So sorry that this is so late. I really wanted to update a long time (two months) ago but school is overwhelming. But I'm here now and I will try to update regularly on my stories.

*I believe I should recap because it has been three months-ish since my last chapter.

James and Kendall had a fight because Kendall tried to convince James that he is special and worth something but James doesn't see it. Therefore, Kendall left James, saying he can't be James' boyfriend if James can't see how great he is.

Sam kissed Carlos and Logan saw. He ran away and into Jett, who tried to rape him in the park. Kendall rescued him in time before Jett actually did anything serious and Kendall is now taking him to James because Logan hates Carlos for kissing Sam, even through she forced him.

Other Side of a Mirror

"Hey, Kendall?" Logan whispers into Kendall's ear as the athlete carries him on his back. It's been a couple of blocks and Logan becomes more familiar with the path to James' house. "You're kind of nice."

"Thanks, I guess." Kendall bounces the boy, feeling Logan slipping from his body. He grabs both of Logan's hands around his neck, holding tight with one of his. "Logan, stay awake. You don't want to fall off." Kendall warns. He notices after picking up the boy, Logan's tired, probably still traumatized by that jerk, Jett. "Talk to me, Logan." Kendall sighs. He hates having meaningless conversations for the sake of staying awake but if talking keeps Logan conscious then he figures he has to do it. "Say something, Logan."

"What do you want to talk about?" Logan yawns, his folded legs loosening around Kendall's waist.

"Anything." Kendall grunts, having to stop to bounce Logan back into a comfortable position, latching one of Logan's thigh with his other free hand. He's getting irritated, not happy of his good deed. "Work with me, Logan. You have to stay awake for this to be easy." He wouldn't complain if Logan was smaller and easier to carry but being a full size eighteen year old, carrying the man-child is a struggle.

"I'm scared." Logan whispers, making Kendall groan. The blonde isn't one that likes talking about one's feeling; probably that's the reason why he doesn't like being around kids. "Do you think Jett will come back?" Logan asks, fearfully clutching Kendall's neck.

"He can't." Kendall asserts, picking up speed. With Logan strongly clinging onto him, he briskly walks faster. "As long I'm here, Jett can't touch you."

"But Jett almost had sex with me. I don't want sex." Logan cries his rough sobs into Kendall's ear.

"Then don't have sex." Kendall easily suggests. "As long as I'm here, I won't let Jett lay a finger on you. You won't have to worry about Jett and if Carlos makes you then tell him no. Carlos will understand. And besides, Carlos doesn't seem like the guy that will have sexual urges."

"No! Carlos is bad! Carlos is having sex right now." Logan whimpers, his tears falling on Kendall's soft tee covered shoulder. Kendall isn't ready for being a parent or taking care of people with the mentality of a kid. He does wonder if what Logan's saying is true. Carlos doesn't seem like the type to cheat. "He left me."

"Then you have me and James, ok?" Kendall tries to control his tone. He really wants to scream at Logan to get real and stop whining like how he wants to yell at James to stop being whiny. But the difference is James is a grown man and Logan isn't. He doesn't want to yell and shock the already emotional boy. "As long as you have me and James, you will never have to deal with jerks like Jett-"

"Or Carlos?" Logan interjects and Kendall wonders what happened between the two of them. He can't imagine Carlos doing anything to hurt Logan. From what Kendall sees, Carlos isn't the type of unfaithful guys who hurts the people he loves. "Will you protect me from Carlos?"

"Sure, Logan. I won't let him hurt you."

"And Jamie, too? Will he help me?" Logan hopefully asks. Kendall sighs and shakes his head. He doesn't like hearing the brunette's name pop up nonchalantly.

"Yes, James and I will protect you from Carlos."

"Thanks Kendall. You're my hero." Logan rustles his dimple against Kendall's cheek. This time, Kendall unknowingly blushes. He doesn't usually blush. He doesn't have a soft side but with Logan calling him a hero in a high pitch voice, his soft dimple caressing his, he can't help but feel sympathetic for the lad. It kind of reminds him when James called him that word.

