Author's Note: Is everyone enjoying the new series? Sorry I haven't updated in AGES...

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or any of the characters. If I did, I would make sure the shows aired in New Zealand... -_-


"I'll ask you again. Where is she?"

Soundwave struggled to get up, without saying anything. Megatron kicked him back to the floor.

"I asked you a question," he hissed. "And I expect an answer." Soundwave looked up at him, still remaining silent.

"Your silence could be taken two ways, Soundwave. Either you truly don't know where she is, or you do know, and are reluctant to tell me." Megatron started pacing up and down in front of him. Delta, Barricade, Knockout and Breakdown stood in the background, watching. They were afraid to venture too close to Megatron when he was in this kind of mood.

Still Soundwave said nothing.

Megatron nodded. "Maybe you do know something, maybe you don't. In any case, you shall have a chance to redeem yourself when it comes to battle with the Autobots."

Soundwave stood up gracefully, then took his position once again at the computer screen.

"I'm just so glad to have you back!" Ratchet whispered to her. Galaxy nodded.

"Wait 'til you see the information I've got!" she said excitedly, removing the chip from her arm. Ratchet had already changed her colours and faction symbol back, which made Galaxy feel even more at home. That, teamed with the welcome Ratchet had given her...

She was glad to be back.

Ratchet took the chip from her, and plugged it into their large computer.

Miko ran in excitedly, having just arrived from school.

"Ohmygosh how was it? Was it terrifying? Did they beat you up? Did you 'accidentally' foot-trip Megatron? Did you-"

"Miko, let her have a chance to settle in again!" Bulkhead cut her off. Miko gave him a sulky look, then snuck up to Galaxy.

"Tell me EVERYTHING later!" she whispered to her. Galaxy nodded, grinning.

On the screen, pages and pages of information were appearing. Ratchet scrolled through them until he landed on one marked: "ATTACKING SCHEME."

"That seemed almost too easy to find..." Arcee muttered sceptically. Galaxy shot her a look and sighed slightly.

"Well, easy or not, here it is. These appear to be the Decepticons' battle plans!" Ratchet replied.

Galaxy peered anxiously up at the screen, eager to see what she had managed to recover. Suddenly, every fuse wiring up to the data screen blew with a bang, and the screen went black.