A/N: sorry for the sudden ending, but I was running out of steam and I knew that if I didn't end this soon I'd never finish it due to a major block, so it had to end. If you want to write an alternate sequence of alternate ending, feel free to e-mail me. I'd post that instead of this garbage. Let me know, I wouldn't mind!

Father noticed it missing. The letter. He'd been complaining about it and wondering what to do. He had to send it. But I wasn't worried. He would be dead soon. It would all be over.

I didn't have a plan. All I knew was that when he went to bed tonight he wouldn't wake up. And I would use a gun. His gun.

That night I went into their room at 12:30 at night. I looked around a bit for the weapon since it was dark, then finally found it. I gently picked it out of the belt and cocked it.

I looked at the two sleeping figures lying on the bed and determined who was who. One of these I loved, and one I hated. I took aim at the Nazi.

I fired.

My mother woke in an instant. Her eyes snapped open and shined from the moonlight coming in from the window. "Will?" she demanded, her voice shrill. But it was a question. She couldn't quite make out my face in the light.

"I'm sorry, mama."

She knew what I'd done. It was so obvious now. There was a loud gunshot and her husband didn't wake up. Now she knew everything. "Will!" She lunged out of bed at me. For the first time, I was terrified of her. I'd been a little scared of her before, but now I was shaking. I ran out the door and onto the street. Once I was outside, she stopped following me.

I ran and ran. I didn't even know where I was going at first. I just ran.

I stopped when I was out of breath and looked up. I was at Clara's house. My feet had taken me to the only place I could go. The only place I should go.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked harder and waited, then it opened.

"Will?" her father asked. "Is that you? What are you doing?"

"I must speak with Clara," I said. "I know it's late, but please, Heir Schrechler, you must. It's very urgent."

"Come in, come in," he said, opening the door. I stepped inside and shut it.

"I'll get her," he said. He rushed up the stairs.

In 2 minutes, Clara came down. "Oh, gosh," she said. "What happened?"

"I killed him," I said. "I shot him. In the head. Mother is mad. I think she will report me. I need help." My sentences were short and choppy. I was still scared and nervous.

She paused. "What kind of help?"

"I'm running away," I blurted. I was as shocked at my words as much as she was. Running away? Forever? Leaving my mother and step sister? And Clara? What about the Café Bismark, my second home?

"B… but you can't," she said. "I could never live without you. Never!"

"I must," I replied. "Do you have any money I could borrow? I'll pay you back… every penny. I'll send it to you…"
She hesitated, then ran into the kitchen. She came back with some money. "Here," she said. "It's my family's… for emergencies."

I took it from her. "Thank you. I'm going to America to live with my aunt. I will send you the money that I owe you once I get there." I turned to leave but stopped when she called me.

"Will, stop."

I turned to face her. "What?"

"I love you," she said, her eyes wet. "I can't loose you. Don't go."

"She lives in Wyoming," I said. "If you ever can get to America…"
"Will! I said I love you!"

"I know. I love you, too, Clara. Maybe some day we'll meet again."

Leaving that house was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

THE END!!!!!

A/N: please remember that if you hate this ending as much as I do and would like a different one written by yourself, email me. Please. Cuz I personally hate this ending how it's so rushed. Sorry about that.