So, this is after the Isla Yura incident in the Pandora Hearts MANGA, and in Order of the Phoenix. Leo has not been kidnapped by Vincent, but Vincent and the Nightray Duke is missing. I haven't watched the Pandora anime. OotP is the first and probably only Harry Potter book I'll read.

Pairings: Oz x Alice, though mainly hints. Never yaoi.

I'm messing with timelines and settings…

Disclaimer: Don't own.

Ah, The Alchohol~

It was July 2nd. One week since they've been in England.

Gilbert Nightray sighed and stared down at the cigarette in his hand, feeling extremely gloomy. He shouldn't be here! He should be next to Oz, especially now. He snuffed out the cigarette in anger. Oz never did cry, over Elliot's death…and Gilbert could only hope the stupid rabbit could cheer Oz up in his place.

He glanced at Break, sitting at his right. The mostly-blind man had just downed his 30th cup of "Blishen's Firewhisky" in this pub, apparently "The Leaky Cauldron". When he tried it, he had spit it right out. He remembered Oz telling him about how he had kissed a cat, and how he had sang about sleeping in a haystack last time he was drunk*. He was not going back there.

Break, on the other hand, had made a bet with Tom, the innkeeper and bartender. For every 15 cups of firewhisky he could drink without actually getting drunk, he would be paid 10 "galleons". On the other hand, if Break passed out before 30 cups, he'd have to pay 50 galleons.

Now, Gilbert had absolutely no idea what a galleon was, much like how he knew he was only here in the first place because of Duke Barma. He could remember it now.


They were at a Pandora meeting. Break was pretty much healed; Oz and Alice were visiting Reim. Sharon was sitting next to her grandmother, glancing at Break worriedly. Gilbert, like most of the others, was staring at Duke Rufus Barma, the current speaker, dumbly.

"I said," he repeated, in a mocking tone, "There's large evidence that one of the old sorcerers had moved one of the five sealing stones to Great Britain. There's been movement toward that direction from the Baskervilles, too, if the chain appearances are anything to go on."

He glanced toward Break. "Which is why I nominate 'Xerxes Break' to go investigate this. If he runs into Baskervilles, he could destroy them with the Hatter." He held up a hand to stop any protests. "And, of course, since he's not in his best condition, it would make sense if someone, like Raven, accompanied him. Lady Sharon should also keep in contact through Eques. There are only two sealing stones left; this could be important. I'm sure the rest of the Pandora members could keep the one here safe."

Rufus smirked at Break, "So, what'll it be Hatter?"

Break smirked back, "Very well then, idiot-hair! I'll take seaweed-brain!"

"WHAT? You can't do that! And, besides, Oz—" Gilbert did not want to go places with Break right now.

"The brat is 25! He'll be fine!" Break grinned that evil smile and took Gilbert by the collar, dragging him across the floor. "Plus, you'll get to see one of my secrets too!" Break was heading toward a wardrobe.

"No, NO! You can't do this to me! Sharon! Someone! Anyone!" But no, they were all smiling eerie-pleasant smiles, and waving happily. And with one last "NOOOOOOOOO!" of desperation, he blacked out.

Gilbert shuddered. He had no idea what happened with the traveling-in-the-wardrobe. He could only remember feeling utter fear and horror. His mind drifted to wondering about how Break managed to get them to England through a wardrobe, to how Break seemed to know exactly where to go once they got here (even though Duke Barma never said a word about it), to how a bag packed with all his necessities (extra clothes, bullets, etc.) ended up in his room.

(When he'd enquire about it later, he'd learn Sharon did that, and then he'd wonder about how many people had agreed to send him off with Break beforehand.)

He was brought out of his thoughts by cheering and whistling, and noted that people around the pub were now taking bets about when Break would pass out. Well, he was on his 45th cup. And firewhisky was strong stuff.

Gilbert also noticed a new man sitting on the right of Break. The man was around his 30s or so, but looked sickly. He was tall, with graying light-brown hair and tired lines on his face. He wore a shabby cloak (another odd thing Gilbert noticed about the pub's inhabitants—they all wore these awkward cloaks) and generally looked shabby, but nice! The stranger kept glancing between the cups and the bartender.

Gilbert glanced at the bartender too, and realized what was wrong with an 'Ah.' Apparently, 30 galleons was a lot.

"Break," He interrupted what would be Break's 46th cup. "You're pretty much robbing him. Isn't it enough? Because I think it's obvious you'll never pass out." The shouts of protests from the other customers went ignored.

Break semi-pouted at Raven, who divulged one of his secrets and ruined his fun, but then a marvelous idea came to his mind.

Break popped a sugar cube into his mouth and held the 46th cup of firewhisky out to Gilbert. "Then you drink it."

Gilbert stared at it. "What?"

Break smiled that smile of his. "You see, Emily had this i—"

"Don't blame things on your doll!"

"Fine. Then, we had this idea. Since the cup is already poured, it'd be a waste to just leave it. So, we thought 'Hmm! Maybe Raven should drink it!' If you don't, I will. And many others after it."

Gilbert glared, remembering exactly why he didn't want to go places with Break. This was the man who made him believe ridiculous things! Who bullied him for those ten long years, and still bullies him! (Oz is better.)

But he glanced once again at the pitiful looking Tom, and swiped the cup from Break's hand, downing it in one gulp. The burning sensation in his throat was horrible! He was already feeling dizzy. Gilbert wobbly slammed the cup down, turned toward Break, and felt his head hit the table.

Ah, poor Gil.

*I don't think that has ever actually happened. But imagine Oz telling Gil that nonsense for his reactions.

I realize this is short, and I know should be working on my other fanfiction…but thank you for reading!