"Louis? What are you doing in here?" Niall questioned his eyes widening. They began to sparkle as a wet substance formed.

"I need to talk to you. We can't keep having Liam figure out our shit for us," Louis said chuckling at how pathetic he himself was. He shook his head, and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Louis… I'm not… I don't even know what to say," Niall said quietly sitting up all the way.

"Then let me talk, I know what I want to say. Niall, what I did when you came home was horrible, being completely and totally intamate with you, and then doing the same thing with Eleanor right infront of you. And not only did I do that, I had forgotten her and led you on like Eleanor and I were no longer together.

But when I had forgotten about her, it was all about you, when you're around, you turn my world into nothing but you, it revolves around you totally and completely. And I completely understand if you don't ever forgive me for what I have done. Esspecially after you had left a relationship just like that," Louis said softly, gently taking Niall's hands in his own as he sat down on Niall's bed.

"Niall, I thought I was in love with Eleanor, but really I was only in love with the idea of her, of someone like her, with her friendship and what that meant to me. Niall I've fallen completely and totally in love with you, and no one else.

I want you to know why you keep running away from my, my advances, from us. I need you Niall, more than anything. Being around you is starting to not be enough," Louis' voice had gone down to a whisper, now biting his lip as he stared down at their hands.

Niall stared at Louis' down cast eyes with wonder and worry. His thoughts were running a mile a minute, trying to compose something to say to Louis. Niall's terquoise eyes watered even more at Louis' speech. He couldn't have said it any better, not only was it the best apology he had ever received, but Niall couldn't have expressed his love for the other in a better way.

"Louis," Niall began, he was going to try his best to give his own little speech, wanting to answer Louis to the best of his ability. Even though his body had completely woken up, his brain had not yet caught up.

"Louis, please look at me… I can't talk to you if you don't look at me," Niall said hoarsely, his body shaking nervously. Louis let out a huff and slowly looked up into Niall's watery blue eyes.

"Louis… I'm not running. I… I mean I am… But… I'm running because I'm… I'm scared Lou," Niall whispered looking at him, his eyes wide, "I'm scared that our relationship will turn into what me and Sean had. I'm scared that our relationship will hurt the band, that it'll cause a rift between us and them. I'm scared that our management will be against it, scared that our parents will hate both of us for… I'm scared that us being together will make us lose fans, and that we will ruin the other boy's careers because we came out and our fans didn't support us enough anymore, so we'll have to stop being a band," Niall said quickly, almost hyperventilating as he spoke. He had looked away from Louis by the end, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall.

"I'm scared because these feelings I have for you are so strong. They are strange and new. I don't know what to do with them. I don't know what to do with you.

I'm so in love with you Louis that it hurts. It hurts when I can't be as close to you as you are to Harry. It hurts that I can't be as close to you as you are with Eleanor. It hurts when I can't be with you in any form. Lou… It's going to take me a while to get over you and Eleanor. That was the worst pain that I've ever felt, I felt my heart breaking because you had lied to me. It reminded me that you couldn't be mine, could never be mine. That you will never fully belong to me," Niall choacked out, a quiet sob slipping through the hardened façade he had built.

"Fucking shit… I really shouldn't be crying right now," Niall muttered, pulling a hand away to wipe his eyes.

Louis chuckled, reaching a hand up to Niall's face, wipping away the tears he had caused. He gently lifted Niall's face, kissing the tears, kissing the younger boy's cheeks softly.

"Niall, it's quite alright, you are allowed to cry. You're entitled to a good cry, especially with everything you've been put through, that you do not deserve to be put through," Louis whispered, pulling Niall's face all the way up to make him look into his eyes.

"Niall, I'm so glad that you love me back, I don't think I could have handled another rejection today," Louis said quietly. Niall barked out a laugh that was also a sob.

"You're such an optimist, I said everything that was so, so scary, and you're focusing on the fact that I love you. You truly are an idiot," Niall laughed quietly.

"No, I just don't care. We love each other so none of those things matter as long as we can be together, and with the things that do matter, I'll help you through it," Louis whispered, kissing Niall's cheek gently.

Niall nodded, and moved his head slightly, so that his lips brushed Louis'. A spark of electricity shooting between them. "Lou, we should go to sleep, we have to leave in a few hours," Niall whispered against Louis' lips.

"Mmhmm, lets get you out of those clothes and into some pants, and I'll barrow yours if you don't mind," Louis whispered. Niall nodded, both of them changed and slipped into Niall's bed, and slowly began to kiss each other.

"We can't go further than this tonight Lou, I… still haven't," Niall whispered.

"I know, you don't trust me yet, and that's fine, as long as I can be this close to you, I'll be alright," Louis whispered kissing Niall's forehead.
Niall smiled up at him thankfully and buried his head in the older man's chest. Louis kissed the top of Niall's head softly, whispering that he loved him over and over again, until Louis fell asleep, his nose pressed into Niall's blond locks.

Niall jumped when his alarm went off, unable to move he looked up at what was trapping him. He saw Louis, and smiled softly, rembering all that had occurred the previous night. Niall dipped his head back down and began to lightly pepper kisses along Louis' collar bone and neck waiting for him to wake up.

