The Girls In Girlfriend

Disclaimer: CBS owns Criminal Minds. Can't you see I'm heartbroken over that?

Summary: The team wonders just how close two of their teammates are...

A/N: This was a little something that's not to be taken seriously, but part of the "A Day With My Friend" world.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to leave a review.

"Everybody keeps telling me how surprised they are with what I've done. But I'm telling you honestly that it doesn't surprise me. I knew I could do it." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Oh" the blonde moaned, "Oh my God."

"JJ, shh" The brunette rolled her eyes, but kept up her task, "Shh."

"I can't" she groaned loudly, "Emily."

"Quiet" Emily hissed out, "JJ."

Emily watched as she made the younger woman lose all self-control and chuckled when she saw the blonde squirm on the bed.

"JJ hold still" Emily hissed out, "Quit wiggling that little ass around."

"I can't help it" JJ groaned, "Its in there too tight."

"No one ever said it'd be easy" Emily said, "Now hold still."

Emily grinned as she watched the blonde's eyes shoot open at her action and her back arched off the bed, emitting a loud moan at the tender actions from the brunette.

"Jayje" Emily murmured, "Shh, you have to be quiet or you'll wake the team."

JJ's head turned looking at Emily, panting, "I... I really don't care."

"Well I do" Emily told her, as her hands slinked down the blonde's body keeping her in place, "I don't want any of the guys thinking I do this sort of thing all the time."

JJ frowned at that, "Are you ashamed of it?"

Emily's saw JJ's blue eyes explore her own, "No I'm not. But I want my private life, this, kept to myself."

"I get it" JJ said, her eyes closing as Emily's hands trailed down the blonde's long leg.

Emily licked her lip, watching as the blonde clenched her fist and bite down on her lower lip to control her screaming.

As Emily finally removed her hands from JJ, she whispered, "Jayje?"

JJ's head hit the pillow, "Please, please let me be for just a minute."

Emily climbed up onto the bed, "Are you ok?"

JJ panted for breath, "I think so."

Emily gave the blonde a smile before dropping a kiss to her forehead, "Don't worry, it'll get easier after this."

JJ raised an eyebrow at that, but remained quiet.

Emily collapsed on the bed beside JJ, who tenderly placed a hand on Emily, rubbing her back while the brunette buried her face into the pillows.

"Em?" JJ said soothingly, "Thank you for that... It was amazing."

"Well I aim to please" Emily said, pulling the blankets up, "Now lets get some sleep. We've got to travel back tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am" JJ teased.

"Don't call me ma'am" Emily muttered.

JJ hunkered down on the bed next to the brunette as both felt the pull of sleep overtake them.

Morgan chuckled as he walked pass the two women's shared motel room and wandered over to the one he shared with Reid opening the door.

"Guess what?" Morgan said with a smirk on his face, "You'll never believe what I just heard?"

"What?" Dave asked in a bored tone, setting down the cards, "Two."

Reid dealt the cards, and looked up at Morgan, "What are you grinning at?"

"Oh a little something I heard from two of our sexy BAU ladies." Morgan said, "And their idea of unwinding."

"Huh?" Hotch asked, walking back over to the table and setting his cell phone down, "We fly out at seven in the morning."

"Thank God" Dave muttered, "I was afraid we'd be stuck here for another day."

Morgan huffed as he sat down and picked up his cards, "Don't you want to know what I heard?"

"Not really" Dave said, watching the younger man's face fall, "All right, what is it? What has you so excited?"

"The girls" Morgan started only for Reid, Hotch and Dave to roll their eyes, "I could hear them having sex with each other."

The three men's heads shot up at that, to say they were surprised was an understatement.

"What?" Dave asked, stunned looking over at Hotch, "Did he just..."

"Yeah" Hotch said, turning to Morgan, "Are you sure about that?"
"There are many things I know in my life" Morgan began, "But that is in fact the one thing I do know better then anyone else here."

"Kid, I've been with more women then you can even name" Dave snorted, "But this isn't about me or my exploits. Now tell me, what exactly did you hear between our two girls?"

"Oh God, please" Reid muttered only to hear Morgan laugh, "What?"

"That was something that JJ was crying out" Morgan chuckled, "I guess Princess knows what she's doing."

Hotch raised an eyebrow at that, but took a sip instead of saying anything. After all what was there really to say?

