I'd like to start by saying thank you to my beta, Broken Summer, and to my readers, thank you for the continued support and reviews … please keep them coming.

This chapter is short in comparison, but please do enjoy :D

No copyright infringement intended.


I gasped, and immediately brought my hands up to my face. I couldn't comprehend what it was I was seeing. It just didn't make any sense. The dim, candlelit great room that was overcome with dozens of pale pink roses, the rose petals at my feet … it just didn't make any sense.

I mean, when could he possibly have had the time to accomplish all of this?

"Baby," I heard him whisper, but my brain was still trying to process the sight before me.

I have to be dreaming, I thought wiping away my newly fallen tears, as I continued to move my eyes frantically over all that I could see. This can't possibly— he can't possibly ….

"Baby," he tried, again, this time taking my hand in his. I forced myself to look at him, to really focus my attention on him.

"I love you, so much," he murmured, while I stood there, staring at him with large, tear-filled eyes. I was literally shaking, and the tears just wouldn't stop coming. I think a part of me may have been in shock, because I honestly couldn't believe what was happening.

Was it something I wanted to happen? Absolutely.

"I've always loved you, Bella, and I always will. I know we haven't been back together all that long, but it doesn't change the way I feel, or what I've always known."

I sniffled, and used the hand not currently in Edward's to wipe away more of my tears. I was still shaking, and the tears didn't appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. I'm sure I looked like a blotchy, blubbering idiot, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

"I knew the first time my lips touched yours, nearly nine years ago, that I was going to grow old with you and it really pisses me off that we lost the four years we did. If I could go back and change what happened that dreadful day, I would do it in a heartbeat, but I can't."

I nodded as I remembered the day I caught him in the "arms" of another woman. Oh, how angry I was at myself for not trusting in my relationship, in my man. I mean, it was Edward, and I knew even then how much he loved me. I had never questioned or even came close to questioning Edward's feelings for me until that day, and I just cannot comprehend why I didn't trust in that and give him a chance to explain.

"I asked you something six years ago today," he went on to say, completely bringing me back to the present. "Something I kind of wish I could take back." My eyes went large, as I remembered the moment he was referring to, and I honestly couldn't believe I was hearing him correctly, considering.

Edward lifted my chin so he was looking into my eyes. "And replace it with what I really wanted to ask you that night." My eyes grew large, again, but he went on before I could say anything. "I can't help but to wonder, if I had asked you then, would what happened with Tanya still have happened?"

I stared back at him, completely speechless, but Edward just smiled and knelt down onto one knee. "I love you, Isabella Swan. Will you do me the honor of becoming my—"

"Abso-freakin-lutely!" I cried interrupting him. "Oh, my God! Edward, yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes—"

He interrupted me with his lips, while his hands moved to my cheeks. I loved the way his lips felt against mine, so naturally, I moaned, and attempted to get closer, but my belly once again got in the way.

Edward laughed when I broke the kiss with a growl, but he quickly rethought his response when he saw my face and realized I wasn't at all amused. "Aw, baby," he cooed moments before placing one last chaste kiss on my lips. "Maybe this will make it a little less frustrating?"

He was holding a tiny box that all of America had come to know and love, a tiny blue box that was crowned with a white ribbon, and I couldn't help the audible gasp that fell from my lips. Did he really go to Tiffany & Co.?

I watched as Edward tipped the blue box upside down and out came a small black satin ring box, which held the most gorgeous square cut diamond ring I'd ever seen. It was absolutely beautiful, and totally something I would have picked out, though I probably would have gone with a little bit smaller stone, but this was Edward and the size really didn't surprise me.

I finally met his eyes, though my vision was once again blurred by my tears. "It's beautiful, Edward. I … I can't …." His eyes went wide but I quickly shook my head and continued. "No, I meant, I can't believe this is really happening.

"That you …." I looked at the ring, but before I could meet his eyes again he was already pulling the ring from the box.

"Can I, baby?" he asked, as he gently ran his thumb over the length of my ring finger.

I nodded, and then watched as he smoothly slid the gorgeous ring into place. I could literally feel my lip quivering from its place between my teeth. I was still shaking, and the tears were full on sobs by this point, but instead of being repulsed by it, Edward embraced it and showered me with love. He was quick to wrap his arm around my waist and pull me as close as I could possibly get with my very pregnant stomach.

"It's perfect," I whispered, as he gently kissed my newly ringed finger. "It really is, Edward. It's so beautiful. I love it."

He moved his hands to my hips, as he flashed me his famous smile, and murmured, "I love you."

I, of course, couldn't help the giant smile that immediately covered my face. "I love you, too," I supplied, before pushing up onto my tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips. A kiss Edward was eager to return and deepen.

"Thank you," he panted when we finally separated for a much needed breath. I narrowed my eyes in confusion, as I gasped for air, but he explained before I had a chance to ask him to clarify.

"It's just my past few birthdays weren't that good," he said. "But you two made this one so much more than I ever could have wished for. The night was absolutely perfect. I'll admit I was upset at mom for making it into such a large to-do, but it actually ended up being a really good night."

I smiled. "You deserved it, Edward," I assured before placing a quick kiss on his lips. "You're an amazing father and partner, and for once, I'm not scared of what the future may hold. I'm actually excited, because I know whatever it throws at me; I don't have to face it alone anymore."

