Wellllll hiya. So here's the skinny I'm actually supposed to be writing for my other little story (shameless, shameless plug, it's called Plenty Dead To Go Around if you wanted to check it out I'd be just pleased as punch) but I had an itch and muses are fickle bitches. I'm sorry but it just had to be said.

This will be only two parts, it's an exercise of sorts I feel like I have to flex my writing muscles a bit, I've been away too long as of late. I hope part II to be a lemony exercise as I'll tell the true – it was my whole motivation for writing this, I just got distracted by the awesomeness that is Florence + the Machine's No, Light, No Light. So hope ya'll enjoy it for the snippet it is…I figure any time yummy Viking gets together with Flighty Fairy it's a good thing.

OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER: Characters not mine all homage is due Ms. Charlaine Harris, I'm just making them do what stupid-head Alan Ball should have…but I'm gonna rant so I'll just back away slowly Oh and yeah, lyrics aren't mine either, as I mention Florence + the Machine – EPIC song and video too…anywhooooo I'm really going to shut up now, promise – for real….

No Light

You are the hole in my head
You are the space in my bed
You are the silence in between
What I thought and what I said

The neon sign was like a scarlet blood drip in the darkness, it sung to me in all the ways it shouldn't. I had lost my mind, which was the only excuse I could think of. I was possessed by a singular need and a singular thought.

My heart was pounding and my mind reeling. Breathing was a problem. A problem in that I was having a hard time remembering how. I couldn't believe Bill had betrayed me like he had, I couldn't believe, or maybe I could. Maybe I had suspected something was just a lit…off from the beginning. Maybe my gut was whole lot smarter than my damn betraying heart…I had to push down tears before they spilled and ruined my makeup.

I cried too much last night. I cried 'til I felt like a rung out rag. My world had crashed in around me. Bill, my first love was a liar and a fraud. Everything between us had been a lie.

Then there was him. Eric. He was why I was sitting in the parking lot of Fangtasia, damn that man. The dreams of him were intense; they were sensitive and erotic at the same time. After I had tasted him blood any time I was near him my body hummed – vibrated with some indefinable need to get closer. At the risk of sounding cliché it was if my blood sung to his.

I had been conditioned to hate him, I hesitate to say brainwashed, but now I was realizing with Bill anything underhanded was possible. Eric was no saint, he was brutal and until I saw him with Godric I wondered if he felt anything but coldness. So much changed during those nights in Dallas.

So much had changed during the time Bill was missing. I closed my eyes and remembered Eric's kiss. My fingers unconsciously went my lips. I remembered that kiss so vividly. I could still taste him. I shivered thinking back on it. He tasted of cool wind, lust and inexplicably like Gran's sweet tea on a hot July afternoon.

I needed to know, I needed to taste him again.

I climbed from my car and fidgeted with the top of my dress. It was nothing like I normally wore. Black, I really didn't like black I preferred happy light colors but not for tonight. This dress was black lace over nude silk, hugging my body like a glove. The square off the shoulder neckline was all lace, sleeveless enveloping my shoulders like the arm of a lover. I didn't wear any jewelry save Gran's antique black pearl earrings. My make up was dark and I had taken a few tips from a YouTube video and applied a pretty good dark smoky eye. I only wore a pale pink lip-gloss and I hoped my hair that I had swept up in a messy twist looked sexy, not just messy.

Grabbing my small black clutch that matched my black peep-toe pumps I squared my shoulders and prepared to enter the dragons lair.

The bouncer checked my ID and my ass as he let me through the door. I reinforced my shields; I didn't want to hear anything but my own heartbeat tonight. The was of course a crowd at the bar and a crowd on the dance floor as Fangtasia's dancers slithered over up and down their poles. I observed what others were wearing and I was clearly not dressed for this place, which I knew but I wasn't dressing for vampires.

I was dress for him. Well, I guess truly I was dressed for a vampire.

"Sookie, what are you doing here?" I heard a familiar drawl behind me.

"Pam, lovely to see you," I beamed my southern good manners instinctual.

"You aren't with Compton, is it too much to hope that you've come to your senses?" Pam sounded more curious than anything as she looked me up and down.

I tried to stop my smirk, "Something like that. Is he here?"

I didn't have to say his name, she knew who I meant and that it wasn't Bill.

"He is taking care of a few things, but he'll be taking his place in a few minutes." She stopped talking but her arched eyebrow told me she wanted to say more.

