Author note: Last chapter! Yeaaah, took me longe enough, this fic was orriginally written with the idea to do a follow up, which may happen, if I'm less busy but for now I'm gonna take break with this series.

Like usually I don't own the Nanoha franchise and reviews are welcome.


Chapter 14: Good Bye

Signum began the hostility, unleashing a perfect upward slash at U-D side, the blond girl created a quick barrier and backdashed puting some distance, blue chains then popped from under her feet warping around her, it's Chrono delayed bind, his speciality. U-D broke free rather quickly but it was enough for Einhart to close the distance and deliver a powerful 4 hit combo with open hand strike sending U-D away again, the red wings began to grow gathering energy, everyone got ready: Zafira and Shamal both raised strong barriers to shield themself and everyone else, including me,safe for Einhart who, unshielded, took a weird stance, making circle with her hands, the next instant magical red orb were raining on the battlefield, Einhart caught every orbs destined at her and send them back to U-D, shocked to see that she shielded herself, along her reflected attack were blue energy swords, it was Chrono doing who, during U-D attack prepared this spell, the joint force of the two attacks broke U-D shield destabilizing her a little, at that moment a Vita with her device in rocket forme propelled herself toward U-D from behind delivering a powerful strike with the momentum, it meet U-D claws in a clash of strength Vita was beginning to loss some ground hopefully both Zafira and Einhart locked with her other arm into the same conquest trying to help the hammer knight, in the end they were all pushed back, using her great speed Kyrie passed U-D and attacked behind her with her two handed sword form, however she was blew back by U-D stronger attack when they collided, before U-D could pursue her she got hit by a flaming sword on her right side and blocked in ice on her left on, Signum and Chrono using Durandal, giving the gear enough time to shout at U-D with her gun, the human sized bullet was met by U-D shield completely halting her, but before U-D could catch her breath a giant hammer struck her down, Vita doing. The mages were slowly gaining the upper hand even if U-D was vastly superior in raw power theirs excellent team work combined with their vast experience greatly make up for it. Kyrie faced U-D.

"Do you want to be destroyed again that badly?" U-D wasn't mocking nor trying to anger Kyrie she was merely asking a question.

" With this body and heart given by the Professor, and the courage from my sister, I won't be destroyed by anything!" They both charged at each other and clashed multiple time Kyrie was using her power way past her limit to avoide losing in one hit, after a final attack the gear switched from two sword to two gun shot in the air two energy whip combining into a white energy sphere. "This is my last act of stubbornness! I'll save you and then go home!Variant Breaaaak! " She slammed it with everything she had on U-D who vanished in a white flash, Kyrie was short on breathe this attack must have used a lot of mana, U-D was fleeing and Kyrie too much drained to chase her, the programme was soon intercepted by Zafira and Einhart. The wolf charged kick first at U-D who blocked the attack with the back of one of her claw, the future girl attacked U-D from under her with an open palm, after that all three engaged into a rapide brawl exchanging blows , while U-D was trying to crush them under her powerful attacks, the two martial artist were using a more coordinated way of fighting, Zafira was taking care of the defense and Einhart of the attack and their were exchanging position regularly to make it work, Zafira created a quick barrier to deflect one of U-D heavy blow Einhart rushed quickly uppercuted her, took a step behind gathering wind in her punch.

"The power to break the chains! HAOH! DAN! KUU! KEEENN!" And unleashed this hurricane powered punch on her, blasting her away. Both Zafira and her were out of energy obviously unable to go one but I could say as much about U-D, the invincible U-D was having a hard time fighting everyone and she was slowly tiring herself.

