[Note from the Author: Hello friends!

Yes, I have begun yet another story. I can't help it; I just have too many ideas in my head that are just begging to be written.

This will be my first ongoing Laven that is set in the DGM time-zone, so please deal with my screw ups for the time being.

Anyway, onward!

I do not own the amazing awesomeness that is D. Gray-Man. If I did, I would royally screw it up.

Happy Readings!


Chapter One: Oh Crap!

"Lavi! I told you to be careful with those boxes! You don't know what could be in there!" Komui yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know. You told me this already." I said, rolling my eyes. I was in the middle of helping the science department move their junk in an attempt to organize. I was given the job after Panda decided that I needed something to do for the time being. So here I was, moving boxes filled with who-knows-what while Komui yelled at me.

Fun times.

"If you know, then be more careful! There are fragile things and numerous potions in that box that could be harmful!" Komui shouted.

"I don't doubt that" I retorted.

"Don't doubt what?"

I turned my head to see my favorite person in the whole world standing in the doorway of the lab. Allen Walker is my best friend, but recently things have felt different. I think that I'm starting to like him as more than my best friend. But for the sake of my position, I am in complete and utter denial of my feelings. I continually tell myself that I don't really like the kid, but I'm confusing my feelings of friendship for something more because he is my first true best friend. I shouldn't see him as my friend, even by just accepting the guy as my friend I'm failing as the successor of the Bookman Clan. I'm failing my current mission of gathering information from the Black Order on the Holy War by becoming attached to those around me. I am slowly changing. I am turning from the nameless Bookman Junior into 'Lavi'; I am becoming my forty ninth alias. This shouldn't be happening, I should be able to cast aside these feelings that are inside me and become the cold hearted actor that a Bookman must be.

But damn it was hard.

I ignored the slight flutter in my chest as I plastered a fake smile onto my face. "That I am carrying a box of certain doom." I replied, causing Allen to chuckle.

"I'd have to agree with you. Anyway, Komui, I'm here to turn in the paperwork of my last mission." Allen said, holding out a folder to Komui.

The chief took the folder and flipped through its contents, glancing over it. "I see, very good. Thank you Allen. Now, before you leave, could you maybe watch over Lavi as he moves the boxes here? I have to go speak to Reever and I'm afraid to leave him alone." Komui narrowed his eyes at me as he spoke and I shrugged in response.

"Of course." Allen replied with a smile.

"Thank you. I'll be back in a little bit." He narrowed his eyes at me a final time before he left. Once he was out of the room, I sighed and set the box down.

"Jeez, he really doesn't trust me!" I said, sitting on the floor next to the box.

"It's not that he doesn't trust you, it's just that he thinks you're going to cause a disaster." Allen said.

I feigned hurt. "Ouch, that hurt, Allen."

Allen shrugged. "It's the truth and you know it. Why are you in here anyway?" he asked, sitting on one of the many desks in the room.

"Eh, Panda decided that I needed to find some sort of work to do, so he put me on organizing duty. It beats writing more reports, so I'm not complaining all that much."

Allen nodded his head in understanding. He looked like a beautiful portrait. He sat with his legs crossed and his gloved hands behind him, keeping him upright. His white unruly yet perfect hair framed his pale face, his scarred eye hardly visible through the white veil. He wasn't wearing his Exorcist coat, so his white shirt and gray vest covered his torso, finished off with his signature red ribbon tied around his neck. His usual black pants fit snugly on his legs. If he would let me, I would spend all day staring at him. Unfortunately, I knew he would never allow me to do something like that, so I simple stared at him with my one eye for a few split seconds, committing the scene to memory.

Thank God for photographic memory.

"Come on Lavi, get back to work already." Allen said.

"Aww Allen, you're no fun." I grumbled, standing up to get back to work. "I thought you would let me take a break so we could talk!"

Allen chuckled. "We can talk, but while you're working."

"You're so mean Beansprout!" I said, hoping to rile him up. My plan worked.

Allen glared at me from the desk he was sitting on. "What was that, stupid rabbit?"

"I'm not a bunny! And I'm not stupid!"

