Hey guys :) Here's the first chapter. I hope ya like it.

Chapter 1

A lot has happened in the past five years. But to be honest, since that December twenty-third all those years ago, nothings really changed. Everyone is still the same; we're just older.

Paul and I are married and we have been for the past two years – much to my father's dismay. We live in a small two bedroom house near Emily's and Kim's houses. Who, as I'm sure you guessed, are married to Sam and Jared respectively.

The whole back still lives in La Push except for Leah who left a few years back for college. And hasn't come back since. Most of the wolves have imprints; every one except Brady but he's still young. Pack wise, most things are still the same. Every wolf has his patrol schedule and thankfully Jacob has opened up a car garage so everyone is employed.

Sam and Emily have a little boy named Wyatt; he's adorable and two years old.

I don't go to the gym anymore making Dr. Cullen's research a slight waste of time. But I did for a couple years after with Kim. We mostly just fooled around;however, it was definitely fun.

Anyway, after we graduated, Kim and I both went to the university in Port Angelos. Commuting from our houses to the school obviously. I stayed with my parents and Kim moved in with Jared as soon as school started. Paul begged me to move in with him constantly but I always refused. Looking back, I kind of wished I hadn't. In school, she took business and now works at a bank in Forks while I studied Education – finishing in four years instead of five.

On the Christmas of my sophomore year, Paul proposed. Clearly, I said yes since we are married now... I moved in with him before school started back up again – again, much to my father's dismay – and that summer we got married.

It's been two years since our wedding; well, it will be tomorrow at least. It's June and in a few months, I'll be teaching math at Forks High School. It's safe to say I'm really excited. And nervous.

"Hey, Ev, I'm home," Paul calls, walking in the front door. His shirt and cutoffs are slathered in grease from working. He walks over to give me a kiss, smirking when I bat him away.

Gosh, is it pathetic that after five years I still get caught breathless at that smirk?

"What?" he asks innocently, feigning hurt.

Rolling my eyes, I turn back to the fridge to grab a drink. "Get a shower, then maybe you'll get something."

I hear him chuckle as he retreats for the bathroom. "It better be a nice something!"

"Maybe!" I call back, giggling. When I reach up into the cupboard to grab a glass, a small blue package falls onto the counter. I gulp, picking it up. Instantly I start fidgeting and can't make myself put it back on the shelf. I slide it open, just to see what I've already looked at a million times in the past two weeks.

Birth Control Pills.

Normally, a comforting thing. Protection. Not when a single pill sat alone. You see a few weeks ago, I noticed that I forgot to take a pill one day. Whatever, no big deal. Then I didn't start my period which began to worry me. I'd never been late, even when I forgot pills. And I still haven't started.

Since then, I've been too much of a chicken to confirm my suspicions. Too much of a chicken to even tell Paul that I suspected it's a possibility. So I stopped taking them in case I am. That's supposed to harm a baby right? And now make Paul wear condoms. He doesn't like them and complains about if I'm on the pill that he shouldn't need to wear them.

I always lie and say I like the feeling of them and he gives in. But he's not stupid and I know he'll catch on eventually. Especially if I am and start getting bigger.

Personally, I don't have a problem with being pregnant if I am. I want a baby, more than I ever have. But Paul, for some reason I cannot figure out, doesn't. He's great with Wyatt and he was great with Paige and Claire when they were babies. Yet he still comes up with a lame excuse every time I bring it up.

You're still in school. You just graduated. You're just going to start a new job. Let's be married for awhile before we have kids. We don't have the money. Our house it too small. You know it'll hurt a lot, right?

His reasons keep getting stupider over time and I know if I keep persisting he will give in. But at this rate, that won't be for another year or two. I might not have that time anymore.

Warm arms wrap around my shoulders, making me jump and scream. I slam the pills shut, resting my head back on his bare chest. Just boxers... Very subtle Paul. "You scared me."

