There is nothing I can do except apologize for how long it has been since I updated this story. I can't believe people are still interested in it. Those of you that are still here. You should get an award. People kept asking for updates and this just kind of came to me. I'm sorry if things don't seem to match up, but it has been a long time. Thank you for sticking with this story. I would love to hear what you have to say. :)

March 20th, 2012

Finn and Rachel were sitting in the doctor's office. Finn had Beth on his lap. They had wanted her to share this special moment with them. They were finding out the sex of their baby. Finn was literally bouncing in his seat. He was so excited to find out if they were having a girl or a little boy. He would be happy with either, but he actually wanted a little girl just like her mother. He knew they could have a little boy when the time was right in the future.

Rachel looked over and smiled at her little world that was sitting there. She said, "Finn, calm down."

"I can't help it. I'm so happy and excited."

Rachel chuckled. She asked Beth, "Are you excited to find out if you are having a brother or sister?"

"I want sissy."

"Well, we will find out soon what you are having. You may have a little brother though. We are going to love him."

The doctor came in and said, "Hello Hudsons. It is so nice to see you again. I see we have someone else with us this month."

Finn said, "This is Beth. She wanted to come and find out if she is having a brother or a sister."

Beth stated, "I want sissy!"

The doctor chuckled and said, "Hang on a minute and I will tell you what you are going to have."

The doctor sat up everything. Then she spread the cold jell on Rachel's stomach. Then the picture came up on the screen. The doctor said, "Oh."

Rachel got nervous and asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes. It seems I missed something before. It looks as if you are having twins. They were playing hide and seek at your prior ultrasounds. And it seems that your little girl is going to have a little sister and a little brother."

Finn looked up at Rachel and then passed out cold. Beth sat on him and patted his cheeks and said, "Daddy wakey! Wakey daddy!"

Rachel couldn't believe it. Before twenty she was going to have three kids to take care of. She didn't know how they were going to do it.

Finn came to and sat up holding Beth to his chest as he looked at the sonogram picture. You could clearly see the two heads. He was going to be the father of three. Three kids were going to rely on him to take care and protect them. There went leaving Lima. They were going to need to stay in Lima for the help.

Rachel looked over at him and asked, "Are you okay?"

He put a smile on his face and said, "I'm fine. How are you?"


"You can say that again."

"Can we do it?"

Finn got up and walked over to Rachel with Beth on his hip. He told her, "We have already had so much thrown at us. There is no way this curve ball will change it. We have this. The two of us can handle anything. You are going to be the best mom in the world to all three of our kids. We get our little diva just like you." He smiled at the picture in his mind.

Rachel smiled. "We get the little clumsy boy just like you, too."

Beth made herself known when she exclaimed, "Momma hug!"

Rachel chuckled and took Beth in her arms. She gave her a big hug and said, "I love you so much, Bethy Boo. You are going to be the best big sister in the world. You are going to love having a little brother and little sister."

Beth patted Rachel's stomach and said, "Hi babies."

Finn and Rachel smiled at each other. Finn leaned over and kissed Beth's head. He said, "Good job, sweetie. They are going to be so lucky to have you for a big sister. I love you."

Beth looked up at him. "Wuv daddy."

Rachel asked, "What about mommy?"

"Wuv momma!"

The little family hadn't realized that the doctor had left and already returned with the sonogram pictures. The doctor handed Finn the pictures and said, "Things look great with all three of you. I want to see you next month. You know that if you have any questions or feel that something isn't right you can call me at any time. I will see you next month. Congratulations!"

Finn helped Rachel up off the table. He held Beth in his arms. It was going to be a big change for all of them. Not only were they going to have one new baby, but they were going to have two. That was two mouths to feed and two bottoms to keep in diapers. Not to mention the clothing and toys they would go through. But then there would also be two smiling babies. They would have two first words and so many more things that would make it all worth it. It wasn't going to be easy, but if anyone could handle something huge like this, Finn and Rachel could.

Now they just had to figure out how they were going to tell everyone. They just hoped they would be as ready to help as they were when they thought they were just having one baby.

Finn had buckled Beth into her car seat. Before getting in the car he wrapped his arms around Rachel and said, "We can handle this. Those babies are going to be so lucky to have us. We get our little Grace Noella and Jacoby Lucas. We are going to have the perfect little family and maybe in five or so years we can try for a little brother for Jacoby to keep things equal."

Rachel smiled and said, "You just know exactly what I need to hear. I love you so much, Finn Hudson."

"I love you more, Rachel Hudson." The two of them got in the car and they headed to Burt and Carole's house to tell them their news.