You were washing mugs at your tavern when a man in a red cape came in, a pirate and the most notorious of them all.

It was Arthur Kirkland, Captain of the Tempest. He strode up to you and with a cocky smirk he said, "Hullo poppet, I need three bottles of rum and a good wench.

You laughed at him, and gave him his rum, "Sorry love, I'm all there is left right now."

"That's fine, you'll do." He then grabbed your wrist and pulled you out from behind your bar as you snapped, "Captain Kirkland! I have business to attend to!"

"So do I, this bloody business has been waiting for six months!"

"Remember what happened last time!" You snarled at him angrily.


"Ugh! You insufferable fool! You fancy me one year, then you chase after one of my employees the next, I'm your tender, not the tavern wench you think of me as!"

"Damn it _! Just follow me you bloody twit!" He snapped and pulled you along with him to his room that he usually stayed in.

He shucked of his clothes and then stripped you of your own and then he whispered as he pressed you firmly into the bed, "I'm going to fuck you up so hard this time you'll know better than to dismiss me again!"

You cowered a little in fear of him and you let him take you as he pleased, moaning to his firm, rough touch that heated you like none other before. "A-ARTHUR!" You screamed as he hit your Eden dead on, no one could touch you like he could.

An hour or so later, he whispered, " little dove, look at me."

You did so and he gave a soft smile, "I don't want you to wait on me here anymore, give up the tavern and come away with me. I love you poppet." He then proffered a beautiful diamond ring, "What do you say love? Wanna get hitched? I've been asking your girls when a good time to ask would be, that's all."

You blushed and hugged him tightly, "I love you Arthur! Yes I want to marry you!"

He grinned, "I love you too _."