing darkness.

I finish my part, and then Arrow smiles. It's his turn to sing.

Written on a dark parchment

Is my blood telling you that

I will meet you.

Meet you.

It's raining outside but I don't care.

I will meet you.

Meet you.

And you may still hate me

After that day when I was cold.

But my heart won't give up

It beats loudly like the thunder.

I never meant to strike your heart down

Like the lightning outside

Onto the gray pavement and leave you there to cry

And mimic the rain.

I shall step outside and walk down the street

Watching the evermore growing dark skies.


As the song ends, I see more then half of the people in the crowd crying and cheering and applauding.

((A/N: Alright, just so you guys know, I wrote the lyrics in English so that you guys would understand the lyrics, but Bow and Arrow sung the song in Japanese.))

What can I say? It's a sad song.

Arrow and I wave, yell out "THANK YOU" to the crowd, give each other a big hug, kiss on the cheek (causing a fandom happy uproar), and we walk back down into the backstage/understage room.

"That was amazing!" Rin yells and she runs over and gives Arrow a hug.

"Thanks!" he says, and he hugs her back, looking satisfied that he did well. I smile.

"Rin's right." I hear someone say, and I look over at Kaen, who's smiling at me. "That's was done so well, and your voice is amazing, too!" she adds, and I give her a hug. I can't help it. I feel so much better!

Kaen doesn't hug me back, but says, "This is awkward." I pick her up off the ground and I twirl her around. "Woahohohohoh." Kaen says, but I keep on laughing. "This awkward enough for you?" I ask, still laughing. "Yyyesss." Kaen says, and I stop spinning and place her on the ground.

I walk around like a drunk trying to find out how to stop the world from spinning.

"Can someone stop the world, I'd like to get off...?" I mutter and I fall on the floor. I hear multiple laughs from...I don't know, and I laugh along with them. "No, really. I'm sooo dizzy." I say, and I close my eyes.

I feel my sides being kicked. "Get up. Get up. Get up." I hear Len say, and I grab his shoe with my one hand, rip it off his foot, and throw it across the room.

"HEY!" he yells and I hear him go run off to retrieve it. "Good boy." I say, and I curl back up on the ground. "Miku, you're about to go up. Are you ready?" I hear Master ask.

"World is Mine?"


"That makes sense!"

"Hey, Miku? Why do you have to tell people the world is yours if it already is yours?" I ask, and this results in getting hit by Kaito. "Because she is, that's why!" he says, and I laugh. "Ohhhh, that's so sweet, guarding your lover." I say, and this gets me another hit to the back.

"Filial Piety means nothing to you, huh?" Kaito asks. "You don't respect me, you know!" I say. "That's because you don't respect me!" Kaito says back. "FJIDSHGIO BE QUIET!" I hear Luka yell.

"I wanna speak Gibberish." I mumble to mostly myself.

"Alright, Miku, it's time you hit the stage!" Master says, and Miku straightens out her concert attire. "Let's do this." she says, and she starts to walk onstage. We watch her sing on the TV, and she looks so happy.

"Ya know, I'm kinda glad that this happened." Arrow says, and I smile. "Yeah, me too." I say. I see out of the corner of my eye Len walk over to me with his shoe in his hand and sit next to me on the arm of the chair. I watch him put his shoe back on and, as his head is bent down, I take his hair out of the ponytail.

"Dude, not cool." he says as he looks at me, trying to be serious. I twirl the ponytail holder on my finger. "Ya want it?" I ask, taunting him. "I'm going to have to chase you, aren't I?" he asks, and I place it on his lap. "Do you think I'm some sort of demon or something?" I ask, giggling.

Len glares at me and quickly places his hair in a ponytail again. We continue to watch Miku's performance in silence. She's looking very happy.

Suddenly, we hear a huge explosion go off near the city.



