Chapter 8

Kevin woke up in a sweat; Jackson was sleeping on his chest snoring happily his thin muscular arms wrapped tightly around him. He looked around and noticed they were both naked and in a very awkward positions with Jackson left leg resting on top of his making it impossible for him to move. He looked at his watch on his wrist and sighed an hour had gone by since the dragons left he needed to get up and change and get ready to meet his crew. Sliding Jackson's arms loose he slid off the couch , Jackson mumbled sleepily and turned, " What's up?'' he grumbled getting up to stretch, " What time is it?'' he said rubbing his eyes and reached for his clothes. " Almost eleven o'clock in the afternoon.'' Kevin said putting his shirt on and reaching for his pants.

Jackson chuckled, "Someone hasn't lost his touch.'' He kidded as he slipped on his boots and grabbed his jacket. Kevin snorted "I see you've learned some new tricks as well.'' He said for he could not lie that Jackson was indeed impressive in the bedroom or in this case the living room. Jackson flushed and smiled, "I aim to please.'' he chuckled smugly which Kevin ignored as he put on his riding jacket and headed for the door.

The dragons were just returning when they stepped outside, Fajra and Thantos were rumbling happily together as they took a drink from her fountain. They walked out to meet them, Fajra lowered her head for him to pat and scratch her eye ridges, "Had a good trip?'' he asked as she purred happily, "Oh, yes the covert is quite nice and so are the dragons we've meet.'' She said joyfully. Thantos was consorting with his captain who was scratching his chin making the big dragon rumble happily. "We best be off.'' Jackson said patting his beast nose, Kevin nodded his head, "Alright then, thank you Thantos for taking her out and keeping her safe.'' Thantos rumbled "No problem Captain Kevin I was happy to.''

He then bowed politely to Fajra, "Goodbye I hope to see you soon. Maybe will go on another flight together.'' Fajra nodded, "I'd like that.'' She added eyeing Thantos who puffed out his chest and gave a sharp nod.

Jackson eyed his beast and shook his head and said a final goodbye he climbed aboard and gave a salute which Kevin mimicked and they took off. Fajra watched them go and made sure Thantos was far off before turning to Kevin, " He's nice but a bit of a show off.'' She added and he chuckled, "Yes but I think he just didn't know how to act around such a beautiful dragon.'' She hummed in his praise. "I'm hungry?'' she added and he patted her side, "Well I've got to see our new crew. So we can take a flight over the feeding grounds since they're near the crew barracks.'' He went off to fetch his harness and quickly climbed aboard her back once he was safely secure she pushed off and he guided her to the east coverts feeding pens.

Other dragons were feeding at the pens, most captains preferred calling for the food to be brought to their beast. But Kevin thought it gave the dragons something to do then sleep about lazily all day and it honed their natural hunting skills and kept them sharp in flight. He had Fajra land near the barracks all the crews of the east wings housed here when not on duty. Fajra lowered him down and looked about herself at the men who were eyeing her wide eyed. "They are staring at me.'' She said curiously looking down at him, "It's alright you are one of the first Chinese dragons ever to hatch on U.S. soil. You're different from the other breeds they're used to seeing.'' Fajra looked to the men who had returned to their work but were still looking on at her. "They are very odd.'' Was all she could say and he gave her a final pat before sending her off to feed.

He watched her circle around the large pen the animals panicking as she hovered over them, she quickly dove down and grabbed a cow and landed near a grassy field were other dragons were feeding their captains watching nearby.

Once he was sure she was alright, he headed to the barracks which where large apartments where all the crews lived according to rank. The site of the building made him remember his time at the barracks in the north wings grounds, as he walked about a few cadets all varying in age from sixteen to eighteen were drilling themselves while other much older groups mostly likely lieutenants were playing a game of cards. He headed straight for the small main building of the complex; he was greeted by two elderly gentlemen probably in their forties judging from their lack of hair and wrinkles upon their face. They were both behind a large desk talking behind some papers, they both smiled when they spotted him, "Welcome sir I'm John manger of East Wing crew barracks." He said in a hoarse voice and then turned to the man next to him, "And this is first lieutenant Marcus, he's in charge of the ground crews.'' The man, Marcus nodded and offered his hand, "Pleasure to meet you sir.'' And Kevin took the offered hand, "The pleasure is mine sirs. I'm Captain Kevin of Fajra.''

