"What do you mean the church denied us! He didn't have a problem with it a week ago! Everyone whined about it? That is your excuse? You know what, save it. Go to hell. No, that wasn't a pun. Burn in it!" Logan screamed into the phone.

He hit end and slammed it down onto the counter before sliding into the chair next to him and setting his head down. He brought his hands up and placed them on the back of his head. "Everything alright? I head yelling." Carlos asked as he walked into the kitchen. Logan sighed before bringing his head up and running his hands down his face.

"We can't have the wedding in the church." Logan said flatly. "What do you mean?" Carlos asked, looking confused. "Pastors secretary called, there was outrage at the church about us getting married, because we are two men. So he decided it would be best to not do it."

"What do you mean! My grandparents got married in that church!" Carlos screamed. Logan only shrugged before placing his head back down onto the counter. "Why can't we just go to Vegas and go through a drive thru or some shit."

"Because, that's trashy." Carlos said chuckling. "I know you're exhausted but we can do it." He said he walked over and placed a hand on Logan's shoulder. He leaned down and whispered "Want a stress reliever?"

Logan groaned and looked over. "No, to tired." He whined.

Carlos only smiled, grabbing Logan by the wrist and dragging him off to the bedroom. "Carlos, I'm serious. I'm tired." Carlos didn't let up though, dragging Logan into the bedroom and throwing him onto the bed. Logan only plopped onto the bed, not moving.

Carlos chuckled. "You're a big baby." He said as he got onto the bed and rolled Logan over onto his back.

He grabbed his fiance's arms, pulling him farther up onto the bed, before swinging his leg over him. He intertwined there legs and looked down at Logan. "Mine." Carlos said smiling. "This is rape." Logan said smiling.

"It's not rape if you enjoy it." He said sticking his tongue out. Logan laughed, no matter how much life had changed them and will continue to change them, when they are together, alone, they will always be themselves. No one to judge, no one to tell them that their love was wrong. Together was where they really belonged.

Carlos smiled at his fiance's laugh. he would never get over his cute it was, how adorable he looked when it happened. He could picture them in 50 years, still together, still loving each other's laughs, living happily... Despite all who denied that it would work.

No one knew this side of them, this part of there lives. This love, this friendship, this magnetic pull towards one another. Everyone had there doubts about them, except them. They knew what they felt, each other knew how the other felt. You could feel it, radiating off one another.

Carlos bent down and began sucking on Logan's neck. He gasp when Carlos bit him but that gasp turning into a moan. Carlos came off his neck a few seconds later, knowing Logan was tired, he got right to the important part.

Carlos let go of Logan's arms and pulled his shirt off, then Logan's shirt off. He trailed his hands up and down Logan's body before grabbing Logan's waist band and snapping it. Logan let out a yelp then looked up at Carlos, only to see him sticking his tongue out at him.

This was the Carlos he fell in love with. Not the mature adult everyone saw when he walked down the street. This was his boy, the one that he met at camp.

Carlos jumped off of him, getting up and taking the rest of his clothes off before getting up on top of Logan again and pulling the rest of Logan's clothes off. Carlos knew Logan wasn't a top, what so ever. But that didn't mean playing with his entrance didn't feel good.

Most couples would suck the other to get each other hard, but Carlos was always trying to be unconventional in his ways of pleasing Logan. Carlos lifted Logan's leg up over his head. Logan smiled, knowing what was coming. Carlos pressed the tip of his length to Logan's entrance, moving it up and down, smearing his pre-cum onto his fiance'. Carlos smiled when Logan moaned.

Entering Logan was something Carlos wouldn't do. When they both decided it was time to actually have sex, Logan bottomed but they stopped just as fast as it began. Even being stretched, it hurt to the point where Logan was screaming and starting to cry.

Carlos then moved his finger down and began to rub Logan. Logan moaned as Carlos' finger twirled around his hole. Carlos smiled as he watched his fiance' get hard. Logan whimpered when Carlos stopped. He moved his leg back down and Carlos climbed on top of him.

"Wait, you're not stretched." Logan blurted out. "Yes I am, did it earlier."

"Oh so you were planning on seducing me?" Logan said smiling. "You bet your sweet ass!" Carlos said slapping Logan's ass. Logan yelped and Carlos bent down to get the condom and lube.

Once ready, Carlos hovered above Logan. "What are you waiting for-" Logan moaned as Carlos lowered onto him.

