Disclaimer: I don't own Brooke and Julian. The characters belong to Mark Schwan and the creaters of One Tree Hill.

A/N: I will be writing from each family's POV and also I know Karen's Cafe wasn't reopened when Brooke and Julian were engaged.* Please Review and tell me what you think! Ideas would be great to have incase of a writer's block! *

~Brooke and Julian~

Brooke woke up on a Saturday morning. She loved waking up next to the love of her life. She was engaged to Julian Baker and her life couldn't be better. When she looked to her left, she saw he had woken up.

"Hey beautiful." Julian told Brooke.

"Hi." She said.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asked.

"Nothing about to get ready to go to the cafe." She replied.

Julian just stared at Brooke and her hand.

"What?" she asked.

"That ring looks hot on you." He told her.

"I know." Brooke said playfully.

Then, Julian took Brooke in his embrace and began to kiss her. Brooke smiled and then giggled.

"I gotta go to work, but I'll see you later." She said as she winked at him as she left the room.

Julian just grinned his illegal grin and got up to get dressed.

~ 1 hour later~

When Brooke took the customer's order at the bar at Karen's Cafe someone walked into Karen's Cafe.

"Welcome to Karen's Cafe" Brooke said with a smile even though she wasn't facing toward the door.

"Brooke Davis working at Karen's Cafe again?" two familar voices said behind her.

Brooke turned around and smiled from ear to ear when she saw Lucas and Peyton standing in the door way of the cafe.

"Oh my goodness," Brooke exclaimed as she ran over to them giving both of them huge hugs, "what are you two doing here? I was beginning to think you two fell off the face of the Earth."

Lucas and Peyton laughed, "No Brooke, we've just been traveling alot."

"That's why I've only been emailing you, we have no cell phone service in the middle of the ocean." Peyton told her with a giggle.

Brooke smiled and asked " Where's Sawyer?"

"Right here!" Sawyer exclaimed from behind Peyton.

"Oh my,"Brooke said, "you've gotten so big!" She said as she hugged Sawyer for the first time in 5 years.

"Yeah." Sawyer said as she broke the hug from Brooke.

"Well, I think I'm going to leave with Sawyer so you two can catch up. Oh and good job on re-opening Karen's Cafe with Haley, Brooke. It looks really good in here. Come on Sawyer, wanna go see where dad spent most of his time when he was a kid?" Lucas said

"Yeah!" Sawyer exclaimed and she took her daddy's hand and they gave Peyton a goodbye kiss and hug.

"Bye Aunt Brooke" Sawyer yelled as they were leaving.

"Bye Sawyer!" Brooke yelled back.

Peyton and Brooke looked at each other and smiled.

"Nice to have you back P. Sawyer." Brooke said.

"Nice to be back B. Davis." Peyton said.

Peyton looked at Brooke and then said," So, now it's time for you to catch me up on all things happening in Tree Hill."

"I can do that." Brooke smiled.

Brooke clocked out and then her and her best friend walked out of Karen's Cafe and began to walk the streets of Tree Hill.