He couldn't reprimanded his female agents for their behavior, because they were off duty but that didn't mean he wasn't interested in it.

So he did the only thing he could do, he looked over at Morgan and gave him the look.

"And you thought it was wise to intrude on whatever activities that they were engaged in by eavesdropping?" Hotch asked.

Morgan raised an eyebrow, "And you wouldn't?"

Hotch shook his head, "Morgan, what they do behind closed doors, in their off time, is their business."

Dave threw down his cards, "Are you kidding me?"

"Wait" Reid asked looking up, "What about Will?"

"Yeah, Will's the last thing I'm thinking about" Morgan said, "So what do we do?"

"Nothing" Hotch said taking a deep breath, "This isn't any of our business."

Hotch gave each man a look, giving each of the men an equivocal order not to intercede.

He knew that they were enthralled with the thought that the two women on their team were being friendly with each other, after all they were men.

But that didn't mean that they were going to intrude on whatever they were doing. At least he hoped not.

The two women boarded the jet, laughing as they shared a private joke and each man couldn't keep their eyes off the sight.

"What's so funny?" Morgan asked wincing when he felt a kick across the jet table by Hotch.

Emily took the empty seat beside Hotch, while JJ sat next to Morgan.

"Oh, its nothing" JJ said waving it off, but the two women shared a look and laughed.

"You two are weird" Reid told the two.

Emily rolled her eyes, "Don't be jealous, Reid. You know you're still our favorite."

Hotch shifted uncomfortably in the chair, watching the two women go back into their own world.

The rest of the team remained quiet on their way back, until the jet landed, and Emily and JJ quickly grabbed their stuff getting ready to make a quick exit.

"Where's the fire?" Dave asked, watching as the two stood at the door ready to go out.

"Oh" Emily said quickly looking at the men on their team, "We've got plans."

"What kind of plans?" Morgan asked with a raised eyebrow then shot Hotch a look when he once again was kicked.

"Uh" JJ said, looking at the brunette, "It's..."

"Shopping" Emily covered, "You know, girlie things."

The two left after that, while Morgan snorted, "Girlie things?"

"Morgan quiet" Hotch said, "It's not our business."

"The hell it isn't" Morgan said, "And if you're not going to help me, I'll find someone who will."

"Who?" Hotch asked, following the younger man off the plane with Reid and Dave falling close behind.

"Talk to me baby girl" Morgan said into the phone as he chuckled, "As sweet as that offer is, I need your help."

Hotch stood beside the teams second Bureau issued SUV watching Morgan sweet talk Garcia.

"Thanks, hot stuff" Morgan said, hanging up, "She knows that the girls are close."

"So?" Dave said, "It's a common knowledge that they all hang out and do that girls' night thing. So?"

Morgan turned in the seat to look at the two older men, "Would it surprise you if I told you that Garcia said, that the last three girls night were canceled by Emily and JJ?"

Hotch rolled his eyes, "Why is this our business?"

Morgan gave the group a disbelieving look, "How is it not our business? Hotch, if this were Emily with Reid or Dave, wouldn't you still want to know?"

"Not really" he grumbled, looking in the rear view mirror, "It shouldn't matter what they do if it's not affecting you. I mean would you want us to be doing this if it were you with either JJ or Emily?"

"No" Dave said, turning to peer, "What else did Garcia say?"

"That she knows for a fact that the girls go to this little motel on the south side" Morgan said, "And all that she knows is that they bring a camcorder and overnight bags."

Even that had Hotch raising an eyebrow, one that drove right through him.

"Step on it man" Dave instructed, not seeing the sigh the dark haired man emitted.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Reid asked peering out the SUV window, "It seems awfully runned down."

Morgan leaned in taking a look out the window, "Well maybe they do it for anonymity."

"Shouldn't that be a red flag for us?" Hotch asked.

Though he was against the idea of busting the two women, he was intrigued to see what they were doing.

Ah hell, he thought. He's a red blooded man and there isn't one straight man on Earth who wouldn't want to see the two of them in flagrante delicto.

Especially since the two women were the most attractive women in the Bureau.

"Look" Reid hissed out, "Over there, I see them."

Hotch couldn't help but look out to where Reid was pointing to and nearly keel over when he saw Emily helping JJ remove her blouse.

"Shit" Morgan whistle, "Who knew blondie had it in her?"

"You think?" Reid asked, "You really think that they're..."