"No problem, Logan. Glad to save you." Kendall mousily replies, bouncing Logan with a content spring in his step.

"I like you. I see why James loves you." Logan states, making Kendall jerk back, the gleeful strut becoming a slow trek. "You must be James' hero too."

"Actually Logan, James and I are not together, together." Kendall corrects him. Logan picks up his head and stares puzzled at the back of Kendall's head.

"What do you mean? You and James are together. That's why you are James' boyfriend."

"It's complicated, Logan. You wouldn't understand what is going on with James." Kendall tries to diverge from the question but he hears the tiny sniffles coming from behind him. "Are you crying again?"

"No," Logan lies, shaking the tears away. "I'm not crying."

"Look, Logan. This is an adult problem and you don't understand adult things." Kendall asserts, his harsh tone making Logan cry a bit louder. "Stop crying. Be a big boy. Only baby cries."

"But, I can't. James and you are perfect for each other." He states with his broken voice.

"How can you tell? You never saw us together." Kendall reasons, seeing James' house coming into view. Thank god, he doesn't have to be with Logan and his questions anymore. He liked the little cheek rubbing but crying Logan is too much work. This is why he doesn't like working with kid. They are too much of a hassle for him to handle.

"But you and James are the same height." Logan analyzes but it doesn't make any sense. Kendall doesn't base his boyfriend on height. He does base it on how sexy the guy is; that's what attracted him to James in the first place but there is a lot more to a relationship than looks. He wonders if that is why Logan is in love with Carlos, for his height and pecs.

"Logan. That is not-"

"And he said it's not your fault."

"Wait, what?" Kendall abruptly stops, half a block from James' front door. He didn't hear that James defend him about what happened yesterday. In the afternoon, to Kendall, it sounded like James blamed Kendall for everything. This doesn't sound right to the blonde. "What did James say? And how did you know?"

Logan lays his head back on the empty shoulder, feeling that Kendall isn't going to move anytime soon. "I don't know for sure but Carlos was yelling. He said mean things about you. Carlos said Kendall is bad. He said something like Kendall is a meanie. I don't think so. Carlos is a meanie. I hate him."

"No!" Kendall gets impatient, snapping at the boy. "What did James say about me?"

"He said it's not your fault." Logan repeats, cringing at Kendall's harsh tone but the moment Logan speaks, he feeling the tension around Kendall dissipating as if Kendall is a lot calmer.

"He said that?" Kendall asks and Logan nods. "What else? Did James say anything else?"

"I don't know." Logan tries to remember but he only heard a bit of Carlos and James' conversation while he was putting on clothes and hiding from Carlos' rage. "I think James said something about being in love with someone. Carlos said he loves James but James said he wanted someone more. I think James was talking about you." Logan says, recalling as much of his memory as he can. He doesn't remember anything else and what he does remember, he doesn't know if he can trust it. It was a tense moment.

"Thanks Logan. I needed to hear that." Kendall starts walking again.

"Sure Kendall. Does that mean you love James?" Logan pries, playing with his thumbs on Kendall's shirt.

"I am in love him." Kendall admits but being in love with the model doesn't solve their problem. Kendall wants James to learn how special he really is and believe in himself. That's all Kendall really wants. "James is a special guy."

"He is because he has you."

"No! Don't say that to James, ok?" Kendall yells, confusing the boy on his back. "If you see James, don't tell him that. James is special with or without me and I want him to know that. He doesn't know what makes him beautiful."

Logan chuckles. Kendall knows Logan doesn't really understand the situation. He's too innocent to understand. But sometime, an innocent mind is all Kendall needs to listen to. "James is special but he is lucky to have you."

Kendall laughs, agreeing with the young brunette. "I guess you can say that."

"That means you and James are boyfriends? Please? James is too pretty to not have a boyfriend and you're a hero. You have to have a boyfriend."

