Uh... hi, greetings to you all if you still remember me!

I wasn't sure if I were going to continue but since I got asked when I would update and saw people reviewing it would be pretty mean of me to just dismiss it all.

Just something you might want to know if you want to continue reading though, this is a non-romantic fanfiction, I just forgot to choose a genre for it when I submitted the story.

It's supposed to be family/friendship stuff.

Oh and about Anti-Wanda : She's probably in Anti-Cosmo's castle right about now, she will appear later in the story so don't worry.

Hope no one's mad at me and enjoys the chapter!

It's pretty short and I apologize for that.

And thank you for giving me that extra push to continue.

"Cosmo,are you awake? Cosmo?"

The said person groaned and shifted as he was on the verge of waking up.

"It was Santa,he did it!" he yelled,half-asleep.

Wanda sighed and with a flick of her wand,she made an alarm clock appear next to her husband's ears.

The loud sound coming from it woke him up in a second.

he rose up instantly and with wide eyes he tried to get a hold of the were inside Timmy's fishbowl as they usually are when they wake was still sleeping.

"Wanda? What time is it? where's the angry mob?"

The pink-haired fairy looked a bit concerned.

"I'm sorry for waking you so early honey,but I thought I heard Timmy yelling downstairs!"

"oh come ooon Wanda!Timmy's a big boy,he can take care of himself!" Cosmo tried to assure her with a laidback smile.. it didn't quite work.

before they could continue their discussion the door to Timmy's room was kicked open by none other than the boy himself,obviously angry.

but they could see he wasn't alone.

following Timmy was Anti-Cosmo,scanning the room.

Both Wanda and Cosmo yelled,surprised and frightened by the darker presence.

"Timmy! why is anti-me here!?"

Cosmo asked,returning to his original form,getting out of the fishbowl and rushing up to Timmy.

Timmy was just about to answer his godfather but Anti-Cosmo beat him to it, quite eager to tell them the terrifying news.

he did like to see the fairies frustrated after all.

"Timothy's parents left him in my care, I'll be the one looking after him from now on, until his parents return."

and if everything goes according to his plan, not even then will they get Timmy back.

- a couple of minutes before Timmy had kicked down his own door -

"mom,you seriously believe this guy is just a simple sketchy salesman?"

"well,he does have the looks."

"he's floating mom! doesn't that tell you anything?"

- End of flashback -

it obviously didn't.

Now his parents were gone for the week.

"I have to say though, Timothy's parents are the most simple-minded creatures I have ever met so far in my life, and I have been around for quite some time." Anti-Cosmo stated while playing with his monocle. That smug tone he used could be really aggravating.

Timmy scowled, no one was allowed to just insult his parents like that. Sure, he could admit they are pretty dumb, but that doesn't give Anti-Cosmo the right to say it.

The one to confront the Anti-fairy this time was Wanda.

She stood in front of Timmy protectively.

"Get out! I don't know what made you think you could just barge into this house but I'm not letting you near our Timmy."

she yelled, Cosmo just floated next to their godchild, watching the debate.

Cosmo never had a way with words so no matter how much he wanted to say something to protect Timmy like Wanda did, he wouldn't have been able to say something clever, atleast not clever enough to deal with his opposite self.

He placed one of his hands on Timmy's shoulder as a way of showing he was not going to let the child be taken away from them.

It was a small and simple gesture, but Timmy appreciated it nonetheless, they exchanged a few looks before focusing on what the other two had to say.

Apparently Anti-Cosmo was leading the conversation.

"Now let us be a bit rational here, you can't chase me out because I have permission to take care of Timothy. This can't count as a crime and as long as I don't harm him, I've done nothing bad."

He crossed his arms and waited for a reply from Wanda, but it never came.

She didn't know what to say, the rules had nothing to say about this, or did they?

Wanda's wand glowed and the rulebook appeared in front of her, making Anti-cosmo give her a skeptical look.

"Don't bother, that Jorgen wouldn't even think so far as to include such a rule."

Who would expect an Anti-fairy to be invited to a human child's home?

Wanda sighed and made the book disappear once she realized it was pointless.

"I'm not accepting this, I'll be keeping an eye on you. It's only until Timmy's parents come home. When they do, you will be out the door in an instant!"

The Anti-fairy smirked.

"And that is exactly how I want it."