Once completely down, Carlos scrunched up his face as he tried to get used to it. Logan stretched out his arm and grabbed Carlos' length, making him Cry out Logan's name. Logan smiled as he began to stroke him.

Carlos swatted Logan's hand away and began to bounce on top of Logan.

Logan moaned and grabbed the pillow beside him and covered his face, screaming Carlos' name into it. Carlos sat down on Logan and bent down, placing his hands up by Logan's head, wrapping his legs around Logan's he grabbed the sheets and began bouncing as fast as he could.

Carlos pulled the pillow off of Logan's face and looked down at him. "Touch me please." Logan nodded and grabbed Carlos, stroking him as fast as he could.

"Yes!" Carlos screamed. "Fuck! Yes!"

"Faster Carlos!" Logan screamed.

Carlos sped up, going as fast as he could. Logan's hands went to Carlos' back, digging into him. Carlos moaned as he felt Logan's finger nails driving into his back.

"Oh shit!" Logan screamed. "I'm gonna-"

"Me too!" Carlos yelled.

Logan screamed out Carlos' name as he came, his fingers scratching at Carlos' back as he did. Carlos came hard into Logan's hand, coerving Logan's stomach and chest.

Out of breath, Carlos sat up to try to catch it. He smiled lazily as he watched Logan try to catch his also. After a minute of rest, Carlos bent down, licking his seed off of Logan.

"Ew! Carlos!" Logan snapped.

"What? It's not bad." Carlos said licking his lips.

"Mine is one thing, but come on."



"Come on you." Carlos said poking his chest.

Logan chuckled, only to look down to see Carlos licking the rest off of him. "Ugh, Carlos, stop that."

Carlos finished his 'snack' then dropped down beside Logan. "Remember when we met?" Carlos questioned.

"Yeah, I caught you checking me out only minutes after we had met." Logan said looking over at Carlos, only to mind him looking at the ceiling. "You were good looking." Logan scrunched up his face. "Were? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Logan snapped. Carlos chuckled. "You know what I meant, no need to go all PMS on me."

Logan sighed. "I do miss the camp though..." Carlos finally looked over at Logan, only to find him now looking at the ceiling. "Yeah, me too."

After a few moments of silence, Carlos' face lit up. "Logan!" Carlos practically yelled making Logan jump. Carlos swung his leg over Logan, straddling him again, looking into his eyes. Logan broke there gaze, looking down to see Carlos' length flopped down on his chest. Logan chuckled, looking back up. "That feels good on my chest. So warm." Logan said taking his hand and smacking it around a little. Carlos chuckled. "Logan! Stop that!" Carlos said swatting his hand away.

"No! But listen!" Carlos wined. "Let's rent a cabin by a lake and have the wedding there! Oh I can just picture it now.. A campfire reception... The beach line lit up by tiki torches..." Carlos said trailing off.

Logan mad to admit, he loved the idea. Logan looking up only to find Carlos off in dream land. "Carlos?" No answer. Logan took his hand and began to play with Carlos' length again, Carlos squealed and came out from his dream. "LOGAN!" Logan just smiled.

"I love it." Logan said sitting himself up. Carlos squealed. It was gonna be a dream wedding. One they would never be able to forget.

The Wedding.

People were getting out of there cars, in hand, a hand made wedding invitation. The initials C&L in cursive written on the front. People lined the inside of the foyer, waiting for the doors to be opened. Outside the doors, stood ten rows of seats, one seat per person. A white carpet ran down the middle of the aisle. At the end, stood an arch, made of bamboo. The entire place giving off an ocean vibe. At the other end, stood a camera man, ready to capture the moment Carlos and Logan had been waiting for forever. White lilies lined the aisle. Just on the other side of the aisle, away from the area. Were twenty tables, each with a vase full of water flowers and floating candles in them. At the far end stood a table, with three caters smiling, ready to serve the hungry invitees there meal.

Carlos sighed, taking everything in again. Carlos smiled as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. "You ready?" Logan asked.

"It's bad luck to see each other before the wedding." Carlos whispered. "We've already been through hell and back, nothings gonna break us apart now." Logan said kissing the back of his neck. "Should we let them in?" Carlos asked.

Logan broke away from Carlos and walked towards the doors. Logan look over at Carlos, only to see him nod. Logan opened the doors and everyone went silent. "Welcome everyone." Logan said as he motioned them outside.

To be continued...