A metal ball was shot toward her she avoided it by an hair, she turned toward the source Vita and Signum were standing next to each other while Chrono was preparing a spell in the back, U-D charged but was intercepted by the two knights who engaged in a melee fight with her since they were both using the programme and were close fighter specialist they quickly got the upper hand, just as Vita was about to end the fight with a heavy blow from her hammer, U-D ducked at the last second burying her hand in Vita stomach. I was about to scream in panick at the sight of the surely fatal wound th but...once I saw that U-D created a portal and didn't attacked the red knights I sigh relived... before panicking again from the portal she took a gigantic red sinister looking spear, she waved it around her clashing against Signum and Vita device sending the two knight away and...clearing the way for impaling Chrono! After quickly aiming she threw it at him, his spell was finished and two ice arms began to form from his staff aiming at the lance, the two knights gathered next to him to give him a hand in intercepting the weapon, preparing to clash with theirs own...they were all blow away like a ball hit by a car, the lance not losing any speed and shattering the ice, it ended right next to Chrono, she missed? She closed her fist at that moment the lance detonated, with my friends at the center of the explosion. My worry eased once it cleared they were struggling to keep theirs consciousness but otherwise alive, using her device Shamal gathered them and began to heal them, U-D was still operating, I've to act. I was into a healing magical barrier which was slowly healing me, I tried to rise but...

"ah..ah..aaaah!" I don't think that place is supposed to crack like that. The pain should have warned me about my condition but I'm so used to heal in second I completely ignored it and pushed myself too fare, result I can't move at all, come one, with the damage we did to her just one small push should be that moment a white mana bullet hit U-D in her back.

"Kyrie..?" After shooting she posted herself next to me.

"With fighting spirit and guts, I did my best!" She paused for a moment her face getting gradually reder."Ah no more! It's embarrassing, not to mention tiring."

"Yeah Amita way doesn't really suit you, but that was a good impersonation." She scratched the back of her head embarrassed, when suddenly she began to fall, reacting quickly I caught her in my arm...I'm apparently healed enough to move now... I switched my place inside the magic circle with Kyrie and turned toward the agonizing U-D.

"Uhaaaaaaaaah!" Along with her scream a tremendous shock wave was released...her magical power is growing even more? I thought with the damage she sustained it would decline, did we make a mistake?

" the Infinite Linker Engine: Examia power." Where did I hear that name before?

"Wait your talking about that thing that give unlimited power? She is using that now?!" We definitely mad a mistake somewhere.

"Stern told me about this form." Vita was talking behind us, like the other she was out of battle but still fine otherwise...hope it'll last." If U-D enter this form her personality too would change, forced to unleash never-ending destruction, she cannot hope to control." That's...really bad.

"She must be stopped no matter what." Even if you say that Signum...I'm the only one able to fight so I will at least delay the never ending destruction until team 2 arrive...If I attack now I can probably stop her from powering up further, I gather magical energy for a sec into my feet then unleash it at the same time propelling myself toward U-D, in a blink she launched a huge amount of magical projectile...enough to take down an army. I can't avoid it then...I assume blaze form with my armor of fire, after that a good part of the projectiles hit me while it did not harm me it kicked me out of my powered state, ghuh... not only is there more projectiles but theirs power increased too? She jumped in the air with on of her claw out, while using the darkness form I do the same preparing my strongest punch, we collide...and I'm blasted away like an insect.

"Damn...I'm completly helpless..." I voiced my irritation what was I hoping for without the program? I saw several colored lights in the distance...oh yeah buying time that's what I was doing.

"Team two making it's entrance!" Nanoha voice resonated in my head.

"Beginning Phase 2!" As well as Fate's. I noticed Amita quickly heading toward her sister...well I can't blame her wanting to check the well being of her family. Along Amita, Nanoha and Fate are in team 2 Hayate, Reinforce, the two other future kids and Dearch...she look different, her wing ar glowing orange and blue and this feeling...I guess it make sense servants must fight alongside theirs King. U-D turned toward the new party looking at them with an emotionless look. Hayate enter Unison with Reinforce and with Nanoha and Fate load the program and activate drive mode, the future kid prepare too, everyone at theirs best for the last battle.

