Hello! everyone! This story has been writen with KeedaxEmry. We don't own any of the character or story line of Soul Eater.

To the people who have already started reading this story: Crona is now a girl so we won't have the girl/guy stuff any longer!

I can see a slacker from a mile away. The I-will-do-it-later kinds of kids who will get nowhere in life. It's in the way they dress, the way they talk, the way their eyes glaze over as their minds wander to what they would rather be doing. Man, oh man, the moment he walked in, I had him categorized in my mind. From why he was there, to how I was going to whip him into shape until his report card was somewhat decent. Yes…bad in all subjects besides gym (as if that counts), but his math had to be horrendous! That sort of thing snowballs in on itself; zone one lesson out, screw over them all.

I watched him slouch down into a seat, almost relishing the idea of torturing him for the next hour. He was going to be appalled by how much work this was going to be! Completely horrified! Soon he was going to regret—


"Huh?" I turned towards the soft voice, momentarily forgetting about the lazy boy.

"You were laughing," Crona murmured.

"Was I?" I blinked. "Didn't notice."

I paused. The tutoring room—which is really just a corner of the library—was getting slightly out of control volume wise, and the supervising teacher barked at them to shut up. The students, who had been forced to come here, shot her dirty looks, and ducked their heads so that their voices wouldn't carry as much. One kid, who I'd call a regular, muttered something extremely vulgar and I slammed a textbook in front of him.

"Holy shit!" he jumped.

"You should be working," I scowled, peeking at his paper, "Black Star."

"Working's for losers!" he declared. "Like you! Ha ha ha!"

I shushed him quickly, because it is my job after all. And he was being obnoxious. "You've been here every day for the past month," I said. "Are you stupid? Can't you get a C?"

"Hey! I'm not stupid! The teachers just have it out for me!"

"I doubt that somehow. Do you need help with that?" I eyeballed his table, which was covered in a crumpled mess of papers; one of them was covered in stains, looking more like a napkin than an English paper. This was further explained when he pulled a bag of chips out, after a bored, "Nah."

I shook my head. A hopeless case if I ever saw one.


My attention was brought back as Crona fidgeted, seeming like she was ready to bolt. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but she can be downright skittish, like a deer during hunting season. She's been my friend forever, so I am well tuned to her nervous tendencies, and I could tell that she probably felt like curling up in a tiny ball far from any eyes. She can't deal with new situations. Or people. Or much of anything.

Wait a second.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, once that particular thought occurred to me.

"Well, I, er, you see…"

"Are you failing a class?" I exclaimed.

"No, I…" She gazed fixedly at her shoes, tugging on one of her sleeves.

"You're here to help?" I continued, more than a little confused.

She shook his head.

"You missed the bus? You got bored? Wanted to see me in action? Wanted to get a book?"

She shook his head.

"Then why…?"

Her eyes unconsciously flickered towards one of the tables so rapidly I almost didn't notice it. Yes, a hint!

But it was just another slacker.

Ok, technically, that's not correct in the slightest. That boy was just my most hated enemy, the valedictorian of our class. Because of him, I was ranked second. Me! Second! Whenever I see him, he has a sneer on his face, and he's always wearing nice, perfect clothes, and his hair is never even slightly messy, and he's extremely polite, and he's considered to be a child prodigy because even the college-level classes are too easy for him, and everyone likes him for it, like he's special, even though he's never had to work for it, and his dad is super rich so he could probably get into college without the bagillions of scholarships he's guaranteed to get, and I've never ever seen him do anything wrong and he drives me up a wall.


Why is he here?

God, this seems awfully familiar, I thought briefly before a wave of glorious, beautiful ideas poured into me.

It's finally happened!

It was one of five options:

There's one subject or lesson that he can't understand no matter how hard he tries

He has been hiding his stupidity somehow

The teachers realized that he'd been cheating the entire time

He's cracked from the pressure

Hopefully all of the above


Oh, God, it's number four, he's lost it, I thought, watching as he suddenly burst into tears.

"I'm garbage! Useless garbage!" he sobbed.

Crona cringed, and we watched Death the Kid get forcefully dragged out into the hall by two girls and a teacher.

"….what was that about?" I asked after a second.

"I have to go," Crona said, escaping out the door.

I stood there, completely lost, until I heard someone say, "Hey, bookworm, when does this thing end?"

Now here was something I could do; I turned to Mr. Slacker, who, I should add, had already succeeded in annoying me. And I had known him for a good three minutes. His voice alone, which was smooth and low, the voice of a trickster, sounded awfully high-and-mighty for someone in his position. And he called me a bookworm.