"Pam, I'm not going to hurt him – as if I could, but I can't…" I bit my lip feeling my resolve breaking, cracking just around the edges "I can't stay away."

Apparently whatever I said was the right thing because it seemed to pacify her. "He knew you know, he knew that you'd come of your own accord eventually. He isn't like that sorry ass Bill Compton. He manipulates but he doesn't hide what he is. I think you know that don't you?"

I wasn't expecting to be having this conversation with Pam sided up at the bar with a million minds and pulses buzzing around me. With music reverberating through my body like an earthquake I was having one of the biggest epiphanies of my damn life.

I looked into Pam's eyes and even though I knew I couldn't be Glamored, for a moment I felt like I was. "Yes…he has never hid or pretend to be something he's not…even when… He has been Eric all along and I…" I faltered again.

"You want him, yeah – blah, blah, blah," she rolled her eyes at me. "Well you're in luck dearie, he's just made his entrance."

My heart clutched in my chest.

"Oh and Sookie?" Pam had started to head toward the door but turned back to me.


"You even so much as think of hurting my Master…I will piercing your pretty blond head with the heel of my Jimmy Choo's like an ant, and you know how much I love my Choo's."

I smiled, "Noted Pam."

She nodded and I saw a ghost of a smile before she turned around.

I steeled myself and took a long drink of my gin and tonic that I didn't remember ordering, I looked up in surprise and caught Chow's eye. He nodded to me slightly and went back to cutting citrus.

Now was the moment. No turning back.

I turned around trying look through the dim. There he was.

You are the night time fear
You are the morning when it's clear
When it's over, you will start
You're my head, you're my heart

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day
You can't choose what stays and what fades away
And I'll do anything to make you stay

On his dais, on his throne like the magnificent Viking he was, I swallowed hard. His dove grey suit had a slight glimmer even under the dark lights and his black dress shirt was unbuttoned to show a great amount of his gorgeous, flawless chest. I couldn't breathe, he was a magnet and I was quickly becoming molten steel.

I was sure he knew I was there but he wasn't looking at me. With one foot in front of the other I approached. I was on the edge of the dance floor when his eyes met mine. His face was completely unreadable. I felt a blush creeping over my body following wherever his gaze fell on me.

His face was a blank slate but his gaze didn't waver from me. I took one tentative step onto the wooden floor feeling compelled. There were people everywhere, closing in around me like walls. Hips were gyrating and limbs were waving impending my journey toward my goal.

"Hey sexy…." A man came up behind me, grinding his pelvis against my backside. I gasp in protest.

"Get away from me you perv!" I gave him a hard shove.

"Whaaaaat? …You have such a tight little body…I wanna do bad things with you…"

I felt suffocated by the man's stench – sweat and too much cheap cologne. I fought against him, pushing and was just about to bring the heel of my shoe on his foot but I wasn't given the chance.

"I believe the lady said to leave her alone, now I'm going to have to help you since you seem to be having trouble."

I stumbled back a couple steps as the man was torn away from me. The dance floor cleared in a snap and Eric stood holding the offending man by the throat several inches above the floor.

The man was gasping and struggling, clawing at Eric's hand. I opened my mouth to tell Eric to let the man go, I heard the distinct snap of fangs and tripped over the lump in my throat instead.

"Pam, take this man from my sight." Eric let the man drop to the floor just as Pam appeared to dispose of the disgusting man.

Through the crowd eyes crying out at me
In your place there were a thousand other faces
I was disappearing in plain sight
Heaven help me, I need to make it right

The room was deathly silent. Eric stood in the middle of the floor straightening his suit jacket then tidied his hair. Goodness the man was walking sex. He flashed an arresting smile to the room before giving a last tug to his jacket sleeves and turning to me.

I was starting to regret this whole blasted idea. I was way out of my tiny Bon Temps pond.

"Sookie," he held out his hand to me. His blue eyes were so dark they were nearly black and made me shiver. My legs were starting to shake as I felt pure need and desire cascade through my veins. His blood was singing through me, it seemed to call knowing it was close to home.

I looked at his hand for barely a second before I put mine in it.

It was exactly like coming home. His grip was firm and he pulled me to him. I felt like I was floating as I followed the gentle tug of his hand and my heart. It was pure, brilliant electricity. He guided me up the few steps of the dais and to the less ornate seat next to his.

We were both seated yet he still kept hold of my hand. His thumb was rubbing circles and I swear it was the most erotic thing I had ever felt.

"Why are you here Sookie?"