Fate charged bringing her giant magical sword down on U-D with great speed intending to finish everything quickly, she was stopped, U-D caught the blade with one of her giant claw while with the other she prepared a punch, pink chain gathered around it binding it in place, it was Nanoha speciality,with blowing stuff, the blond future kid took the opportunity along with Amitie, while UD had her arms busy they attacked her rear Amitie with a two handed sword and the other with a good punch, the attack connected but...the next moment everyone was trow away by U-D having freed her arms, the attack did not have the slightest effect. The last future kid charged , blade first and despite hitting her at point blank she didn't budge, he hoped back as Hayate and her evil twin launched a joint magical blast, while it mad a incredible explosion, the result was the same as the earlier attacks, it was like U-D was shrouded in an invisible armor, a power she certainly have but should have already been dealt with .

"Why is it still active? I got ride of her force-field." And it was painful, Yuno, who was watching along the other TSAB member answered me.

"Along this new form must come a new force-field, she seem to have regenerated too, it's as if the previous fights didn't happen." That's bad she is not only stronger but in perfect condition, I was hoping for her to still be physically wounded at least, it's like fighting the second form of a boss in a video game.

"Then we just have to destroy it with all our might, before attacking directly." A magical cercle formed under Nanoha feet, Fate and Hayate soon following. Wait they're pulling the Triple Breaker already? It's too soon, something this powerful must be used to end a fight not to open it, not mentioning Nanoha must use a load of Cardrige...but maybe with the reinforcement provided by the programmel it will be enough to both break the U-D protection and damage her, U-D wing enlarged again shooting several magical sphere, Dearch got in front of the three aces, shielding them by using her book, absorbing some shots, on the other hand the future kids opted for another strategies: the boy using pages of his book intercepted some projectiles with his own, while the girl fired a similar beam than Nanoha Divine Buster destroying the last third of the projectiles. Seeing that her attack was ineffective U-D slowly closed the distance, Dearch shot back the projectiles she had intercepted into a concentrated beam, slowing the U-D.

"Everyone take cover!" We followed Fate advice and cleared their firing sight, hiding behind, magical shield.

"Full power! Starlight..."
"Lightning flash! Plasma Zanber..."
"Resound, horn of judgement! Ragnarok..."
"BREAKER!" I never would have imagined I see that again...well actually I see it lot lately. The foge slowly cleared with U-D reappearing, it did not defeat her...she was limb? Her arms hanging and her head low, it's chance that won't present itself again, Amita, being the fastest was the one to take advantage, she got right in face of U-D shot a bullet at point-blank blasting her away, the moment she stop she was surrounded by hundred pink and blue magical bullet all aiming at her, after the resulting explosion I distinctively heard U-D scream, it work we can beat Examia and the Unbreakable Darkness, that's what I was thinking so I was rather surprised to hear Dearch click her tongue in irritation.

"That won't work our strongest attack merely deal decent damage...we need to finish this quickly to avoid casuality."

"Don't worry... if we launch another triple breaker..." I noticed something weird about both Fate and Nanoha...they were sweating heavily, trouble speaking...then it hit me.

"You two can't go on..."While we were talking the future kids and Amita were fending U-D with difficulties "'re obviously pushing yourself too hard."

"Don't worry Ryou-kun we're fine." Just smiling will not put me at ease.

"Between this fight and the one against the Defense Programme when was the last time you rested?" Theirs eyes opened wide, I've hit the bullseye, Cardrige, Drive Mode , the programme anti-UD all those weapons have a huge tax on the body and mind and I'm not even talking about the fight in themself, if they don't rest all the strain will add up and eventually...

"You don't...!" I was raising my voice nearly shooting at them before Dearch it me on the head with her scepter.

"Let me talk you low class people! I wanted to say that if you give me enough time I can knock her down using Jugernaut but I need time to gather enough energy." Okay that sound like the best course o action, everyone quickly agreed and headed forward to pass the word to the other and distract the opponent " You're not joining them?" I was standing next to the King and not following the others.

"I'm your last servant I think it's my duty to stay close to you and assure your safety." I looked behind my shoulder since I wasn't facing her, her book was open and dark mana was converging around her, despite this she was still able to converse with me.

