Some of you really liked the first one, so here is the sequel to Best 20th Birthday. Also my more humorous side is coming out in this, but I still hope you enjoy.

Mark held Maddy's hand as they walked to her home, slowing down to prolong the inevitable killing of Reynolds by her father.

They stepped onto the porch, where he would usually kiss her good night here and leave for the barracks, today he would enter her home with her.

He looked at the sun one last time as it set over the tall trees and stepped over the threshold of the Shannon household.

"Reynolds what are you doing here?" Mr. Shannon asked looking up from playing with his youngest daughter. He looked over the two and studied Maddy to find out why she was glowing.

He spotted the gold band and single inlaid diamond on her finger and jumped up, clutching the little rag dinosaur in a death grip. "IS THAT A ENGAGEMENT RING?"

"Yes, Dad, please sit down." Maddy stragetically placed herself between Mark and her father. He was pushed down to his seat by an excited Dr. Shannon before he could sprint across the room to kill Mark.

"Let me see the ring," Her mother gentle demanded and awed at it when Maddy offered her hand. Zoe smiled happily at her sister and soon to be brother.

"Can I be the flower girl?" She asked Mark excitedly.

"Of course, Zo," a smile lighting his face, the little girl's smile was infectious.

"We'll have to find flowers for her to use, I don't think roses exist at the moment." Mark looked at Dr. Shannon when she said this.

"Elizabeth," Jim whined, "You're supposed to be on my side."

"I am on your side when you are acting civil and mature." She gave him a pointed glare before she turned back to the happy young couple and smiled. "Well I'll leave you to talk to your father. Come one Zo." With that the woman and child went to Maddy and Zoe's bed room.

"Dad," Maddy sat down beside her father and took his hand, though Mark stayed across the room and closest to the door. "There is something else we need to talk about."

"Oh, don't tell me I can't drink at the wedding." He groaned and let his face fall into his hands.

"Well, that, and I'm pregnant." The whole room held their breath, waiting for Papa Shannon to respond. Instead he stood and, with an emotionless face, left the room for his own.

"Um, is that good?" Mark asked softly. Maddy only shrugged.

"Actually Mark Reynolds," Mr. Shannon stood at the door of his room with a large knife, "It's bad."

All Maddy could get out was a scream to run before the young man was chased from the house by a very angry father.




Nathaniel sat in his chair, admiring his second's toned body as she slowly lifted the hem of his shirt. After all, he had dressed her down to her bra and knickers so now she had to dress him down.

"So we honestly couldn't make it to your place?" She said with a seductive smile, one in particular she had shown to Miss Shannon not too long ago.

"I want you here and now," He rasped back and lifted his arms to allow her to remove his shirt.

Shirt still in hand, they both jumped at the urgent pounding on the door. She leapt off him and threw the man's shirt on while he answered the door.




Mark ran faster than he ever ran before with an enraged Shannon at his tail. Bolting to the Command center he knocked harshly on the door before it was opened quickly by a shirtless Commander Taylor.

"Sir…" Mark was about to apologize when he heard Shannon behind him and slipped inside the room. "Dear lord, I'm blind." He slapped his hands over his eyes at the sight of Alicia where nothing but the Commander's shirt, which hung like a dress on her little frame.

"Reynolds, I'm not naked here." She barked, "What the hell are you doing here anyways?"

Before he could answer Jim came bursting through the doors and pointing the knife at the young soldier. "I'm going to castrate you." He roared as he lunged forward, only to be grabbed by a still half nude Taylor.

"Shannon, what seems to be all the hubbub?" He said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

"He needs to die." Jim ground out as he fought against the strong hands holding him back.

"Boy, what did you do?" Taylor asked, trying not to laugh at the frustrated Jim.

"Maddy told him about the baby." He stood behind Alicia, hiding, or at least trying to.

Both his Commanding Officers started laughing at the situation.

"Jim," started the Commander, "Relax, Reynolds was overjoyed to hear the news about Maddy. He's good for her. He won't leave her if that's what you're worried about. Now give me the knife."

Mr. Shannon sighed in defeat and gave the knife to the shirtless man before leveling Mark with a glare, "If you so much as harm one hair on my baby girl's head, no one will stop me from skinning you alive."

"So I have you're blessing?" Mark asked peering around Alicia.

Jim rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Yes." Before turning on his heel and leaving stiffening and walking back to hide behind Taylor.

Maddy Shannon and her mother walked through the door and glared at Jim. Elizabeth started ripping into him then. "Damn it Jim, I didn't think you would react this way. I mean I was scared when we," She waved a hand at her daughter, "Got the results, and overjoyed that her and Mark are getting married. But this," Elizabeth snatched the knife from the Commander, "is not what I had in mind this evening."

"Honey, this is also our daughter," He huffed out a sigh and looked at Mark, "you still have my blessing." He turned to leave but Dr. Shannon cleared her throat at him, "And I'm sorry about chasing you all over Terra Nova with a knife."

"Uh, it's okay, Mr. Shannon, If I had a daughter and found something like this out, well, I don't think I'd chase them with a knife."

"Oh, are you more of a gun person?" He asked, making idle conversation.

"More of a beat 'em to a pulp kind of guy." They walked out of the command center as Jim started telling him about raising kids.

The Shannon women shook their heads and left the two half naked people to their own devices.

Maddy walked hand in hand with Mark to her home, but instead of saying good night to Mark, Her father allowed her to stay the night with the young soldier.

"You'll have her at your place all the time soon." Jim had said as the couple left for Mark's place, hurrying to his house.

When they stepped onto the porch, Mark grabbed Maddy and lifted her into his arms bridal style. Carrying her over the threshold was easy, it was the getting out of their clothes with eyes closed and lips sealed that was the hard part.

Laying her on the bed he pressed the last free sex coupon into her palm, feeling her smile against him,

She pushed him until he rolled over and straddled him, kissing him deeply as she worked over him.

He already knew he wanted her, but he never knew how desperately until she positioned him under her and sank down on to him, rocking slowly as she got used to the new angle.

He sat up and pulled her body against him, stumbling her rhythm.

"Mark…let me-." He cut her off with his lips on hers. Large warm hands slid up her sides and cupped her breasts, making her groan and arch her back.

"Last I checked, you are physically impaired by our baby." He was excited for the impending arrival and couldn't wait to have a child to carry his name. "Let me take over," nipping her ear to persuade her to relinquish control.

"Not…tonight," She panted and pushed him until he laid on his back, though his hands continued to knead her breasts. She continued with her earlier languid pace, driving Mark crazy.

He dropped his hands to grip her hips tightly, lifting her and pulling her down on him at his own rhythm. Mark grunted loudly when she rolled her hips, along with a surprised smile on Maddy's face. She did it a few more times, gasping at the pleasure it brought her as well.

They climaxed together, the feeling of falling into an abyss was one of the most wonderful things they ever shared.

"Tomorrow night," she panted, snuggled against him, "you can do whatever you want to me."

Mark laughed and pulled Maddy closer to him, "Don't you mean next time we are naked together? Cause I highly doubt we will be doing this only at night."

"We're going to have so many kids."

"Hell yes." He smiled at her before they settled into a peaceful slumber.




Alicia waved them off and shut the door before turning toward a deviously grinning Nathaniel.

"What?" She asked, snuggling closer to him.

"I was thinking," He pulled his shirt off her and sucked at the nape of her neck, "That we could get married and have a baby or two."

"Hell no." She laughed as he laid her on the floor and covered her with his body.

Should I write an office scene about Wash and Taylor? OR about Maddy and Mark wedding and wedding night?