I bit my lip, "I'm here to see you." I answered directly.

"You're hedging."

I was too conscious of everyone staring. I tried to pull my hand away from his so I could think; it was incredibly hard to think when he was touching me.

He wouldn't let me pull away.

"I'm not hedging…I just, I needed to see you tonight." I figured there was no use in lying.

"You look spectacular by the way."

He was keeping me completely off balance. I don't know what I was expecting but this wasn't it.

"Thank you. I'd tell you you look nice too but I think you know that already." I laughed a little uncomfortably. Every woman in the bar was staring at him like they wanted to throw him down and have sex right there on the floor. Then they looked at me. They just wanted to murder me with the daggers they were shooting from their eyes. I redoubled my efforts to keep my walls up. I really, really didn't want to hear those thoughts.

He must have followed my line of sight, "Sookie, do you really think that I care what any woman in this bar thinks besides you? Do you think that I want any woman in this bar or in this world other than you?"

My heart lodged in my throat. I looked to him. I saw no deception in his eyes, no lies…I saw nothing hidden. I saw blue. Bright blue with such depths, there was so much inside of him. It knocked the wind out of me.

"You are a big faker!" I exclaimed jaw dropping.

He laughed lowly, "You do say the most curious things."

I sighed, "It's a long story."

"Let's get out of here."

There he went again throwing me completely off. There wasn't anything I wanted more than to leave with him.


He laughed again standing and walking to the end of the platform with me trailing behind him.

We were moving through the dark, I couldn't see a thing 'til he opened a door that opened to the back employee lot. He still hadn't let go of my hand.

"Eric, please slow down, my legs don't know how to be as long as yours and I certainly can't run in these shoes!" I gasp as I tripped nearly twisting my ankle.

Before I was able to right myself completely I was swept up in his arms bridal style. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck. "You could have just slowed your pace…don't have to carry me."

"We aren't walking."

It was completely the wrong time to look away from his face.

"Eric!" I held tighter to him, we were flying. Damnit we were flying! The man was completely distracting and that would just not do! We were flying.

"Settle down my little fairy, you are completely safe."

I glared at him. "I'd be safer on the ground."

"In just a bit…while we travel why don't you tell me why you really came to see me tonight?"

You want a revelation,
You want to get it right
But, it's a conversation,
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation, some kind of resolution
You want a revelation

"You know why…I know you have to feel it too. Eric, I don't know…I don't know what it is about you. I should hate you, but I cannot for the life of me think of one reason to actually hate you. I just want you, I don't want to dissect it to death, I don't want to talk about our future I only want to stop this ache I have."

"What kind of ache? Is this an ache I can help with?" The bastard had the audacity to grin at me.

I slapped at his chest, too embarrassed to answer.

"I'm going to ask this once and only once so you better listen carefully and you better answer just as carefully…"

I blinked at him, his voice heavy and carried the weight of the question that I was pretty sure I already knew.

"Are you getting back at Bill by coming to me?"

I locked my gaze onto his.

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes

"No, this is not about Bill."

"Are you going back to Bill?"

I thought about Bill coming out to rescue me in the broad daylight. I thought about him and Lorena in Dallas. I thought about waking up next to him wishing it was Eric. I thought him lying, about his mission to take me to the queen and I shuddered. I thought about him feeding on me till he had nearly drained me.

I thought about Eric cuffing himself to Russell in the burning daylight. Bill would have let Eric burn even if he had had the means to rescue him. Bill would have let Russell kill Eric ten times over. He had no compassion for Godric, when had claimed to me that he was more human than most. He buried Eric in cement… I might have been able to one day forgive Bill for the things he had done to me but I would never forgive him the things he had done to Eric.

I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day,
You can't choose what stays and what fades away

"Never. Eric…I'm yours, if you'll have me."

And I do anything to make you stay

His mouth crushed mine and I felt my entire world found purpose and rapture in that kiss. "Oh Eric…" I moaned lacing my fingers into his hair.

"Sookie…if you are teasing me, if you are…" he pulled his lips away, touching his forehead to mine.

"I'm not teasing, I'm not getting even. I'm not running away… I'm giving in, I'm giving into what I've been fighting. I'm giving myself…"

I felt a shift and I realized we'd come back to ground. He lowered me to unsteady feet. I clutched his shift front trying to get my feet back, I felt woozy.

"You've no idea how much I've wanted, waited for you to come to me. I used to think I was a patient man, but you…"

No light, no light
No light
Tell me what you want me to say