Hello, this is my first time ever writing in a creative fashion. But anyway, this is a story that bounces between past and present and different points of view, its total AU I believe, not sure what that really means. If I made a mistake please tell me so I can fix it and also reviews would be nice so I can see what's good to work with and what's bad. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Chapter 1. Preface

~Kurt Hummel 10 years old~


A long wailing sound came across the hall into Burt Hummel's room.


Burt's eyes snapped open registering the loud wailing coming from Kurt's room. Hurriedly, Burt got out of bed, put on his slippers and scuffled to his son's room.

"Kurt, buddy what's wrong?"

Burt peered into his son's room seeing the boy squirm in his bed. He opened the door all the way and walked in looking across the room to his son's bed. It was the only object illuminated in the room from the bright moon beaming down on him. Without caution, Burt walked over to his son's side, not worrying about running into anything knowing that his son always kept his room tidy, and kneeled down.

"Kurt? Are you okay?"

Burt reached out and grabbed Kurt's shoulder to stop him from wiggling.

"Kurt, wake up Kiddo."

Kurt's eyes slowly peeled open looking up at his father. His clothes were riddled with sweat and his hair was a complete mess. His eyes slowly traveled across the room until they reached back to his father. With furrowed brows, Kurt frowned.

"What's wrong kiddo?"

Burt rubbed his son's shoulder to comfort the upset boy.

"Did you have another bad dream?"

Kurt shook his head confused and sat up on his bed. He blinked twice his gaze was confused as he looked across the room again then to his dad.

"No, it was a good dream."

Kurt pouted and crossed his arm glaring at his dad.

"Why did you have to wake me up?"

Burt looked at his son with confusion remembering the wailing sounds that came from his room.

"Well, you looked like you were having a rough night in here, bud. With all the moaning I thought you were having a nightmare"

"No, it was a good dream" Kurt reassured him

Burt shifted to a more comfortable position and smiled at Kurt.

"Well what was it about?"

Kurt smiled back as his eyes glistened in the moonlight recalling his dream.

"Well, I was in class and Mr. Anderson was handing back test grades. He gave me back mine and I didn't get any wrong!"

Kurt's eyes were bright with excitement even in the dark room. Burt could feel how happy his son was and his heart filled with pride.

"That's great Buddy!"

Burt went into hug his son.

"It's probably going to happen too, you've been working so hard lately you're bound to get good grades like that."

Kurt hugged back still happy from his dream.

"Yeah, that's what Mr. Anderson said in my dream. He said 'You worked so hard Kurt! You really deserve this grade.' Then he kissed me"

Burt's eyes shot open after hearing those words come out of Kurt's mouth. He pulled off and looked down at his son.

"Wait, he kissed you…in your dream?"

Kurt looked at his father a bit annoyed.

"Yes, he kissed me. I just told you that."

Burt's face went from shocked to serious. He looked down at his son with a stern glare in his eye.

"But he never did that in real life, right? Just in your dream?"

Kurt nodded confused; he didn't see what the problem was. His dad kissed him every night before he went to sleep and when he got a good grade. Why was he so worked up about Mr. Anderson kissing him in his dream?

"Okay, are you sure Mr. Anderson never kissed you or touched you inappropriately?"

"No…he pats me on the back when I get a good grade but he never kissed me before."

Burt sighed in relief, what would he have done if Kurt told him that Mr. Anderson did kiss him before?

"Okay buddy, I believe you"

Burt laid Kurt back down in his bed.

"Get to sleep, you have school tomorrow"

Burt kissed Kurt on the forehead.

"I love you."

He got up to leave Kurt's room.

"I love you too, dad"

Burt looked back at Kurt lying sleepily in his bed and smiled at his wonderful son before remembering the issue on hand. He walked back to his bedroom, sat down at his desk in front of the computer and pulled up his email.

Dear Mr. Anderson,

We need to have a parent teacher conference as soon

as possible. This regards Kurt's well being in your

class room.

Burt Hummel