"They're still here...are you searching an excuse to flee the fight?"

"Well I'm the last one active with a physical form and it's better to stick together." She was about to answer when...


A sky-quack shook use, it was clear who was producing it but why now? Until now the fight has gone rather smoothly, well maybe I'm too optimistic but U-D shouldn't be radiating suddenly with this much power.

"So you were buying time, so that I can be defeated by the combined might of the Materials." She was holding a longe, red and sinister lance, a ominous aura was emanating from it, I already saw it but this time it's way more powerful, it's like comparing Nanoha magical power when I first meet her and now, with the program, her drive...sweat was running down my neck. "I'm gonna crush this small hope: Passion, Wings, Kindness, Dream, if all of you hadn't met be I wouldn't be forced to destroy you... goodbye." With this farewell she threw the lance right a Dearch, if she get hit by's the end of the materials, despite theirs best effort no one seem able to stop that moment where everything seem lost the world slow seconde become one hours, I don't know if it's because I used magic without my knowledge or if it's because I might die but I have time to try one last thing, the three are one Dearch, Levi, Stern, that mean that maybe that too can become one...but can I really do it? I'm not experienced enough to do something like that and will it be enough tp begin with, I might just die in vain?

[Is it really important right now? Rather than bother with such stupid though...fight!]

At that moment everything add up, the three become one once again, power take form inside then outside, a familiar form: four bat wings, silver hairs purple eyes the Purple eyed monarch: monster of the bloody crimson night rise once again, I charge at the incoming spear with the idea of intercepting it far enough from my King, I raise my left fist a black magical sphere form around, reminiscent of a balck hole it take this: "True EndSky Sublimation!" My fist collide with the spear and a huge pain coming from my arm spread into my whole body, it's even worst than when I stopped Reinforce attack barehanded, I think I hear the other scream my name, but I don't know who. I'm not gonna last at this rate, if it come to this...

"You who come from the darkness, I will give a place where you truly belong, cry no more, anger no more on my title I spear to pull you out of the darkness: True EndSky Sublimation!" This time it's a fully chanted version I launch with my right fist, a pain twice as strong hit me but...

*Crack* Are my arm shattering or is it the spear? No I think it's that case..

"Overblow!" I detonate the magical energy compressed into those sphere and direct it inside the small crack mad on it by our clash of power.


" AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" My arms were both broken, I think no bones was left intact, at least on the outside they look fine, while it was painful it wasn't my scream, I'm pretty much used to this kind of pain. I was send like a rocket by the recoil passing next to Dearch, hurrying her.

"Dearch now!" While I parried U-D ultimate attack the other weakened her so much that her magical claws were collapsing, it was the best opportunity, and we took it.

" Stop crying! Your despair... WILL BE CRUSHED BY MY DARKNESS!" At her command several dark energy beams shot forward avoiding every obstacle by bending weirdly they finally converged toward a single point: U-D. Calling the following explosion powerful would be an euphemism, I was completely blind for a moment, once my sight returned Dearch and U-D were nowhere to be seen.

In contrast with the other I wasn't too worried nor panicking first because I was really tired, second because I was still sensing them and even sharing some links allowing me to know what they're doing, and like I expected they soon popped out of the subspace where they were talking, Dearch holding a sleeping U-D or should I call her...

"King, U-D are you alright?"

"U-D doesn't seem to be well I should call Shamal..." Actually I would love it if she get here, I could get my arms healed.

"Be quiet! Yuri's just sleeping after what happened she deserve some rest!" Sure you shooting will help, Hayate and I exchanged an glance, she share my opinion.

"Yuri?"Oh yeah Nanoha and the other don't know about her true name from when she was human. Dearch explained, but they think she just mad it up. I tried to answer...

"It's a complicated story just leave it at that."

"But I want to hear it."