I was doing everything I could to hold back any new tears, but to my dismay, one managed to find its way out, and I watched as Edward smiled and then reached out to wipe it away.

"I'm such a lucky girl," I gleamed, flashing him a big bright smile.

He laughed. "I keep telling you, baby, it's me that's the lucky one." I was tempted to tell him he was correct, that he was the lucky one, as most girls would have said peace out the moment they found out about the baby mamma, but I decided now probably wasn't the best time for smart remarks.

"I mean, look at you, you're obviously out of my league," he went on to say, as his famous panty dropping smirk graced his glorious lips. "Thankfully, all the brainwashing I did as a child seemed to be permanent, so you're stuck with me now."

I giggled a little bit, before I flexed my left hand and blatantly admired the gorgeous diamond. "Yes, thankfully," I murmured.

Edward chuckled as he kissed my temple, and whispered, "It's a perfect addition." I shivered as his hot breath swept over my ear, and he began trailing his lips down my neck.

The room around me was smoldering, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't aroused once again. Edward had since found purchase in my neck—I was certain there was going to be a mark there in the morning, but I honestly couldn't bring myself to care.

"Let's go to bed, baby," he whispered against my ear.

I moaned, as I nodded my agreement, but the moment he stepped away from me, and I could no longer feel him touching me, I whined. I wasn't generally so clingy, or needy, but it was something I seemed to becoming as of late. I just prayed it was temporary, I mean, I was both tired and hormonal. That has to be the reason for my irrational thoughts and actions, right?

Edward wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against his side. "I have to blow out the candles," he explained placing a kiss on my forehead. "The house burning down would put a huge damper in my plans for the night."

I shivered, as he took my hand in his and led me around the room to blow out candles. I felt like a child. "I'm sorry I'm so clingy, Edward. I really don't know what my problem is."

"I do," he chuckled placing his hand on my stomach. "You're pregnant with twin girls, baby. Luckily, you're in the home stretch now." I met his eyes and nodded, as another tear slid down my cheek.

Edward softly wiped it away. "It's okay, Bella." He ran his thumb over my cheek once more, before he moved onto my bottom lip. "I can promise you, I don't mind." I smiled as a soft laugh fell from my mouth.

"I love you, Edward. So much. I … I don't … I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am." The tears were once again falling. "I have wanted this day to happen for as long as I can remember, and now that it's actually happening … I'm … I honestly can't wait to become your wife."

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. "Me neither, baby." I whimpered a little bit when his lips touched mine, but I responded instantly to his kiss. It was both needy and wanton, but when his hands trailed down my lower back and landed on the curvature of my ass, I moaned and buried my hands in his hair.

Edward broke the kiss, and did a quick look around the large great room, as we both panted for breath. "Looks like those are the last of them," he said gesturing to the candles on the mantle.

I nodded as I did a quick glance myself. "Looks like."

He led me to the mantle and blew out the remainder of the beautifully lit candles. I still hadn't asked him exactly how he had managed to accomplish all that he had, but I wasn't particularly looking to talk at the moment either, so I chose to save that question for later.

I had butterflies in my stomach by the time we made it up the stairs. I was honestly so ready for him to make love to me, that I nearly ran to the master bedroom. I had just lifted my hand to turn the handle when he wrapped his arms around me and stepped so he was flush against my backside. I moaned at how hard he was and then stood dormant as he trailed his hands over my stomach. I was a whimpering hot mess, and my brain seemed to be frozen, as any and all thoughts outside of his hard erection pressed against me was gone.

Edward placed a kiss on my neck, and then whispered, "Open the door, baby."

I felt my face heat up with unnecessary embarrassment, before I reached out and opened the bedroom door. The flicker of candle light caught my attention right away, and I gasped once again. How did he do it?

He was urging me to enter the bedroom, his glorious mouth lavishing the exposed skin of my neck and shoulder area, as my eyes moved frantically around the room. "Edward," I whispered, when they landed on the bed covered in rose petals.

"Wha—" He turned me around to look at him, completely taking me off guard.

"I was determined to make this a night to remember. I mean, it's supposed to be one of those once in a lifetime kind of moments, isn't it?"

I nodded, as a very large, bright smile covered my face. "And it has been, Edward. You've definitely made our once in a lifetime moment perfect."

Edward returned my smile, as he brought his lips to mine, kissing me gently before lightly nipping on my bottom lip. I moaned when his hands descended on my ass and he gently squeezed. I was so stinking horny, I really needed him to fuck me, and soon.

"You like that?" he asked, squeezing my ass once again.

It wasn't that I liked him squeezing my ass necessarily; it was him really touching me that made me tingle with desire there. "Edward, I … I really need you. I need you to make love to me. Please, baby?" I begged.

"Like I could ever tell you no," he murmured, reaching out to pull my shirt over my head. "Or would want to for that matter. You're absolutely beautiful, baby."

My heart skipped a beat when he lifted my chin, and brought his eyes to mine. "I love you so much, you just … you don't even know, baby. You are my world, my life, and I would be lost without you. I was lost, and I don't ever want to go through that again—"

I shook my head, interrupting him, as I said, "You won't. I love you too, Edward. Just as much if I had to guess, and I refuse to live without you again. I won't do it, but thankfully we don't have to.

"I mean, as the traditional vows say, 'til' death do us part …."

Edward smiled, and whispered, "Til' death do us part …" as his lips descended on mine.

**Author's Note**

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