
She awoke abruptly, all sleep banished from her mind as she lay still, listening to the night. A sound had woken her, but she did not sense a threat, and though her body tensed as it prepared for an unknown fight, she did not get up. A high, quiet creak echoed outside, and she looked toward the wall: a massive outline was silhouetted against the pale paper door.

The panda.

The shape shifted slightly, making another creak. She relaxed against her bed, and closed her eyes. Po. This was definitely not the first time the panda had snuck out of the barracks for a late-night snack – and if there was any time for an unhappy binge, it was now.

But the panda didn't move. Very quietly the door to her room opened, and she heard the soft sound of Po's fur as it scraped against the door frame. Without a word the giant panda closed the door and lowered himself onto the floor beside her bed. She turned her head and looked down at him; he stared at the ceiling, jade eyes a conglomeration of fear, confusion, and worry. He looked trapped, deep inside his own mind, staring at whatever unhappy thoughts ran across his spirit, completely miserable. It was disconcerting to see someone so normally cheerful look so intensely depressed. Concerned, she turned and laid back again. Even from on the bed she could sense his intense body heat, yet the sound of him shivering made her look over again.

She softly slid down and sat at his side – and still he stared unceasingly at the ceiling, the only indication that he had noted her movement a further tensing in his muscles.

Then, without warning, he reached over and grabbed her into a tight bear hug, pulling her across his belly, holding her close without indication of releasing her. Slightly shocked, she tried to find a way to pull free without hurting him, but his arms pinned hers and he buried his face into the back of her neck, his breath warm on her fur. Held half across him, she was very uncomfortable, one leg crouched beneath her and the other twisted unfavorably. With difficulty, she moved a bit, but he gripped her tighter and held her closer when she pulled a paw loose. She twisted her neck to look into his face; lines of worry dug deep into his skin, and the reflections of muted moonlight though paper walls shivered slightly in his eyes. She pushed against him, softer this time.

"I'm not going anywhere," she murmured. When she moved against him more he loosened his grip around her arms and middle; instead of escaping she lay back down and pushed her head under his face, her chest across his and Po's arms still surrounding her. She rested one arm across his chest and used his shoulder as a pillow. He tucked his chin over her forehead and gently she nuzzled his neck, until he finally softened his hold on her, laying one arm to relax beneath her, hand resting on her waist, the other on her shoulder. Folded against him, she lay comfortably, until sleep came over her once more. But his eyes remained open for hours, until exhaustion finally claimed him, and he fell into a restless sleep.

A/N: I hope this flows a bit better than the previous version. I wanted to have Po and Tigress seeking each other's company after the events of Gongmen City, which, despite his achieving Inner Peace, I believe would haunt Po for a long time. I also changed the title from 'Possession' to 'Comfort'.