Blaine snuck upstairs to the bathroom- the quietest place in Rachel's house at the moment- to make the call, silently hoping his mom would be the one to pick up.

"Anderson residence."

Damn it.

Dad was significantly harder to persuade than Mom in situations like this.

"Hey Dad, it's me- is it okay if I sleepover at Kurt's house tonight?"

"I thought you were going to the movies?" Mr. Anderson looked at his watch. He'd assumed they were already at the theatre.

"We... are, Dad. We went to get food first- but turns out the one we hoped to see is on later and... I'd have to rush if I don't want to miss curfew." Blaine bit his lip, hoping that sounded extra mature.

"Huh." Unfortunately, Mr. Anderson was not impressed. "You should have checked the movie times before you left, young man."

Damn it.

"Yes sir. I- sorry about that Dad." Blaine apologized.

"You're supposed to make your plans so that you have plenty of time to be home," Mr. Anderson lectured halfheartedly. Blaine held his breath expectantly. Mr. Anderson sighed. "Is your homework done?"

This was promising.

"Yes sir, I finished it before I met up with Kurt at his house."

"And where exactly are you now?"

"Breadstix, we- just- finished dinner," Blaine lied.

"WOOO-HOOOO, this is aMAZing..." Sam's voice yelled out as he emerged from the basement and stumbled around looking for the bathroom. Blaine, panicked, covered his phone as best he could to block the noise.

"What's that?" Mr. Anderson asked, confused.

"I- uh..." Blaine opened the door and made a face at Sam, gesturing to shut up and pointing to the phone. "It's just a... there's some drunk guy in the parking lot here Dad."

Sam smirked.

"Well, stay away from him, Blaine. Is he getting into a car?" Mr. Anderson said, a little alarmed.

Blaine was thrown by the question of what the imaginary vagrant was up to. "I- yes sir... I mean, no, I-," he took a breath, trying to focus and not fuck this up. "Yes I'm staying away from him, no he's not driving- he's just walking around down the street being stupid." Sam covered his mouth to hold his laughter in- this Blaine kid really needed a lesson in lying to parents. He should offer classes. Blaine mouthed, "Shut up" in his direction and then turned away from him, leaning against the door. "So, is it okay if I sleepover after the movie?"

Mr. Anderson paused, deciding. "Well, if your homework's done and it's okay with Kurt's family I... guess it's okay."


"Oh yeah, Kurt already checked with his dad." Blaine sounded nonchalant but was internally leaping with excitement. In actuality, this was some of the best lying Blaine had ever pulled off in his life. It was a lot easier when he didn't have to look his dad in the eye.

"Fine then. But I don't want you staying up until all hours. And I want you back by early tomorrow afternoon because that sidewalk still hasn't been shoveled and if you want an allowance this week it better happen."

Blaine made a face. Why do we have to live in Ohio? Snow shoveling was basically the curse of his entire existence this time of year. But he replied with an obedient "Yes, Dad," so his father didn't know. Blaine strained to hear his mother's voice in the background. She was saying something to his dad but he couldn't make it out.

"Okay... I'll address it with him..." Mr. Anderson's muffled voice said, before putting on a sterner tone. "Your mother's saying the hamper in your room is overflowing, son. That true?"

Damn it, SO close. Laundry was his other least favorite chore.

"Oh, right. Sorry Dad. I m-meant to put in a load tonight-"

"Well, 'meant to' doesn't get it done, Blaine."

"...Yes sir."

Sam plopped on the couch, his head dizzy. It was clear from the part of the conversation he could hear that Blaine could be awhile. Parents.

"It's not your mother's responsibility to pick up after you. You're not a little boy and if you act like one..."

"Yes sir, it was- totally irresponsible sir." Blaine interrupted quickly, not wanting the lecture to escalate into an ultimatum that would ruin the whole evening."I shouldn't have forgotten, but Dad, I promise I'll do it, the first thing when I get home." Blaine squinted and held his breath, hoping this would be enough. It was not out of the question that his father could change his mind and make him come home right now. He did that sort of thing.

"Alright then. But if we continue to have issues with forgetting chores, then you and I are going to be having a serious discussion."

Blaine blanched. "Serious discussion" was Mr. Anderson's code for "a good spanking."

"Ye-es sir. Th-that won't be- necessary, Dad."

"I hope not. But if you can't remember your basic obligations around here we'll have to see if a firm hand jogs your memory."

Blaine shifted uncomfortably. His father had a way of making him feel very, very small- even over the phone.

"I... understand sir. I'm real sorry I forgot sir." Blaine spoke quietly.

"Alright then. Good. You may stay over at Kurt's house after the movie. I expect you will respect his family's rules."

"Yes sir."

"But I want you home by 1:00 tomorrow. All your chores done before dinner."

"Yes sir. Th-thanks Dad."

"Okay. Have fun." Mr. Anderson hung up, rolling his eyes at his wife. Blaine was a good kid, but he was pretty sick of constantly having to nag him about his chores. His brother had never been this bad about it. If Blaine didn't get his act together he was going to be very unhappy with the consequences.

Blaine, for his part, clicked his phone off and jumped for joy. "It's done!" he hollered with glee.

"What's done?" Sam laughed.

"I can sleepover Kurt's."

Sam raised an eyebrow, wondering if there was more going on between Blaine and Kurt then he'd thought.

Blaine was too giddy (and clueless) to notice. "My dad's a hardass about curfew, but now I don't have to worry about sobering up beforehand," he explained.

Sam grunted a laugh, but Blaine was already on his way back to the basement to see what treasures Puck had pulled out of the liquor cabinet. He had snuck a beer a couple times at Warbler parties, and once with his older brother, but the options tonight looked a lot more interesting...