Note #1: I know I'm leaving a lot of unanswered questions in this story. Please don't shoot me: keep in mind that this is a series, and the next installments are on their way. And, yes, Hjordis, Piper is gonna have her baby in a future installment. But not yet: we wouldn't want Leo to be off the hook that quickly, would we?

Note #2: I had promised a sequel to "Whose Power Is It Anyway?", and I intend to live up to my word. Since I'm also working on a sequel to "The Demon's Advocate", I'll try to post them both simultaneously, because I love both stories the same.

Note #3: As usual, thanks for the reviews: you guys are the best! :-)

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The jurors take less than ten minutes to come back. The judge waits until they have taken their seats and motions for Cole and Sarsour to stand up; once they're both standing, he turns to the jurors and asks:

"Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?"

"Yes, Your Honor, we have," says the spokesman.

"On the Case of the demon Sarsour versus the trolls, what do you say?"

"We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty."

"Members of the jury, thanks for a job well done," says the judge. "This court is adjourned." Then, turning to Sarsour: "You're free to go."

Only when Cole releases his breath does he realize he had been holding it. He turns to Sarsour, who's talking very excitedly:

"Not guilty! Not guilty! I was found not guilty, did you hear that? I'm free to go, the judge said I'm free to go, and I..."

"Congratulations, Sarsour." -- Cole smiles as he holds out his hand. He knows by experience that if he doesn't stop Sarsour, his friend can go on gibbering indefinitely. "You're a free, uh... elf."

"Thanks to you," says Sarsour, shaking his hand enthusiastically, a wide smile spread all over his face. "Thank you, my friend. I knew you wouldn't fail me."

"Well, you certainly made things easier for me by being innocent," says Cole, smirking. Then he adds, in a more serious manner: "But please be careful from now on, okay?"

"I will," says Sarsour. "I will. What you said on your closing speech is true: I have a family that trusts me now, I can't disappoint them."

"I'm sure they won't be disappointed," says Cole, smiling. "And since you're not doing evil anymore and I don't have to worry about my in laws vanquishing you... don't be a stranger, okay?"

"Okay," says Sarsour. "I won't."

"So," says Cole, glancing at Tadrien, Delilia e Rolad, who are waiting patiently at the back of the room, "are you going straight to Lothlórien with your family now?"

"No," says Sarsour, "I need to stop by the Underworld to pack a few things. If you want to send a message to anyone...?" -- he leaves the sentence hanging, giving Cole an inquisitive look.

Cole hesitates briefly, then waves his head.

"No," he sighs. "I told you, I left this part of my life behind. Besides," he adds with a humorless smile, "I doubt the person we're talking about would be very willing to hear from me, considering..." -- he casts a glance towards his own family, standing a few steps away -- "... everything."

Sarsour opens his mouth to say something, but Cole points at the elves, saying:

"Your family is waiting to congratulate you: you'd better join them."

Sarsour gives him one last curious look before walking towards his family. Cole watches as they gather around Sarsour, talking happily and patting his back, until he feels Phoebe's hand on his arm.

"Congratulations, counsel," she says, smiling.

"Why, thank you, Mrs. Turner," he says as he leans down to kiss her, careful not to wake up Ben, who's sound asleep in his mother's arms.

"So," says Piper, as she and Paige join them, "how does it feel to have saved your first innocent?"

"Uh, good," says Cole, slightly puzzled, "but should I remind you that I have saved innocents before? Maybe not as many as you have, but still..."

"Right," she says, "but technically they were our innocents. Not that I don't appreciate your help, but this was the first time it was your very own innocent."

"Hum!" says Cole, with a surprised smile. "It was, wasn't it?"

"I think so," says Phoebe, smiling.

"Human!" -- they turn around to see the prosecutor pushing his way through the crowd. He finally stops before Cole and says, pointing at him:

"You tricked me."

Then, surprisingly, he smiles and holds out his hand.

"You're a damn good lawyer, human."

"Thank you," says Cole, smiling as his hand disappears inside the prosecutor's huge hand. "You're a fair opponent."

As the prosecutor turns around and leaves, Cole turns to his family again, only now realizing that someone is missing.

"Where is Leo?" he asks.

"He had to leave as soon as they announced the verdict," says Piper. "We can wait for him here, or Paige can orb us back."

"I for one vote for orbing back home with Paige," says Phoebe. "This little guy here is not getting any lighter," she explains, motioning her chin towards Ben.

"I'm sorry, baby," says Cole. "Here, let me carry him," he adds as he carefully takes the baby from her arms.

Ben half opens his eyes and whines, and Cole rocks him gently, talking softly to him:

"Shh, that's alright, buddy, it's just me, let's give mommy a break, okay?"

As the baby quiets down and drifts into sleep again, Leo orbs back.

"Is everything okay?" Piper asks.

"Yes," he says, smiling. "They had asked me to let them know as soon as the jury reached a verdict." -- Phoebe raises her eyebrows, and he shrugs -- "Don't ask me why; I was every bit as surprised as you are. Anyway," he adds, turning to Cole -- "they send their congratulations; I told them your defense was brilliant."

"Thanks," says Cole, shaking the hand that's being offered.

"So," says Piper, "are we ready to go home?"

"Absolutely," says Leo. "Not only ready, but in need for some more lemon ice cream."

He sighs and adds, putting his arm around her waist and placing his free hand on Cole's shoulder:

"When you finally have this baby, I'll be weighing in at about four hundred pounds..."

"Beware, I know where this is going," says Cole, winking at Piper, "soon he'll be whining about how he doesn't have anything pretty to wear."

"Another witty remark and he stays here with the trolls," Leo warns Phoebe.

"Behave," she says, slapping Cole's arm playfully; then she takes Paige's hand so that they can all orb back home.

The End
(Next installment: "So Mote It Be")