Miku stops performing and we watch as a fire starts in fricken Tokyo. Everyone's jaw gaps open. "Wha-wh-what's going on?" Master asks. This has to be the worst day of his life. Our first concert, and an explosion occurs almost right next to us.

I watch the crowd on TV look at the city and start screaming.

"Shit." I hear Kaen say. I watch Kaito stand up and go outside to the stage. "Yo! Where you think you going?!" I yell at Kaito, but he just waves his right hand and opens the door and just runs out onto the stage.

We watch the TV and we see some fans watch Kaito appear. During this crisis, some of the girls swoon. Gotta love the fans...

We hear Kaito and Miku start talking to each other, but then even another explosion occurs near the city.

The stage rumbles, and things fall off the tables understage. Master grabs the sides of his chair. "What are we going to do?" I hear Bow ask. "I'm not to sure. Just evacuate and get everyone to safety." I say, and I also run up to the stage. "Kaito, Miku, are you guys okay?" I ask.

Kaito and Miku are hugging. "She's shaking." Kaito says, and I nod. "We're going to have to evacuate."

Another explosion, and more people run out of nearby buildings.

"Come on, back downstairs." I say, and I grab Kaito's arm and I drag him and Miku downstairs to the understage.

I see Bow standing there alone, with her arms crossed and her tapping her foot. "Where did everyone go?" I ask. "Outside. They're already waiting in a nearby car." she says as another explosion occurs. The earth shakes.

"Let's get out of here!" I say, letting go of Miku and Kaito. Bow nods and everyone in the room runs out of the only emergency exit. We burst through the door and see the black limo waiting for us. "COME ON!" Bow yells and opens up the door. She shoves me inside, and I'm followed by Kaito and Miku.

She jumps in right after everyone, and the driver starts, well, driving.

I grab onto Bow's hand. "It's going to be okay." I say. Her hand is shaking. I look over to her, and she nods. She then curls up on me and closes her eyes.

There is yet another explosion and, I don't know if I'm the only one that feels it, but we start driving faster.

I hear Bow start falling into tears. "Bow, are you okay?" I ask. She shakes her head. I hear Len start crawling over to Bow. "Hey, Bow, Bow, sweety, are you okay?" he asks, and I sigh.

Bow grabs Len's hand and they just sit there.

I look over to Rin, who shrugs.

I nod, and look back at Bow. I stroke her hair, and she sniffles. "I'm scared." she says, and I rub her hair.

"You'll be okay." I say, and I kiss the top of her head.


We're back home in the TV Room, and boy, it was rough. With Bow crying, and Len trying to comfort her, it hurt to watch her be this way. I hope that she gets better.

She's now upstairs with Len, who's calming her down. At least, that's what we hope he's doing...


"Should we turn on the TV?" Kaen asks. "Should we?" Kaito asks. "We only know that there is going to be hardly anything else on besides the explosions in Tokyo." Kaito adds, and he slumps down.

"We might get updates or something." Meiko comes back with. "It's to early now." Master says.

I sigh and look up at the ceiling. Is everyone okay? I wonder. Is everyone safe?

There are so many people in the city of Tokyo. What could have happened?

I slump down and just hear the sound of the fan going. "I'm getting tired." I hear Miku say, and I watch her rest her head on Kaito's lap. "Then, if need be, get some sleep." Master says as he stands up and walks out of the room.

I watch as Bow walks back into the room, followed by Len. "So, are you going to be okay?" Rin asks, standing up and giving Bow a hug. Bow nods and hugs Rin back as well.

I close my eyes and put my hand to my forehead. It's going to be a loooong week.




Len: Took you long enough.

MangaLuv: I'm SOOOOOOOOO SORRY. I haven't updated in, what, over a year?

Len: ...

MangaLuv: I FEEL LIKE I'M SUCH A LETDOWN. I'm SOOOOO sorry, and it's going to be EVEN WORSE (if that's possible) because of school.

Len: ...


Len: Just update.

MangaLuv: *sulks* Okay. I'm really sorry, everyone.