"Sorry," he murmurs, kissing my hair softly. "You forget to take your pill or something?"

I shrug. "I, uh, guess so."

He spins me around and pecks me on the lips. "Did you do that just so I'd have to use those condoms you like so much?" The smirk on his face tells me he never believed that lie. Which makes me gulp.

I force a smile anyway. "Maybe. Now put some clothes on, we're supposed to go to Emily and Sam's."

He pouts instantly and I try to occupy myself by pouring my drink. "But I thought I was going to get a present."

I snort. "You will." I sip some juice from the cup. Instantly, it makes me feel sick. Great. "Tomorrow night."

He groans, stealing my drink from me.

"Hey!" I object but trying to get it from him is completely pointless. He's over a foot taller than me and he's purposefully holding it out of my reach. "You're a horrible imprint."

"You're the one that won't have sex with me," he teases.

I roll my eyes. "We had sex, like, last night."

"It was the night before actually," he states, smiling. Then he holds the glass to my lips, making me feel even more sick. "Now drink up if you want to go."

I do and then chase him away so he won't see the sick look on my face. When he comes back in a pair of cutoffs, we grab our shoes and walk out the door of the house. Their house is literally about half a block away. Paul takes my hand in his, swinging them back and forth as we stroll down the street.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" I ask casually.

Rolling his eyes, he laughs. "Sorry Evie, but asking more won't make me tell you. It's a secret."

"But I don't like secrets," I whine. "They're mean."

He pulls me closer, kissing my cheek. "Five years later and you're still immature," he jokes.

I shove him playfully and skip away. "And you're still an asshole," I call back. He chases after me and catches up quickly. When he reaches me, he pulls me into his arms and spins me around.

"What's that?" he asks, grinning and still spinning.

"It's... called character...ization. Now. Put. Me... Down," I gasp in between hysterical laughs. He does, and I tumble over instantly. Paul grabs me before I hit the ground. "You just proved my point."

We turn up Emily's driveway and Paul informs me, "Well, I had to. I can't have you finding out you aren't always right."

"That won't happen," I giggle. "I'm always right."

We walk in and are instantly greeted by a smiling two year old. Wyatt jumps straight at Paul who instantly slings him on his hip and starts teasing the toddler before walking into the kitchen. I smile at the picture, my hand subconsciously finding it's way to my stomach. Quickly, I drop it to my side and enter the kitchen.

No one seems to notice that there's something wrong. Even though there technically isn't; I guess I'm just acting weird. "Hey guys," I greet, taking a seat beside Paul who's still playing with Wyatt. The whole pack isn't here. Although I guess that isn't strange since most of them are either on patrol or working. Kim, Jared, Embry, his imprint Jillian and Brady are here, though. They return the greeting.

"Hey Paul, when's yours coming?" Sam asks, grinning as he gestures to Wyatt.

Paul scoffs, rolling his eyes. "It's not. Ever."

Instantly, I frown and avert my gaze to the floor. I feel Kim squeeze my leg gently under the table. I catch her shooting me a sympathetic smile out of the corner of my eye but I ignore it. I just want to go home and cry. How could he say that?

Not too long after that, Emily plucks Wyatt out of Paul's arms to feed him. I'm sure everyone notices me staring at the ground but no one says anything which I'm thankful for. "So what are you guys doing tomorrow?" Kim questions, eagerly trying to change the subject. Thank god for Kim.

I shrug, smiling again. "He won't tell me." Then I look pointedly at Jared, Embry, and Brady. "But you guys must know. Tell me!"

"Tell her, and you'll all be dead," Paul warns, draping his arms over my chair. Subconsciously, I lean closer to Paul. He pulls me tighter, a smile playing on his lips.

Baby hater, I think angrily although I smile up at him anyway. The only thing that really bothers me about him not wanting a kid – besides the fact that we might be having one – is that he loves kids. So I have no idea why he doesn't want one... "I don't mind. I can deal with you guys dead," I joke.