I marched over there, ready to bring out my trusty ruler. "Instead of asking dumb questions," I snapped, "why don't you do your homework? Then maybe you wouldn't be here in the first place, worrying about when you get to leave."

"Whoa, calm down." He looked me up and down, seeming thoroughly unimpressed with my simple pleated skirt and ponytails. "Are you hiding your pocket-protectors?"

That's it.

"Watch your mouth!" I shrieked, pulling my ruler out and hitting him over the head in one swift moment. I wish I could do more. Like use a hammer on him. If only that was legal.

"Was that supposed to hurt?"

"You….you….." I muttered, dumbfounded. Had I ever met someone this rude? I don't think so.

His eyebrows stretched upwards, and his lips curled up into a smirk. "Maybe you studied too much and now you can't think. It happens to the best of us. Don't worry your pretty little head, bookworm."

By then I had gathered my thoughts, so I leaned down towards him, and hissed, "I'm afraid that you will be stuck in here for the rest of the year if you keep this up. And I can make sure of that. So unless you want to deal with me every day, you had better learn how to study and how to shut your mouth. Got it?"

I straightened, a proud smile on my face. How was he going to top that?

He yawned. "Whatever. I'll just pretend that I don't have a life and act all happy being here among you freaks."

"Excuse me?"

He looked at me coolly. "You heard me."

"I will give you detention," I threatened.

"More time to daydream," he said, undaunted.

"How about I get the principal to call your parents?"

"Don't care. Can't you leave me alone, you're wasting my precious time."

"What, so you can go back to napping?"

"Yeah!" he mocked.

I yanked a chair out, and sat down, scooping his work up. Now he looked alarmed. "What do you think you're doing?" he exclaimed.

"Helping you," I replied, beginning to read his paper.

Hey Black Star. Stuck here too?

Yep. Still.

This is so boring.

Get use to it.

This is so uncool. Tutoring. What genius had that idea?

No idea. So, who do you think is the hottest chick here?

I don't know. Not really paying attention. I thought you were dating Tsubaki?

Yeah but that doesn't mean I can't look, right? XD Not my fault if she gets mad at you. Hmm, that bookworm girl—

"Give that back!"

He finally snatched it from my hands, a hint of red appearing on his cheeks. A lot of things swam in my mind: the fact that he hadn't been working at all, just passing notes with that regular, and, more importantly, that he had actually been talking about me. And it sounded like he was checking me out! Should I be mad, or embarrassed, or flattered?

I froze for a moment. Then I choose the easiest path.

"Give me that paper right now," I said evenly.

"No!" he protested, for once not calm and collected at all.

"I am going to confiscate that paper. Do you want to know why?"

He stared down into his lap, obviously flustered. "Screw you," he said quietly.

I ignored his little comment. "Because passing notes is not allowed, and you're here to get help. You can socialize about girls on your own time."

He fidgeted at that; the paper had vanished.

"Would you like to know what will happen if you don't give me that note?"

"Mind your own business."

He wasn't so intimidating now, I thought smugly as he tried to shrink further into his seat. "I will make it my mission to personally tutor you every single day until you graduate. It will be painful, but I will make the necessary sacrifices to help you prepare for the future."

He threw the paper in my face. "I hope you die alone," he spat, overcoming his mortification and turning towards anger. "I'm sure you will."

"Yes, that's all well and good, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who got what she wanted. Now get to work."

I strolled away. Day one was always the hardest, especially with these delinquent types. And, true, he did kind of scare me (Did he have a smart ass comment for everything? And he acted like he could read me inside and out!), but I was confident in my ability to "get him on the right path"—or, more accurately put, get him out of my hair and out of my life.

I acted like I was helping some kids before I snuck away to read the rest of the note. Let's see….

Hmm, that bookworm girl is cute in a weird way.

Are you crazy Soul?

Cute in an innocent, desperate way.

Desperate? Did he just call me desperate? I resisted the urge to go over and clobber him and kept reading…

You'd like that. Easy to hit on.

Shut up. I'll beat your face in.

Oh yeah you know it baby. ;D

Are you hitting on me, freak?

Are you scared? This is the most flirting you've seen in your entire life.

That's coming from the guy who freaks out all the girls with his gigantic head.


I stopped reading it. The rest of it was all crude guy nonsense.

I guess the bell had just rang, because people were swarming past me to get to the door. I was gathering my stuff, when someone whispered in my ear, "I was lying when I called you cute."

Soul strode past. He glanced back at me for a split second, a haughty smile on his face.

I am going to kill him.