Kendall laughs louder, agreeing with Logan once again. "I do agree that James is too pretty to be single."

"So you're going to ask James to be your boyfriend? Please. And when you ask, you have to kiss him. It's the rule. You have to kiss if you want to have a boyfriend." Logan recites, getting involved with Kendall's business.

"I might." Kendall jokes, making Logan groan angrily. "I have a plan to make James my boyfriend but only if you help."

"I can help?" Logan shrieks a little too high-pitched in Kendall's ear. "I want to help! Please." He begs.

"If you want to help then get James to think he is special. Can you do that?" Kendall asks him, letting go of Logan from his back and onto the top step of James' porch.

"I can do that." Logan nods, sitting cross-legged as Kendall walks to the door and rings the doorbell.

"And remember Logan, don't tell James we talked, ok?" Logan zips his lips and nods his head, trying to hide the grin on his face.

"Good," Kendall winks and rings the bell again, faintly hearing James yelling "coming" on the other side. He presses the button again to annoy James for fun.

"COMING!" James yells, unlocking the door and pulling inward. "What the!" James grimaces, growling angrily. "What are you doing here?"

"Something happened in the park."

"Good for it! Good night!" James cuts him off and slams the door but Kendall catches, jamming his shoe at the corner before James can close him off. James growls again, thinning his eyes into a flat beam. "I said get out, Knight."

"I found Logan in the park."

"Good for you. Get a cookie from Carlos!"

"There's a problem. Logan-"

"I HATE CARLOS!" Logan huffs. Kendall shrugs his shoulders, having Logan explain the problem before he can. James pinches his forehead, feeling as if a headache is going to hit him.

"I don't care. Logan is your problem. I don't want anything to do with you or Logan right now." James kicks the foot out of the way and prepares to close.

"James, you have to take Logan. Logan won't go back to Carlos and I can't leave him on the street." Kendall argues but the model acts like he is a man of stone, cold-hearted and filled with hate.

"I don't care. Logan ran off before. He can survive on his own." James ends, shutting the door in Kendall's face.

"He was raped!" Kendall finally yells, hoping that will change James' mind and it does.

"What?" The door opens and James gives him a softer stare, feeling a bit sorry and skeptical. "Logan got what?"

Kendall turns his head, stealing a peek at Logan before looking back at James. "Logan was naked in the park, hands tied to a bench with Jett hovering over him."

"Jett? Oh my god." James gasps, gritting his teeth. "Is he ok? Is he hurt? Did Jett you know, it him?"

"No, I punched Jett off before he can do it to him. But Jett did hurt him, Logan's feet are cut up and his body is bruised." Kendall explains. James looks as if he's going to cry, feeling sympathy, relating to the situation. After what Jett did to him, he wouldn't want Jett to touch anyone. "So can he come in?" Kendall asks, picking Logan up gingerly in his arms.

"Of course he can." James nod. "But you-"

"Great, I'll lay Logan on the living room couch." Kendall quickly adds, worming around the host and dashing to the room.

Annoyed, James bites his lower lip, not wanting to invite the guy that insulted him into his home. "You can't stay." James whispers, locking the door and stomping into the kitchen to make Logan a hot chocolate.

"Thanks Jamie." Logan happily grabs the warm cup from his hands. He takes a sip of the drink steaming with whipped cream. James raises his eyebrow suspiciously. With his happy tone, James doubts that Logan was a raped victim.

"No problem, Logan. Kendall, can I talk to you?" James grabs his collar and drags him to the hallway without the guy's consent. Spinning Kendall around, James points to Logan enjoying his mug with his fingers wrapped all the way around the warm mug. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" James whispers quietly so only Kendall can hear him.

"What are you talking about? And I was about to put some bandages on his cuts." Kendall shows James the half ripped covers. James isn't amused, slapping the medicated tapes out of the athlete's hand. Kendall scrunches his bottled green eyes at James' death gaze. "What the hell is that for?"

