Sorry for the delay! I had the flu and it was pretty bad. So here is chapter 4, it's not as long as I wanted it so I will update again probably Thursday with the rest. Thank you for being so patient! Follow me on tumblr if you want to know when I'm updating next.

Something was calling to Hermione as she walked the corridors of Hogwarts. The air around the young Gryffindor felt heavy and dreadful. She knew something was coming for her and she needed to keep walking.

The walls became colder and the lights dimmer the further she walked. Finally it hit her where she was heading, the Slytherin common room. The snake pit was the furthest place a young Gryffindor should be at this time of night.

The hallway seemed to grow longer and the ceilings much higher. Hermione suddenly felt woozy and needed to press her face against the cold wall for comfort.

A flash of Malfoy Manor ran through her head causing her eyesight to blur.

Wait.. this is all wrong. She thought to herself as she slid against the wall, towards the entrance of the Slytherin common room. Somehow she knew she was on the right path, this is where she was supposed to go.

Pressing her hand against the wall once more she felt the temperature change immediately. This part of the stone was hotter to the touch, signaling something warm behind it. Another flash hit Hermione hard, making her wince in pain. The image was of a green stone with a snake wrapped around it, Hermione immediately recognized the stone and whispered "Emerald."

The wall started to rearrange itself, allowing the Gryffindor inside.

There were several Slytherin students she had recognized immediately, including Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini. Next to them sat Draco Malfoy himself, staring out one of the large glass windows.

The room started to spin once more, but it seemed Hermione was the only person affected by this, everyone else went about their business as usual. The room shifted once more to the Malfoy Manor's library before returning to the Slytherin common room.

"Stupid little Mudblood" Hermione gasped hearing such words once more. After the war no one dared repeated certain words, and Mudblood was among those. It was disrespectful to those who had given their lives for the light.

"What did she do now Draco?" inquired Blaise with a bored tone. Hermione remembered Blaise being a neutral party when it came to the war, his mother choosing to relocate to Italy and leaving him behind at Hogwarts.

"Potty and Weasel called her the brightest witch of our age today. She just sat there and smiled, didn't even try to deny it. My father will end me if a mudblood scores higher than me in our lessons. I'm a Malfoy for Salazars sake. Mudblood filth will not outsmart me." The sneer gracing his face was disgusting and Hermione was reminded why she loathed the boy. "Besides, father is constantly asking about her and it's starting to unnerve me, his fascination with the bushy haired creature."

"Don't you think you're being a little petty Draco? She is pretty hot for a muggleborn you know. I wouldn't throw her out of my bed if you get what I'm saying." Theo smirked. It wasn't as attractive as Malfoy's signature smirk, but it was close enough.

Hermione stood to the side, viewing their conversation.

Why has no one noticed me yet? She thought, frantically looking around.

"You are to not touch the Mudblood." Draco snarled, much to the amusement of Zabini. "Father says she plays a vital importance, something about a prophecy only affecting the Malfoy family blood line. As if trash like that would ever play a role in my family's history!"

Hermione stared wide eyed at the group of boys.

A part of the Malfoy family prophecy? No. Definitely not. She refused to be tied to that family for any reason. Then again, it would explain why Draco left her the Manor. Maybe it had something to do with the prophecy?

A cold chill ran down her back, making her freeze and shiver. Exhaling, she realized she could see her breath. This wouldn't be unusual except she was standing in the middle of a warm common room. Something was wrong.

She felt the tingle run through her fingers and up her palm, almost as if cold fingers were running along her skin.

Sensing that she was being watched, she looked up only to be met with the grey eyes of a knowing Slytherin Prince.

Gasping she sat straight up in bed.

She was back at Malfoy Manor, it was just a dream.

Trying to catch her breath she looked around the darkened room. Everything was exactly how she left it, and in the darkness the room felt even more eerie.

The chill of the manor caused Hermione to wrap the blankets tighter around herself. Her skin still tingled where the phantom touch lingered on her palm.

A loud BAM caused her to jump and let out a small scream.
Her large ornate door hadn't been latched, and was now blowing open and slamming against its frame.

Bloody hell. She thought, pushing her warm covers off her body. She needed to close the door or she would get no sleep tonight.

The floors were like ice against her feet. Never had she wished more for those hideous slippers Mrs. Weasley made for her last Christmas.

Softly walking across the room to the large door, Hermione let a sigh of relief out as she tightly shut the door. Thank Merlin! She could finally sleep!

As soon as she turned around, she gasped and fell against the large door.

Her bed was made.

The covers were tightly wrapped around the mattress and the pillows arranged accordingly. It looked as though no one had touched it, let alone slept in it.

