A/N: Thanks for all the reviews. This story is for narrowskies for her birthday :) I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter..etc

"He'll kill me, Myrtle," he sobbed uncontrollably. "I can't do it, I'm not a killer. I can't even fix the cabinet."

Moaning Myrtle tried to console him as well as a ghost could. "When you die, you can come live with me in my toilet," she said grinning.

Enough of this, he decided. Crying in Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom wasn't going to solve his problems. He'd just have to fix the Vanishing Cabinet and...k-kill...Dumbledore. There was no other choice. He forced himself to stop crying and went up the bathroom sink.

He splashed water on his face and glanced at the mirror. No, his eyes were still red from crying; he couldn't go out like this. He pulled out his wand, fixated it near his eyes and muttered a spell to conceal his irritated eyes. He forced an arrogant smirk on his face and made for the bathroom exit.


"Watch where you're going," he growled angrily at the person he just bumped into.

Silver eyes met a strange pair of glasses. He started to walk past her.

"Draco Malfoy," she said softly. "You've been crying."

He froze. His hand shot up to his eyes; he could feel no swelling, no irritation. What was she talking about?

"You're good at concealing charms," she continued, more to herself than him, "But they can't conceal the sadness in your eyes."

"Maybe I should wear hideous glasses like yours," he snapped at her.

"I have an extra pair," she replied handing one to him. "They let you see wrackspurts."

"Wrackspurts," he repeated; too fazed by her behavior to say something rude. She really was Loony Lovegood.

"They're little invisible creatures that can fly though your ear and make your brain go fuzzy," she explained. "Daddy's giving them away in this month's issue of the Quibbler."

"You don't honestly expect me to-" He was cutoff by her placing the strange glasses on his face and letting them rest gently on the bridge of his nose. Her fingers lingered for a moment. She took in his appearance.

"You can't see your beautiful silver eyes," she said frowning.

"Nor yours," he whispered; gently pulling the glasses off her face. She smiled.

His heart began to beat faster. He had never been this close to Luna. Her sharp eyes made him feel vulnerable; as though she knew why he was crying. Impossible, he dismissed the thought.

"I have to go now. My friends are calling," her eyes sparkled at the thought of her friends.

"I didn't hear them," he replied puzzled.

"We have our own ways of communicating. Like the Dark Mark on your forearm," she answered absentmindedly.

His face paled. How could she know? He closed his eyes.

"How?" Is all he could manage to say.

"You don't have to be one of them, Draco," she said airily. She got up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek before walking away to join her friends.

Her kiss burned on his cheek. "Luna Lovegood," he whispered, pressing his palm to his cheek. He tucked her glasses into his robes and walked back to his common room, smiling.

Please, please, please review with tips and suggestions to better portray Luna. Thanks!