"You freaking liar! Logan didn't get raped!" James assumes, still pointing at the boy, hugging the mug with both hands.

"What the fuck? Are you blind? He has bruises all over his body and cuts on his feet. You think Logan did that to himself?" Kendall rationalizes, tilting his head to the side, peeking at the engrossed boy, playing with the whipped cream on his nose with his tongue.

"You think I'm blind, don't you? First you say I can't see that I'm special and now you think I can't see you planning something with Logan." James mocks, waving his hands in the air as if he surrenders.

"Then what do you think happened to Logan? How did he get those scars and cuts?" Kendall questions.

"Not from a rape! I know what it feels like to have sex and then get left on the side. I know how horrible it is to know my body is for sex and nothing else. I know how empty it feels when someone controls you and throws you away." James shouts into the blonde's face, panting deep breaths. "Logan is not feeling any of that. He is a not a rape victim. He is too happy to be a victim."

Kendall blankly stares at him, waiting to see if James has anything else on his chest. After that monologue, Kendall feels the tension climbing steeply but Kendall doesn't take James' anger seriously. "Wait a second. Are we still talking about Logan or are we talking about you and your problems because you switched a lot and I can't keep up."

"AH!" James pulls his hair, spinning on the heels of his feet as he dashes up to the seated boy. "Logan, get up! You have to leave. I can't deal with Kendall anymore. You are just a part of his stupid plan to make me feeling sick and twisted and wrong. So I need you to get up and him to get out."

"Wait, I'm still confused." Kendall raises his hand as a joke, which James doesn't find humorous. "So you want me to leave but you're yelling at Logan. I don't understand."

"I want you to go!"

"Me or Logan?"

"Stop asking questions and leave me alone!" James directs to him to the door, growling furiously.

Logan sees James' face boiling red and stands up, tapping James' arm.

"I want you gone too." James says, containing his burning anger.

"Please don't fight." Logan pleads, staring at James with his pouty eyes and pursed lip with a whipped cream mustache. "I don't want you and Kendall to fight."

"Well, we wouldn't if he stops being a jerk."

"Kendall isn't a jerk. He saved me from Jett. Kendall is a hero." Logan states proudly but James doesn't believe him about Jett or Kendall being a hero.

"Logan. This is-"

"I am not a kid!" Logan shouts, shocking both Kendall and James. "I know you love Kendall and Kendall loves you. Why can't you be Kendall's boyfriend?"

"Logan," James sighs, wiping his hair from his forehead. "Look. This is not about loving him or even if he loves me. This is different."

"Are you guys fighting over me?" Logan asks innocently. James and Kendall share a confused look at each other before Kendall jumps in.

"No, Logan." Kendall walks over to pat his shoulder. "Why would you say we are fighting because you?"

"Because I can hear you guys." Logan sniffles, wiping his tears and the cream on his bruised forearm. "You and James were fight about me being raped or something. I don't know what rape is but it sounds bad."

"See," Kendall directs his voice to James. "This is your fault."

"What? How is this my fault?" James fights the accusation.

"Because you couldn't stop complaining about your pathetic life. Maybe if you stop thinking about all the bad things in your life, you can realize how much you have."

"Stop making this about me. We are fighting about if Jett and Logan had sex."

"Rape is sex? No! I don't want sex!" Logan freaks out, jumping on the couch, covering his face with one of the cushions. He curls up in a ball, knees pressing to his chest. "No sex! I hate sex! No rape! Rape bad! No sex!" He chants.

"So you still think Logan and I are still lying about him getting raped?" Kendall asks, mocking James' disbelief. James shakes his head and sits next to Logan, patting his back.

"Logan, listen to me." He tries to grab his attention but Logan won't look, crying into the soft cotton filled pillow. "Logan, listen to me. No matter if Kendall and I are fighting, I still care about you. You're never the problem, ok?"