"Are you sure about that last part?" Allen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're so cruel Allen!" I cried.

"I know." Allen replied with a shrug.

I put on my irresistible pouty face. "Not nice."

Allen laughed out loud. "You're like a little kid Lavi." He said.

"Am not! I am eighteen! Three years older than you, thank you very much! So you don't get to call me a little kid!"

That caused my friend to laugh again. "You're adorable when you pout."

Heat rushed to my cheeks from Allen's comment. I turned my back to Allen and made myself look busy. "I'm not adorable, I'm drop dead sexy! Get it right!" Even though my back was turned, I knew that Allen was rolling his eyes.

"Full of yourself as always." He mumbled.

"You know it!" I exclaimed, pumping my fist into the air. My fist connected with a box above my head, causing it to wobble.

"Lavi! Watch out!" Allen yelled, trying to warn me.

I tried to move, but I was too slow. The box toppled on top of me, a blue bottle crashing at my feet. I was suddenly enveloped in a thick, purple fog. "Shit!" I exclaimed, making me inhale the sickly sweet fog. My head started to spin and my left eye was blinded. "Fuck!" I yelled.

"Lavi! Lavi! Are you okay?" Allen cried.

"Yeah! Stay away from the fog!" I called back, noticing that my voice had changed. What the hell? I used my hands to make a fanning motion, hoping to clear the air. As my hands were getting tired, I regained my sight and the fog had thinned into a mist. I saw Allen on the other side of the haze, looking at me wide eyed. Finally, the potion faded from the air.

"L..Lavi?" Allen asked, still staring at me incredulously.

"What? Ah! My voice did change!" I brought my hands to my throat to feel if something was different, but my sleeve got in the way. I yanked back the sleeve, mentally deciding I need to fix it later. That's when I saw my hand. It was smaller, practically covered by the fingerless glove I wore.

"Um, Lavi?"

I turned my attention from my hand to Allen who was standing before me. I had to tilt my head up to see his face. When did Allen get so tall?

"What?" I asked again, cringing at my high pitched voice.

"Wh..what happened to you?" Allen asked.

"What do you mean what happened to me?" I looked down, seeing my shirt was very baggy and my pants were on the verge of falling off. I gripped the waistband with my small hands and gaped at my short legs.

"I've shrunk!" I cried.

"I think it's more than that. Look." Allen handed me a mirror that was conveniently lying around the room.

I took the hand mirror and held it in my tiny hands. I looked back at my reflection, my face was more rounded from baby fat, especially my cheeks. My amazing red hair was thinner and shorter. The eye patch that I wear on my right eye was loose around my head.

I lifted up my shirt to examine my stomach. My rock hard abs that I had put so much work into toning into perfection were now covered by more baby fat. I inspected my biceps, only to find that there was hardly any muscle.

I no longer had the body of a sex god; I now had the appearance of a child.

I had turned into a kid.

Oh crap!

[Note from the Author: Hey friends! Sorry for such a short chapter, but another will follow shortly, I promise. I have had a burst of confidence in my writing today so I'm really psyched and have new motivation to update So Close, Yet So Far as soon as this is uploaded.

What could have possibly made me so eager to write you ask? Well, it started off a little awkward.. You see, I was in my Advanced English (Yes, advanced. Hard to believe with my crappy skills, eh? xD) class and I was writing this fic in my notebook. I've spent the past few weeks working on my other story in that class, so it was normal. I was so absorbed in my writing; I hadn't noticed that my teacher was reading over my shoulder. When I noticed, I was really nervous, thinking she was going to judge me for writing something so weird. But as it turns out, she was cool with it. She asked me if she could read it and I agreed reluctantly. She read over what I have so far (up to about chapter three) and demanded I continue to write more because she's hooked. She also complimented my ability to make the story seem realistic even though it's fiction and said that I have a gift for writing dialogs between the characters. So yeah, she totally boosted my confidence. ^w^

Anywho, as promised, I'm off to finish Chapter Twelve of my other fic. I was suffering a bit from writer's block, but it's cured now. So, off I go! *strikes dramatic pose*

Oh, thanks for reading, by the way. Look forward to an update soon!

Until Next Time!