Both men were taken back by his naming of Fajra, it was John who spoke up first, " Fajra the Chinese dragon we've heard about?'' he asked looking at him with disbelief, Kevin merely nodded and said " Yes she is a Sháo-Lung or Scarlet Flower as her breed is called in English.'' His words seemed to bring life into John's eyes, "Oh, well congratulations Captain, I've heard of your name before and nothing but good words I assure you.'' Lieutenant Marcus gave his congrats and Kevin except gratefully, but quickly returned to the work at hand. "Sirs if you don't mind I'd like to meet my crew. Before Fajra finishes her meal and comes looking for me.'' He said giving the men a little jump at the thought of a dragon bearing down on them looking for her captain. Marcus was quick to speak, "No worries the crew will be called up at once.'' He said and quickly left the desk and picked up a phone whistling out a wave of commands into it before hanging up and returning. "Your crew will be here shortly.'' He said and returned to his desk to pick up his coffee mug and chugged it down, John stood up and then stretched, " Damn I'm old.'' He joked as he rubbed his back, "Come with me outside and will see to your crew.''

Kevin followed both John and Marcus outside they walked down a dirt path towards a large gym, Kevin took the time to look pass the fence towards the feeding grounds hoping to see Fajra but he didn't see her and he hoped that she didn't worry too much for him. When they were inside the gym they were greeted by the crew all fifty-one of them to be exact, they were all filed out according to rank, they all saluted him and the other superior officers and they returned the gesture. John spoke first, "At ease men, now I've come to bring you your captain. Please Captain Kevin come forward.'' He turned to Kevin and he stepped forward a little nervous at the several eyes staring at him, he gave a weak smile before speaking, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you im Captain Kevin of Fajra, and I hope that I can serve you all well.'' he said and they all gave him a firm salute, "Sir it would be a pleasure to work under you sir.'' They all said in unison which made Kevin feel as though he were talking to robots instead of men and women. But he took it in stride as good training and smiled and gave them a salute in return.

Once Marcus had left Kevin made his way around the crew talking to each and every one of them asking for their name and history. Most were very eager to tell him why others were quite shy and withdrawn his first and second lieutenants were very impressive, one was a twenty-four year old women his first Lieutenant Ivy she was bright women with three years' experience on dragons and as ground crew, she was short with long black hair her skin was a light brown but dark in some places all in all she was fine built and seem to have good weight on her shoulders. Next was his second Lieutenant Dan he was twenty-two and had only two year experience with dragons he was a bright with his blond buzzed haircut and green eyes he was muscular but not big and buff like some of the captains. He had a handsome face and nice smile which hinted to Kevin that the man was a charmer if he ever saw one. But they were chosen with high recommendations so he knew they would be the best.

After he greeted everyone one he asked them to follow him outside to the feeding grounds to meet Fajra who was just finishing her third cow and was crunching on the bones, she turned when she spotted him and his company. "Oh, you've returned,'' she said her voice muffled but the bone in her mouth, "Yes love I told you I wouldn't take long.'' He said patting her foreleg, she hummed happily and then turned looking at their captive audience who were all wide eyed as they looked her up and down she was indeed an impressive site even if she wasn't at her full growth yet. "Hello.'' She said eyeing them oddly then turned to Kevin, "They are very odd.'' She said in a dragon's version of a whisper. He chuckled "Don't worry they are just impressed at your beauty after all they've never seen a dragon like you before.'' He gave her a gentle pat and then began introductions make sure Fajra was introduced to every member of the crew and made sure each crew member had gotten a good look at her, mostly to show off he admitted to himself as well as to reassure her that she was indeed a beautiful sight to be seen.

Once everyone was introduced he dismissed the crew and told them to take it easy for they would be busy in the next few days with training once their wing was fully established. Fajra flew them back to their clearing as she landed a group of men were standing there waiting, he slid down her leg and approached the men, "Hello gentlemen how may I help you?'' one man walk forward eyeing Fajra still in awe before speaking, " Sir my name is Pete im your ground crew master and I've come to report that your lady beast's harnesses are ready and waiting for use.'' He said and smiled, "Might I say sir she is a real beauty.'' He said and smiled as he looked at Fajra who was heading into her pavilion to drink from her fountain. "Thank you sir your too kind.'' Kevin said smiling as his girl quenched her thirst.

Kevin had the ground crew get Fajra out of the temporary harness they were using, once she was free of it she yawned widely and went to sleep. Kevin smirked and thanked the crew for their work before heading inside. He spent the rest of the day reading and looking out his window at Fajra sleeping soundly in her pavilion, he folded his page and headed to the kitchen, he checked the fridge to see if there was anything he could make instead of heading to the dining hall. He was in luck there were enough eggs left for him to make and omelet, but he'd have to place an order in for more supplies soon. Closing the fridge he picked out the window to make sure his charge was still asleep before cooking, she was still in the same place he left her, sleeping soundly her sides going up and down in soothing breaths.