"What about Kendall?" Logan pokes an eye out of the corner at the blonde.

"I guess I will love you, too." Kendall groans loudly, sitting to Logan's other side. James continues to glare at him for that exhausted sigh but Kendall glares back. "What? I'm not good with kids."

"This isn't about you. This is about making Logan feel comfortable about what happened and letting him know we are here for him." James full-heartedly states. After believing that Logan was almost raped, James finally feels completely caring for him.

"Of course Logan knows we are here for him. Why do you think I am here? I'm here to protect him." Kendall answers his own question, rolling his eyes at the model.

"Then stop fighting me. It's bad enough that you can't even act like a good dad to him when he needs you but you have to roll your eyes at me like I'm crazy. Stop it!" James commands him but Kendall doesn't stop.

The athlete wraps an arm about Logan's shoulders, comforting the balled boy, pulling him out of both of James' smoldering arms. "And what about you? You're hugging him like you're his overprotective mommy. God! Give him some space. He can function without his sexy mommy." Kendall counters, blasting at James.

"At least I feel for other people. All you care about is how great and sexy I am or how special I am. You are obsessed. Can't you for once stop going on about me and think about Logan? He's obviously crying and you can't even pretend to love him."

"Because Kendall loves you." Logan quickly points out, chuckling at them comparing each other as Logan's parental figures. "You called Kendall dad and Kendall called you mommy."

"Stop it, Logan." James blushes, looking away, crossing his arms. "I'm not your mommy and Kendall isn't your dad. And if he is, I don't care. I don't want to be with him."

"Yes you do." Logan sings and pokes James' ribs. "Kendall makes you feel special."

"No, he doesn't."

"That's because you are special!" Kendall and Logan both yell at the same time, surprising the brunette.

"I think you are special, Jamie. You are perfect and Kendall loves you." Logan adds, nodding his head.

"He doesn't love me." James stutters, scratching his arm nervously. "No one loves me." James pauses, trying to change the subject. "And can we stop talking about me and talk about you and-"

"He does love you!" Logan interjects and hits him with the wet pillow. "Kendall-"

"I'll say it, Logan." Kendall cuts in, tapping his shoulder. James waits for Kendall to look at him, connecting eye contact. Having the bottle green eyes gazing at him paralyzes him. James wants to say something but the strong stare freezes him. "I love everything about you, the good and the bad, including all the things that would drive people away. You are crazy, dramatic and you talk too much. But you are a special guy. You make me feel like I have emotions. I hate feelings. They suck and make me weak but you made me share my life, my private stories of my dad with you yesterday night … And make me want to feel bad for this little brat. No offense, Logan."

"None taken. I make fun of your eyebrows when you're not looking." Logan jokes, copying Kendall's surprised expression, having his right eyebrow raised abnormally high. Kendall laughs, not really noticing his facial expressions before now.

"But there are a lot more to you that you don't know." Kendall continues, beaming a smile. "You are a model for god sake so you have to be good looking. We did it and I loved every second of doing you. You are a natural when it comes to feelings, emotions and stuff while I'm too rugged to care about what other think."

"Kendall's saying you're perfect for him!" Logan shrieks, over excited and feeling a rush of glee bursting through him.

"Logan, I got this. Can't you be a brat somewhere else?" Kendall pats his head, messing the spiky brunette hair.

"You said I can help you." Logan pouts and whines but Kendall roughs his head forcefully until the boy is quiet, crossing his arms in silence.

"I said you're almost perfect."

"What?" Logan screams, leaning into Kendall's face. "You're supposed to say James is perfect."

"Logan, can't you be a kid somewhere else? The grown-ups are talking." James groans, feeling annoyed that Logan keeps interrupting their moment. James is nice and does care but sometime Logan can be a handful. "Kendall is talking."

"Nobody loves Logan?"

"We won't if you won't let me love James." Kendall threatens, wagging a finger at the boy's face; and Logan nods, letting Kendall continue. The athlete returns to James, clearing his throat. "The only thing stopping you from being perfect is yourself. James, I just want you to believe in yourself like I do."

