I hope you've all enjoyed the MoriHaru feels, because I certainly have~

Haruhi was temporarily blinded as she walked back into the Third Music Room. When the light had faded, she saw that the entire room had changed in her absence. Colored holiday lights had been strung across the entire room—which, somehow, had been transformed from its usual pink to a brilliant white, completely devoid of furniture. Large glittering snowflakes hung from the ceiling, and a massive Christmas tree dominated the center of the room, covered with glass ornaments and baubles, even more lights, and even a string of popcorn that the twins were finishing stringing up. No doubt someone had told them it was some sort of "commoner tradition"...

"I don't get it," she heard Hikaru whisper to Kaoru. "Why don't we just eat it instead of putting it on a tree?"

Kaoru never got to answer, as Tamaki chose then to notice Haruhi's presence. "Haruhiiii!" he gushed, clapping his hands with joy. The rest of the club quickly surrounded Haruhi. "You look perfect, my darling..." He faltered at glares from the entire club. "...friend!"

"Thanks, I guess," she shrugged. "But I still don't see why you guys won't let me pick my own outfits out. This one's really nice, though." She twirled experimentally, humming a song to herself, and the skirt of the dress flared out. The Host Club (and a growing crowd of fangirls) watched in awe.

"Well," Kyouya finally announced to the room. "I suppose that this is as good a way to begin the dance as any." He clapped his hands. Immediately, the lights in the room dimmed and a slow song played from the live orchestra that had seemingly materialized from nowhere (Haruhi did a double-take when she saw it. Rich bastards).

As customers giddily skittered around the room to find dance partners, Haruhi found herself swept into the arms of none other than...

"Sweet Haruhi!" Tamaki greeted her, strangely to her dismay. "Have I mentioned yet that you look absolutely radiant in that dress?"

"Once or twice," she murmured, but Tamaki seemed to mistake her sarcasm for coyness.

"Oh, you~" he blushed, waving a hand. The moment his hand lifted, though, he found himself unceremoniously shoved aside by a smug-looking Kaoru.

Haruhi sighed. "Thanks, Kaoru. I really needed to get away from that."

"Any time," he replied sincerely, smiling at her. After a brief moment of dancing, he noticed something from the corner of his eye and his smile sank ever so slightly. Graciously, though, he twirled Haruhi into a waiting Hikaru's arms.

"Hey there," Hikaru grinned.

"Hey, yourself," Haruhi answered, grinning back. The music sped up, and Hikaru led her into a more bold dance. When the two swung around at one point, Haruhi actually collided with someone. "I'm so sorry," she immediately apologized, while Hikaru sheepishly pulled at his collar. "We'll be more careful, we promise."

"Oh, I'm sure you will," Kyouya said coolly, light flashing across his glasses. Hikaru gave a small "Eep!" and scurried off to find his twin. "So, Haruhi, may I have this dance?" the Shadow King asked politely.

"Um, sure," she answered. She wasn't terribly fond of the idea of dancing with the Shadow King, but he was being decent enough, and besides, who knew what crazy things he would add to her debt for?

"Why on earth would I do that?" he queried as they danced. "It's Christmas. Even I'mnot cold-hearted enough to add to your debt today." Pause. "Unless there's something you've done..."

Don't think of the shelf don't think of the shelf don't think of the shelf

"No, of course not!" She forced a laugh. "What would make you think such a thing?"

At precisely that moment, Kyouya noticed a tugging on his suit jacket. He peered down to see Hunny standing innocently, his hands behind his back. "Hi, Kyou-chan!" he said sweetly. "Is it my turn to dance with Haru-chan now?"

Kyouya bowed. "Of course, Hunny-senpai. She's all yours."

"Yay!" he cheered, latching on to one of Haruhi's arms. "Come on, Haru-chan!~"

"Thank you," she moaned. "Scary mind-reading Shadow King..."

"Yeah, Kyou-chan can be scary sometimes," Hunny agreed, slowing to a stop and swinging Haruhi's arms to an upbeat song. "But he's a softie underneath under all that scariness, ne~?"