They laugh but their imprints glare at me. Kim smacks the back of my head; Paul's about to growl at her but he catches himself. I laugh it off and smile at Kim. "Oh, c'mon Kimmy, I know you'd want Paul dead sometimes."

She snorts. "You caught me."

We stay for dinner which is obviously amazing and for a little while afterward before we say good night and leave. Paul's off patrol tonight and since tomorrow's our anniversary and I don't want to ruin it, tonight's my closest chance to bring up the kid thing.

It's not that late when we get home so I suggest we watch a movie. If the talk ends in a fight, I want to be already in bed so no one walks away. I hate those kinds of fights – not that they happen that often and when they do, it's usually me storming away or Paul being too pissed to control himself and having to leave. He chooses the movie but he picks She's The Man. Someone is trying to suck up. He finds the movie funny but we have other movies he'd much rather watch than this one and it's one of my favourites so... I hope he doesn't know something's up.

"I think you just wanted to watch this 'cause Amanda Bynes is in it. You think she's hot," I tease, cuddling into his chest.

He chuckles, nuzzling my hair. "Nah, you're the only girl I think is hot." I roll my eyes, and he kisses me. "And sexy." He flips me around so I'm lying on the couch and he's over top of me and then deepens the kiss. "And adorable." He runs his hands along the sides of my waist making me giggle into the kiss.

Eventually his hands tug at the bottom of my top and I sigh. One thing I don't think will ever change about Paul, is how horny he is. It used to make me uncomfortable, then when we started doing things, it was funny how much he'd want me randomly and then when we moved in together, it was just plain tiring.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's amazing but it's a lot of work and he never wants to stop. Ever.

"Why don't we go upstairs?" he whispers in my ear.

I shake my head, pulling back from the kiss. "Why don't we finish the movie?"

He pouts, sitting up and pulling me onto his lap. "But upstairs will be more fun."

I sigh again, resting my head on his chest. "Not tonight."

"Yeah, fine." He's not happy about it but he doesn't seem to hold any grudges for the rest of the night. Cuddling me and kissing me randomly throughout the movie. I giggle and kiss him back sometimes. When it's finally time to go to bed, I'm more nervous than thankful.


He looks up from slipping off his shorts. "Yeah, babe?"

"Do... do you ever think about us having kids?" I ask nervously, almost hopefully.

He resists the urge to roll his eyes, and continues taking off his pants and then slipping into bed. "Didn't you hear me at Sam's?"

I undress and slip one of his old t-shirts on. It falls almost to my knees... Then climb under the covers next to him. "Yeah," I answer hesitantly, not liking how this is going, "but I thought maybe you were just joking. Or saying that because the guys were there."

"Well, you were wrong," he responds bluntly, making me flinch. "I don't want kids, Everlie."

I feel tears pricking at the back of my eyes. "You mean right now, right?" I whisper. I can handle that. But never? Something must be wrong...

"Don't start Everlie," he hisses in frustration. "Not tonight."

"Why?" I yell angrily.

He doesn't answer; he just stares at me without emotion. Like he wants to tell me something but just won't.

I glare at him, snapping the lamp off. It almost crashes to the floor but ends up staying on the bedside table. "Good night Paul," I seethe. Despite it being childish, I scoot over to the edge of the bed furthest from him.

I hear him sigh in that stupid way he does it when he thinks I'm the one being unreasonable. Maybe I am but I need to be. I need him to want to have a baby. Really soon.

I begin to cry, then sob and I just can't control myself. "Evie," he whispers, pulling me into him. "Don't cry baby."

I don't bother pushing him away because even though he's the one who's making me upset, I still feel the need for him to comfort me. Ever since he imprinted on me, no one else's comforting really works. Not like Paul's does.

"I'm sorry," I swear I hear him whisper later that night after my sobbing subsides. When I look back at him though, he looks to be asleep. Maybe I'm just hearing what I want to hear.