Hermione started to shake as she made her way back towards the bed. Mitzy had to of made the bed, there was no other logical explanation.

She reached her shaking hand out towards the bed, her fingers extending to the covers.

It's just a bed Hermione. You've slept there half the night, it's fine. She shook harder as her fingers were nearing the fabric.

The sudden roar of the fireplace lit the room in an orange glow, causing Hermione to scream out in surprise and fear.

Grabbing her robe from the chair she made a dash out her door, only to hear it slam shut behind her. The beautiful glass sitting room passed by in a blur as she ran through it, only to hear the door slam firmly shut as well.

Her frantic eyes took in the hallway as she backed away from the doors. Everything was dark besides a room lit by a soft glow at the end.

One by one the doors slammed shut, causing Hermione to back away and run towards the lit up room. She could feel the cold of the darkness coming towards her, causing her to break out in a cold sweat.

Barely reaching the room before the door slammed shut, Hermione fell to the floor panting. The white floating candles lit the room and kept it at a warmer temperature. It was bathed in a soft warm light, making her feel at home and safe. Compared to the other rooms at the manor, this room was the least threatening.

It only contained a few pieces of furniture, and all of the walls were covered in a green velvet material but it was nice all the same.

The large oak desk in the center of the room had a mess of papers on it, and the large fainting couch facing it was covered in old books.

Hermione made her way to the couch first, inspecting the books. She had a feeling she would be here all night, why not make the most of it?

They were old, and leather bound. The printing on the front had lost its color, but Hermione found it beautiful anyways. The older the book, the more enthralling she discovered.

These books were clearly older than most of the books she had discovered at Hogwarts, even in the restricted section.

Skimming the titles she was a little disconcerted at what she found. The titles were about spiritual activity and dark curses.

Hermione removed most of the books from the couch and set them on the floor. Laying down she became comfortable and opened the book entitled Haunted Houses of the Wizarding World.


The sudden creaking sound alerted Hermione to someone else being in the room. Sometime during the night she had slipped into a quiet slumber. The book was pressed against her chest, having only read a few chapters of it the night before.

Soft footsteps brought Hermione back to the present. She brought her legs up to her chest, preparing to kick the shit out of the intruder if need be. Her hand slowly moved towards her wand, still in her robe pocket.

As she brought the wand forward, Mitzy rounded the corner of the couch and shrieked in surprise. The poor elf dropped Hermione's breakfast to the floor and coward immediately.

"Mitzy is sorry Missus! Please don't kill Mitzy!" She cried, covering her head in fear.

Hermione let out a shaky breath, immediately pocketing the wand once more.
"I'm so sorry Mitzy, let me help you clean this up. I'm a little jumpy this morning." She explained, as she kneeled on the floor and picked up the fragments of glass and food.

Mitzy blinked and immediately kneeled to help Hermione pick up the rest of the debris. Once it was collected Mitzy snapped her fingers to make it disappear.

Hermione smiled and sat up onto the couch once more, stretching her arms out and relaxing. She looked up at the small elf, realizing it was looking off to the side and not at her.

"Is there something you needed Mitzy?" She asked kindly. She didn't want to upset the small elf once more.

"Missus should not be reading these! She will end up like the master.." she whimpered as she started to collect the books from Hermione.
"Stop Mitzy! Drop the books now." Hermione demanded. There was something horrible in the house and she would be damned if Mitzy ruined any chance she had at finding out what that thing was. She couldn't go back to her room obviously, and she needed some sleep. The only way she could get it, was if the spirit was expelled from the vicinity.

Mitzy just stared her in shock; she had to do what the lady of the manor requested, no matter what.

"Please Missus, Mitzy can't lose you too!" she cried, clinging to Hermione's leg. Hermione had seen Dobby do this once before to Harry and tried to remember how to handle the situation. You couldn't just remove the elf and demand it to stop. The elves were very protective of their families they serve and will do anything to protect them, even defying them if need be. She needed Mitzy to understand why these were important.

"Mitzy..I need these. There is something in this house that is terrorizing me. If I can't remove it, I will leave for my own safety. If I can't read these, you will lose me anyways. Please let me help." She pleaded. She didn't want the poor elf to live in fear any longer. Whatever this was that inhabited the house, not only terrorized Hermione, but the small elf as well.

Mitzy nodded her consent and dropped the books with a thud.

As Mitzy turned to head out of the room Hermione stopped her "Mitzy..were you in my room last night at all?"

The elf smiled and shook her head 'no' "Mitzy spent the night cleaning the kitchen and resting Missus."

"Alright..thank you"

The small elf didn't make her bed.

So what did?