"Um, I suppose," she mused. Hunny started spinning in a circle with her, and she found herself laughing with the tiny senior. Suddenly he spun her a little too hard and she tore free, unable to stop spinning. Finally she tripped over the hem of her dress and screamed as she dropped toward the floor...

...How strange. Her face wasn't dashed against the tile floor.

Haruhi cracked her eyes open to find herself inches from the floor, yet suspended by a strong, familiar pair of arms.

"You okay?" Takashi asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah," she said, still a little shocked. "Thanks."

"No problem."

Takashi lifted Haruhi effortlessly to her feet and guided her away from the orchestra pit, where he had been coming from, and to a less crowded section of the dance floor. Suddenly, the orchestra started playing a song that sounded very familiar to her.

Haruhi gasped. Scenes flashed across her mind: laughing, colors, smiles, pine...this song playing in the background the whole time. The version of the song she currently heard was slower, though, more suited for a slow dance.

"You were humming it earlier," Takashi said by way of explanation.

She turned to him, her eyes alight. "You requested this song for me?"

The senior couldn't stop himself from blushing slightly and smiling. "Yeah."

Haruhi flung her arms around him, much to his surprise. "It's my favorite. Thank you."

Takashi's smile softened. "Would you like to dance?" he offered.

Haruhi gave a graceful curtsy. "It would be a pleasure, Takashi-senpai."

He gently placed a hand on her back and she placed hers on his shoulder. Their remaining hands they clasped together and they gently swayed with the music.

The two shared a comfortable quiet for quite some time. Finally, though, Haruhi broached the silence. "...You know, this song was my favorite part of Christmas," she confided.

Takashi cocked his head in curiosity.

"Before my mom died," she continued. "We'd play this song at night on Christmas Eve and just dance to it—although, in retrospect, it was probably a ploy to get me tired enough to finally go to sleep..." Haruhi chuckled to herself. "I can remember one year when I tried to convince my parents I was too old for it; it was awful. They insisted that if I was too old for dancing, I was too old for presents and eggnog..."

She smiled again. "Thank you. Really."

Takashi dipped his head in a little bow, the pink tinge returning to his cheeks. This time, however, Haruhi didn't fail to notice it.

Their dance halted momentarily and Haruhi frowned. She looked at Takashi, who was looking up, and looked up as well. Wonder of wonders, what did she see?

Another sprig of mistletoe.


She glanced back at Takashi, who quickly averted his eyes, blushing agai—hang on, had he been staring at her?

And suddenly, everything clicked.

"Takashi-senpai...do you like me?"

His eyes widened and he turned back to face her, the blush becoming more prevalent. As quiet as Takashi tended to be, she could tell that he was actually speechless.

He swallowed, his eyes darting in every direction except Haruhi's. He finally took a deep breath, forced himself to look her in the eyes, and nodded. "Yeah."

Haruhi blinked, processing this revelation. She pursed her lips, blissfully unaware of the customers who had halted all around them and were waiting with bated breath.

"...I think I like you, too."

Flames of moe (and a few of yaoi) erupted from the silently watching fangirls as Haruhi stood on her tiptoes and gave Takashi a tentative kiss. The flames only grew as Takashi, although initially taken aback, gently returned the kiss, the song reaching its sweet ending in the background:

"Baby, all I want for Christmas is...you. "

"Finally," a voice grumbled to Kyouya.

"Hm?" He turned around to find Renge standing next to him, watching the kiss intently. "Ah, Ms. Renge. I didn't...hear you come in."

"What, the high-power motor platform?" Renge huffed, affronted. "Please! That would completely ruin the moment!" Her irritation switched frighteningly quickly to hearts-for-eyes fangirling.

"I suppose so. Did you suspect it would happen?"

Renge spluttered. "'Suspect'? Are you kidding? The sexual tension between the two of them was so thick I could have cut it with a butter knife and eaten it with three bowls of rice!"

"...I see." Pause. The new lovers had noticed the mass of fangirls and a red-faced Haruhi alternated between loudly shooing them away and hiding her face in Takashi's chest. "This should be exceedingly beneficial for the club's profit."

"Nobody can withstand the power of yaoi. Nobody."

Kyouya held his tongue.
