I clicked the replay button on the computer screen, and the list of videos started again from the first video.

I'd been watching Sonic 06 cutscenes since I got home. I liked the game, even though the ending was kinda lame, but Shadow's story was the best one in my oppinion, mainly because it introduces my favorite Sonic villian of all, Mephiles the Dark.

As scene 3 started playing, I sighed.

'Man I wish I had this game...'

The Sonic games, next to the Pokemon games, were my favorite videogames. Sonic 06 was the best game out of the series, next to Shadow the Hedgehog, and I would get it, but I can't.

One, it would require a PSP or one of the PS's, I always get confused with the names, and they cost quite a pretty penny. I don't have the money, as I'd been saving for the newest installation of the Pokemon series, Black and White.

Reason two, I love the games, but I don't have the patience to play them all the way through. The main thing I like about the Sonic games are the cutscenes. I can tell alot about a game from its cutscenes. Really, I can tell you the entire story of Shadow the Hedgehog just from watching the scenes, as long as it was the hero side of the game. I like Shadow more as a good guy than a bad one, although I'd want him to keep his attitude.

Scene 12 was starting. Good, this was where things got interesting.

Eggman, although he looks nothing like an egg in this game, had just smacked Rouge out of the air, causing both her and the Scepter of Darkness she'd been carrying to fall, when something soft smacked the side of my face.

I jumped slightly, and looked down at my shoulder to see an orange tail. I looked up in annoyance at Milo, my cat, who was resting on top of the couch.

"Do ya mind?" I asked as the tip of his tail smacked my face again.

He blinked down at me and meowed innocently.

"Yeah, you don't mind one bit, do ya?" I muttered with a laugh, rolliing my eyes and looking back at my laptop.

Good thing to; Shadow was sliding to catch Rouge, while the scepter continued to fall.

"No!" Eggman shouted.

The scepter hit the ground and shattered, a dark wave pulsing from it.

Shadow set Rouge on the ground, and walked towards the broken scepter. Rouge rubbed the back of her head, blinking to refocus her eyes.

"Don't ask if she's fine or anything..." I chuckled.

Shadow looked at the scepter, then gasped and jumped back.

"Shadow!" Rouge called.

A purple smoke looking thing flew out of the ground and into the air. It always reminded me of the smoke monster off of Lost.

The mist circled, then flew towards the robots.

"It's no use! Pull back! Pull back! Pull back!" Eggman shouted, flying off in his hover craft.

"It's a little late for your robots, dude..." I muttered.

Milo jumped down next to me and nudged my arm. I gave his head a pat, still focused on the screen.

"Mrow." he whined, wanting my full attention.

"Your food bowl's fine, go eat." I muttered, petting his head again.

The mist knocked over all the robots, then flew upward. It made a sharp turn, and flew down towards Shadow. He jumped back, and it sank into the ground.

"Cue the creepy music..."

Music started playing, I'm not sure what all the instruments are called, there was definantly a piano. All I knew was the name of the music, it was called Mephiles' theme. It was properly named.

Suddenly, the screen went white.

"What the- Come on!" I moaned, moving my finger across the mouse pad. Nothing happened, at least nothing normal.

The screen stayed white, then everything started shaking.

"Earthquake?" I wondered aloud.

A keening sound filled the air, and I clamped my hands over my ears to try and block it out. It didn't work.

Milo let out a hiss, like he'd seen another wild cat. He always made that sound when he saw one. The fur on his tail puffed out, and his hackles rose.

I picked him up to keep him safe in case the windows shattered, and stood up from the couch.

The vibrations grew stronger, there was bright light, and the keening sound grew to high for me to hear, but Milo still could, and he let out an annoyed whine.

Everything went black.


I had my eyes shut tightly. I could still hear the keening, but it was fading. Good, my ears were still hurting, as was my head.


I opened my eyes to see pillars, not the tile floors of my house. I looked around.

I was in some kind of temple.

There was some squirming in my arms, and I looked down to see Milo, still clutched tightly in my arms.

"Sorry..." I murmered, loosening my hold slightly.

I was trying to figure out where the heck I was, when I heard voices.

"...resurected through your shade..."

I stepped forward, and peered from behind a pillar.

What I saw took my breath away.

Shadow and Rouge were standing opposite of another figure who looked strikingly similar to Shadow.

"I thank you, Shadow the Hedgehog." Mephiles bowed his head in mock gratitude.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" Shadow asked suspiciously.

Mephiles slowly stepped toward Shadow.

"I'm Mephiles. Mephiles the Dark."

There was a minute of silence, before Mephiles spoke up again.

"What? Did you forget me?"

Rouge backed up a little, while Shadow held his ground.

Mephiles rolled an eye to look Shadow in both eyes. Even from here it creeped me out.

"I owe much to you, Shadow." he murmered.

He lifted one hand, and Shadow jumped back and stood in front of Rouge defensively. A purple orb appeared in Mephiles' hand.

"Oh yes," he said, "What you gave to me, I now return to you. A one way ticket to oblivion."

He held the orb up, and it expanded. It encased all three of them.

Rouge and Shadow let out grunts of pain, then they vanished, Mephiles soon after.

Before the portal closed however, Milo squirmed free and ran towards it. I scrambled after him.

"MILO GET BACK HERE!" I shouted.

I may not know what the heck was going on here, but that wasn't going to keep me from keeping Milo out of trouble as usual.

We both disappeared as the portal closed.


Ok, so I know this may not be the best intro to a story, but I still like it.

Personally, I think Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog are awsome, no matter what people say.

In reality, Milo IS my cat, and he's just as curious, ornery, and sweet as he is and will be in this story.

Hope you'll enjoy as you continue to read, hopefully. R&R!