"Shut up stupid Raven, Yuri and I are tired and my servant need medical care more than anyone, so quickly give us a good place to rest and treat him well." At that moment everyone turned toward me, my face flushed due to the sudden attention ...Dearch was exagerating, I wasn't more hurt than the other. Seriously it's because I'm your servant that you should embarasse me.



"Gwargh!" A very lively Levi headbutted me in the stomach while, I was getting out of my room after recovering from my injuries.

"It's good to see you safe and sound" Said Stern with her usual blank expression, as my soul was slowly ascending to heaven.

"I think I'm gonna die." By borrowing Yuri's power the material were able to recover smoothly, this worked somehow for me too but since I'm an human my arms are stile bandaged and hurting, not as much as what Levi is making me endure tough, by suffocating and dragging me.

"I wonder where Dearch is right now." I think I'm hearing Fate voice.

"Don't address me familiarly." Nanoha, Fate, Hayate and the Gears sister have come to check on our condition.

"Um, Ryou-kun doesn't seem to be well, did he not recover?"

"It's just Levi energy tiring me." I managed to escape the lively material grip and got back on my feet.

"So with that, now that the most pressing situation has ended; I wanted to massacre you all and let the trash of this world feel the terror of my darkness..." Okay Dearch we already discussed that one. " But the world you live in right now is too narrow for us. That's why we are going to Redhead and Pinkie's world." Yeah that's what was decided, Levi was easily convinced once she heard about the dungeon and the monster, as longe as it distract her from destroying thing randomly it's cool. It was decided that with Yuri's power, the Power of the Eternal Ring, will be used to help in the revival of Eltria. Stern and Nanoha promised to see each other again for a rematch, Dearch and Hayate began to argue, the hard part is left to me okay...

"Gunununuu...! Ryouichi quickly say goodbye to those trash, I wont suffer anymore of this!" There was a big silence, finally I didn't have to say it.

"King-sama Ryouichi was the one supposed to announce it."

"Yeah and he's free to do it now!" Stern sighed, the other looked at each other before Hayate broke the silence.

"You're leaving too? But you don't have any obligation to do it."

"Well I'm still linked to them, I'm a sort of human vessel, for their power." Even I didn't know what I was.

"'s sad after everything that happened, to not see each other again." Nanoha... the first of the group I've met and my first friend of my age.

"I've my own reason too, something only I can do." I've told the Florian sister about it, I'm an foreigne element making the timeline get out of it's proper track, if I stay the future of the future kids may never happen...for the worst, I can't deprive Nanoha from the joy of adopting that girl...and there is someone I want to help and I'll be able to do it only if I leave. They look down, I turn my back and make sign to the other that it's time to leave. Hayate stop me with one very dangerouse sentence.

"That's not fair King-sama, Ryou-kun promised to be my knight first, how can you do something so awful to your big sister?" I'm sweating heavily afraid of where it's going.

"What!? You damn Tanuki, he belong to me!"She turned in my direction "And you! How dare you cheat on me! You two go lie somewhere and taste my Jugernaut!" Stern, Levi and Yuri were now restraining Dearch with the best of theirs abilities while she prepared her most powerful spell, I wonder if she mad her angry on purpose to ease the atmosphere.


I said good-bye to everyone, they all reacted differently...some asking for a last fight, some understanding and Vita shooting at me violently. After proceeding with the memory wipe, just the part involving time travel, we took of into the sky, the future kids back to theirs time and me, the materials and the sister to Eltria.

"Goodbye let's meet again some time!" Nanoha...everyone. I shoot back with my hand raised.

"See you soon! Everyone!" They quickly went out of sight as we traverse time and space. " Oh yeah Amita you didn't forget did you?"

"Of course not! we'll do two more quick stop before going home."


"Why must I participle?" I along with the materials and the gears, walk outside in an area covered with grass, the revival of the planet has been going smoothly everyone helping in theirs own way.

"For the last time Ryouichi, you need to practice fighting daily if you don't want get yourself eaten by a monster." I resisted the urge to say it already happened thank to Levi...