"So if I believe in myself, you'll stay? You won't leave me?" James hopes, scooting in, face closer to Kendall's.

"I never left. You have my number and I know where you live. I just want you to say it." The blonde leans in too, inching slowly.

"Say what?" James teases with a smile.

"Everything. Say what you see in yourself." Kendall continues with a small gap between their lips.

"I am good looking." He moves an inch closer, closing his eyes.

"What else?" Kendall follows, teasing an inch, his eyelids dropping.

"I'm special."

"Good, what else?"

"I'm the best you will ever have." James says, pressing his lips on the soft indent he feels. Same with Kendall, kissing back the baby soft skin. They both lean back, opening their eyes to only see that Logan jumped in front and they kissed the brat's cheeks.

"LOGAN!" Kendall and James yell in union, Kendall waving a fist and James gritting his teeth. Logan giggles, falling back against the couch, covering his face with the pillow.

"Sorry, sorry! I had too."

"Get out! Right now! James and I were having a moment and I finally got through. What the-"

"It's ok, Kendall." James grips on Kendall's bicep, caressing gently. He sweetly smiles at him, shrugging his shoulders as if he's telling Kendall to forgive Logan, as if Logan really is a five-year old kid. "We can continue it later."

"Grr..." Kendall growls as James reaches for a cushion and hits Logan playfully with it, making the brunette giggle profusely. And that got Kendall thinking of how to get back at Logan. Grabbing his own pillow, Kendall hammers it on Logan's head. "Take that! You don't do that again!"

"Kendall." James sternly yells at him, knowing Kendall's intention. "You can't hit him like that after you know what happened."

"Please." Kendall scoffs, puffing his chest. "This little brat deserves it. We were so close, so so close and then he jumps in and-"

"Sorry Kenny?" Logan sings, swaying his body. Kendall gives him the same eyebrow-raised look that puts a smile on Logan's dimpled face. "I promise to not bother you and Jamie again. I promise."

"Fine," Kendall sighs, throwing his pillow at Logan's face, knocking Logan back as he waits for James to do the same. The brunette tosses his pillow at Logan's body and leans forward with a dreamy twinkle in his eyes.

They close the gap, getting closer and closer. James closes his eyes first while Kendall keeps his open until the last second, making sure the little man-child won't interrupt them this time.

Ding dong!

"God dammit!" Kendall curses, pulling out his golden locks. If it's not Logan then it's something else. It's as if the world doesn't want them to kiss. "What the hell is wrong with people?"

"Kendall, it's only a kiss." James hops off the sofa, walking out the room. But before he leaves, he turns and gives Kendall a wink. "You owe me more than just one kiss."

"Then you better stop teasing me and get your ass back here!" James hears Kendall yelling and Logan saying that "ass" is a bad word as he walks to the front door with an exaggerated smile on his lips. Never has James felt this good about himself. True, Kendall makes him giddy and girly but Kendall did more than just that. He made James feel like he is worth something. It's an indescribable feeling, knowing that you are something valuable. As long as Kendall is around, no one can take this feeling from him.

James unlocks the door, seeing Carlos panting and out of breath. "Carlos?" James just realizes that while having Kendall and Logan over, he forgot to call his best friend.

Carlos nods, trying to get back all the air into his lung and crouching over with his hands on his bent knees. "He ran away! Can you help me find Logan?"

Sorry if the chapter was not my normal quality. (I hope my grammar wasn't too bad in this chapter).

Thank you for sticking with me and this story. This is my baby of a story and I plan to finish it. Next chapter is crazy (and long) and will have lots of cargan ;]. It's going to be 10000 words. I finished it but I have to edit. I hope it will be posted soon but I want to update my law story first. Thank you for reading this chapter and if you can, being the best people in the world, motivate me with your kind/helpful words …

Please Review =]