Louis moaned quietly, squeezing the being that was being affectionate towards him. He looked down groggily seeing that the one adoring him with light kisses was none other than Niall Horan. He moved slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of the boy's head again. Slowly he saw terquoise eyes meet his own bright blues.

"Hey," Louis whispered hoarsely.

"Hey," Niall whispered back.

Their lips met into a gentle kiss, not wanting to break each other, both of them being in a fragile state at the moment.

"How are you?" Niall asked quietly, moving a hand up to Louis' cheek, his fingers lightly touching the bags that were usually under Louis' eyes.

"I'm great," Louis whispered, a tired smile on his face.

"Really? I thought that after Eleanor breaking up with you, and you being totally shit faced would effect your morning," Niall whispered, smiling up at him brightly.

"I don't really have a hang over, that was more last night when I was talking to you, and of course, I'm getting over Eleanor a bit easier with you here," Louis whispered, his hand brushing back Niall's fringe to kiss his forehead.

"Well, I'm glad I could be here to help you out with that," Niall murmured, glancing down.

"Niall, you know that's not what I meant. It's of course going to be easier to get over her because I love you more than her, and I need you in my life more than I need her," Louis whispered, kissing Niall's cheeks and nose.

Niall nodded and slowly looked up at Louis, his smile returning full force. "Louis," Niall said happily.

"Yes Nialler?" Louis replied, smiling just as brightly.

"I love you," Niall whispered.

"I love you so much more," Louis whispered, kissing Niall's lips. Suddenly a thought occurring to him. "Are we going to tell the boys? Or are we going to keep this to our selves for now?" Louis asked quickly.

"Of course we're going to tell them. I couldn't hide us well, and they'd probably be annoyed if we didn't show off that we were together. They'd get mad at us if we just acted like we were friends again," Niall said chuckling, "And I'm not good at being sneaky, that's why all my pranks against you never work."

Louis chuckled and slowly began to kiss Niall, his hands reaching down, to pull Niall on top of him, wrapping his arms around Niall's waist. Niall sighed softly against Louis' lips unable to control himself any longer. His own hands went to Louis' face pulling him closer, and his legs were on either side of Louis' hips.

The boys kissed each other in ways they hadn't kissed each other since their very first time together. Louis and Niall pulled away at the same time trying to catch their breath and calm down before they accidentally went further. They really couldn't resist each other much longer after continuously staring into each other's eyes, their breathing both ragged against each other's faces.

They leaned into each other about to deepen the kiss when the door was slammed shut downstairs.

"Niall! Louis! We have to get going, unless you don't want to ride in the private jet we're taking!" Liam shouted from down stairs. Niall and Louis exchanged a cheeky smile, Niall jumping off of Louis and ran out of his room, staring down at Liam.

"We're taking a private jet?" Niall asked excitedly, bouncing up and down.

Louis came of the room much slower, but seeing Niall getting excited got him excited.

"Of course! And it won't be as bad as that tiny plane we took to that tiny town. It's a normal sized private jet! It has couches and tables and a normal bathroom and everything!" Liam said his eyes bright with excitement as well.

This got Louis bouncing up and down with Niall, both of them skreaching at each other about how excited they were. This conversation continued into Niall's room as they changed into some plane clothes and out the door of Niall's flat. Liam chuckling at their obvious excitement.

Louis and Niall were laying with each other on one of the large couches that was in the jet. Louis had one arm drapped across the top of Niall's hip, his other hand intertwined with Niall's, their heads resting on a pillow Niall had brought along. They were staring at each other adoringly, sharing a couple pecks every once in a while.

Harry was asleep in a large chair, across from him their two body guards as well. Zayn and Liam were on the couch across from him and Niall, the two boys laying with each other. Liam was laying his head on Zayn's lap, completely past out, while Zayn scrolled through his tweets, a completely out of character for him to not be sleeping either.

Louis looked back down at Niall trying to put his focus on him, after he'd gotten distracted with studying Zayn and Liam, but Niall had fallen asleep. It wasn't odd for Niall to be asleep, he and Zayn were usually the ones always sleeping anyway.

"It's about time," Zayn grumbled, not looking up from his phone, which he now had resting on Liam's head, "Your lads little dance was getting old."

"I would have o say the same thing about you and Liam, if I didn't know any better," Louis said quietly.

Zayn continued to not look, his eyes flickering to Liam, frowning slightly, a small blush covering his cheeks. He wondered how Louis was able to clue into him and Liam's little relationship when he had been so engulfed in his own little drama with Niall.

"And you do know better because we both have girlfriends. Liam has Danielle, and I have Stephani, whom I like very much," Zayn said looking up at Louis, a serious look planted on his face. His face fell into one of jealousy when he saw Louis staring down at Niall like a love sick teenage girl.

"Mmhmm," Louis could have contradicted Zayn a bit better, shown him all the evidence, but he found it in everyone's interest if they figured it out themselves. It always worked out better when people didn't interfere. Louis knew that for a fact.

He brushed Niall's hair back again, before pecking his forehead, and falling asleep as well, leaving Zayn awake all by himself.


Thank you so much for reading this story. It was a crazy journey! Please read the sequel, A Dangerous Dance, it goes deeper into Liam and Zayn's relationship.