"Maybe but it's Levi role to deal with these! And it's pretty stupid to fight in an area we took so much time to restore." Dearch immediately snapped at me.

"Grruuaaa! Be quiet since we discovered we couldn't punish you anymore you've become so selfish!"

"Look whose talking. Because making him a servant against his will isn't selfish King-sama." Interjected Stern, she turned my way, giving me a thump-up. "Don't worry about the area, I'm planning to block every attack head-on." Finishing her sentence she meet up with Yuri in the sky, ready for a mock battle, Stern being the most intelligent of the group decided to creat a water purification system, since I'm the closer thing to a human I regularly test the water she got, I did it on my own free will, even if some of the water was...weird. Dearch dragged me along to a safe distance with Kyrie following, for some reason it annoyed our King, Despite all her strategy and her great defence Stern was soundly defeated by Yuri, after we saved her she lost some of her power, attack range but is still way stronger than any of us alone, I realize just how lucky I was to survive against her.

"Alrighto I'm next let's see who is the strongest your Soul Wings or my Vulnificus, it's gonna be fun!" Levi alway so enthusiasts about fight, her role like said before is fighting monster, it's not really work for her but it's anyway pretty helpful, sometime she drag me alone and since our way of doing thing isn't very compatible well...I often get hurt, but it's still quite funny. Like expected Levi go completely berserk, using her big sword and her Sprite Form and what should happen happened, Yuri began to panic and accidentally launched a powerful scissor like attack defeating Levi.

"I ask for a rematch! One more time! One more time..." Kyrie completely ignoring Levi addressed Yuri.

"It's been a while since I've last fought, Yuri what about a little match?"

"What!? That's so unfair Pinkie."

"Levi, if you behave yourself I'll come with you hunting the sun Dragon." Her mood quickly changed from angry to happy, I've come to know the Material, I can pretty much deal with them. Kyrie began to talk about how Yuri is spending lot of time with Amita wich is natural since she handles many of the activities and planet-recovery actions that Yuri takes.

"And then Dearche goes, "Yuri isn't coming home a lot," and gets depressed sometimes." Added Stern.

"And she then ask me to entertain her." Yeah it's really tiring what I have to do for them, of course Dearch didn't liked our comment.

"Who does!? When?! Stern, Ryouichi you really don't respect me at all! I'll deliver judgment upon you!" Yeah she is furious, Stern merely glanced at her with her usual bored look.

" How many time do I have to tell you... I really do respect you."

"And so do I. I just have as much respect for you than I have for any living thing." I honestly answered but I know her enough, she won't calm down with just that.

"Alright, I've decided. You two, lie there. I'll give you a full taste of Inferno." She didn't even listened

" Unfortunately, I must decline that offer."

"You really expected us to do that?" And while we were busy messing with Dearch the fight has been decided.

"It's my victory!"

"Ah! I really can't win in battle." Again Yuri easily defeated her opponent.

" Don't worry, Pinkie. If you use your cowardly ways, you won't lose to anyone." Way to cheer her up Dearch.

That's right! Yo, Kyrie the cheating genius!" And Levi is sincerely believing it will cheer her up.

"Not Every truth is good to say you know, Kyrie is good at...well no she is good at cheating." Sorry Kyrie tried to defend you but really I can't think of anything.

" Nahan~ Why is it that I feel I'm not being praised one bit? And Ryou-kun is picking on me again!"

"Kyrie real strength doesn't lie in simple fights like this." And thus in one sentence Yuri managed to do where I failed, granted I may bully her some time...kindly, but actually Amita told it was a good way to cheer her up and so after the professor passed away I picked this habit, well she do the same too so... Yuri then convinced Dearch to have a round with her, she really is skilled in the art of persuade people, isn't she? She's devoting herself to restore the planet.

" Dearche, our kind King. I love you." She's really affectionate with Dearch too. "... I'll keep on saying I'll love you no matter how many times."

" U-uwaaaAAA~! Shut up already! Shut uuup! No, it doesn't matter if you don't! With my power as the King who rules over Darkness, I'll shut that loose mouth of yours to never say those again!" Well Dearch doesn't really like this, or more likely, she like it but don't wont to show it so she mask it with anger, anyway she's alway angry so..."Inferno!" A rain of dark sphere felt down on Yuri she quickly dashed backward, mad a circular motion with her hand and launched a a black ring at Dearch, she answered by shielding herself with her book but while she was doing that Yuri attacked underneath with a scissor laser, black swords appeared before Dearch blocking it. Yuri then posted herself next to Dearch very close, the ruler of Darkness jerked backward from uneasiness, a compressed laser prevented her from going too fare, Yuri then pulled her hand inside Dearch chest...

"I'll pierce through Dearche's heart!..." Pulled her big spear weapon "Here I go~!" Launched it at Dearch "HEARTBREAK MATRIX!" And won. "Yay, it's my win!" While Yuri was happily flying everywhere Dearch was just standing mouth open. " Dearche! After the matches, let's have dinner. I made preparations for it myself today!" Aww she's so cute.

" DAAAA~! DON'T READ PEOPLE'S MINDS AND SAY IT OUT LOUD!" Aww she's so pissed. Kyrie laughed at that sight

"Really, those two get along well. King-sama and Yuri." Yuri try at least, I have my doubts for the other.

"How should I say it, like parent and child..." If you say so Amita... " Alright! Going by the order, I'm next. Yuri!" The Sovreign nodded.

"And she'll be the last it's okay? Right?" I desperately tried to avoid facing Yuri.

"But I want to face Ryouichi too." Gha, final blow.

"He was just kidding now let's begin." The ensuing fight was full of hotbloodness and cool sentence(or stupid, depends of the point of view.) it was so epic I couldn't keep u with it...okay truth I was too nervous and searching for a way to lower the damage I would take against Yuri.

"It's my win!"And Yuri won again it's really her day. "Sorry Amita look like the pupil surpassed the master, my fire was burning more than yours." Yuri continued to gently tease the poor Gear. What do I do?

"I'm hungry now." Stern remark suddenly gave me an idea. I flew toward Yuri took her apart so the other doesn't hear it, I told her about how everyone was hungry and bearing it for her, not wanting to admit it, of course since Yuri is a good child she reported our match and decided it was time to head home, Kyrie whispered in my ear as we were walking alongside the other.

"You tricked her again, right? Bad boy?"Well I didn't really lied, Levi suddenly popped between us.

"Hey what're you talking about? It sound fun."

"Oh Ryouichi was just saying he will prepare the next picnic alone and will be fighting intimately with me." Diving into another crisis.

"And why so Kyrie? I'm the older sister and the one closer to him. I should go first."

"If someone must fight him, it's me! I'm his king and I've got plenty of spell to test." Help please.

"He should be the one to decide." Thank Stern "If you let me fight you first I'll be the one to make the picnic." Crap.

"And I couldn't even fight him today...I've changed my mind we're doing it right at once."

"Met toooo Levi want to have fun toooo!" This my every-funny-livly days from now one, I sighed assumed my most powerful form, a big smile crossing my face.

My fun life with my new family continue. Thank to friends from another era..." Hey what about we do something funnier?"


Six years have passed since the fight against the Darkness of the Book of Darkness ended, three, now teenage, girls in school uniforms gather on the roof of theirs school, they're holding something in the palms of theirs hands, suddenly a shiny sphere slowly descend next to them, they surprised look show it wasn't theirs doing, as the light slowly loss her intensity seven human shaped shadows take her place. A radiant smile form on the lips of the three middle schooler, One then spoke to the seven newcomers.

"It's been some time...welcome back everyone."

Author notes: So this the end, I hope that during the fight I did justice to the characters, wasn't easy to make them all fight U-D, in the game you just pick one to do all the works. I had fun writing this fic and I hope you enjoyed the read, like I said if I'm asked to do something on this I might do it but right now I have other projects in mind. So again thank you and later.