"Kid, they're not up there playing Monopoly" Dave chuckled, then looked up, "Oh, wow."

That caught Hotch's attention, "Huh, I'd never expected that."

The four men watched as the two female members of their team closed the blinds and saw the reflection of their shape in the light.

Morgan opened the back door and saw everyone look at him, "What?"

"Where do you think you're going?" Reid asked with a raised eyebrow.

"To a football game" Morgan replied sarcastically, "Where do you think?"

"You're not going to kick in their door are you?" Hotch asked.

"No" Morgan said with an eye roll, "Jeez, who do you people think I am? Rambo?"

"I'm not even going to bother" Dave said, looking over at Hotch whose eyes were trained on the outlined shape of Emily.

That made the older man sit up and take notice. He always suspected that his longtime friend had feelings for the brunette on their team. But if she was with JJ, hm.

Dave tried to mentally catalog back the interactions between the brunette and blonde women on the team, then frowned.

Not that personality or interactions determination anything like for sexuality, but he thought there were sparks between the dark haired agents.

Looking up at the shadowed outlines, now he wasn't so sure.

The men slowly wandered down the hallway towards the back of the rundown motel pausing every few minutes when they passed a window.

And as they made it towards the women's room, they stopped when they heard the sound of soft music playing on the radio and what clearly could be indicated as moans of pleasure.

"Oh God" JJ hissed out, "Emily."

Hotch and Dave exchanged a look when they could hear a light chuckle from the brunette agent.

"Like that?" Emily's husked voice asked.

"Ooh" she moaned out, "Oh."

Reid's cheeks pinked as he heard the pleasure cries of his friend, while the other three men where too intent with the cries to notice.

"Harder" JJ's throaty voice cried out, "Harder, Em, harder."

That made the men swallow as they heard Emily chuckle but kept up her actions on the blonde who couldn't contain her excitement.

"Jesus Emily!" JJ cried louder, making all the men blush in embarrassment at the activities.

"Think you could be any louder?" Emily teased.

Hotch's ears perked up when he heard Emily let out a shriek of surprise then heard both women chuckle.

"JJ" Emily said laughing, "Stop. Stop it. Stop."

Reid, unable to stand this anymore turned to leave but was grabbed by the persistent Morgan.

"Let go" Reid hissed, trying to shrug himself free of the older man's grip, "Morgan."

Unable to hold onto Reid while listening to the two women's activities, Morgan felt Reid pull on him then stomp on his foot causing the athletic profiler to quickly release his hold.

That caused the younger man to fall forward making the door fling fall open.

"What the hell?" JJ cried out, looking up and covering her exposed body from the four men's gaze.

"Shit" Emily said, turning around and covering herself then turning giving the men on her team a glare, "What the hell are you all doing here?"

"Uh..." Reid sputtered, "Well I... I'm... totally screwed."

"No freaking duh" JJ muttered, pulling the sheet, "You have ten seconds to tell us why you barged in on us before I let Emily unload her gun on you."

"Your manhood is more like it" Emily said, folding her arms across her chest, "I'm counting down..."

"It was all Morgan's idea" Reid blurted out earning a glare from the man in question, "He overheard whatever it was you two were doing at the hotel last night..."

"What?" both JJ and Emily said in unison turning to the slowly retreating man.

"Hold it there, Derek" JJ said, watching the man stop, "You stay."

"What?" Morgan asked, trying to contemplate away out.

"What were you doing eavesdropping on our personal moments?" Emily asked narrowing her eyes at Morgan then moving them to Hotch, Dave then a remorseful looking Reid, "Well?"

"I believe she asked you a question?" JJ asked, "Spence?"

Reid licked his lips, then looked up at the two angry women, "He thought that you two were..."

"Were what?" Emily asked, looking over at the other men's avoiding glances, "What?"

"You two were having..." Reid mumbled out the last word quietly.

"Huh?" JJ asked leaning in, "Talk up Spence."

Dave sighed, "Sex. He heard you two having sex last night so he dragged us here to experience it."

"What?" Emily asked

"Excuse me?" JJ demanded.

"You know" Morgan said, finding his voice, "If you didn't want people to know, then you shouldn't be having loud sex in hotels."

"Idiot" Hotch muttered, watching both women growing angrier by the minute, "Emily, JJ..."

"Get out" JJ said, walking to the bathroom, "Get out and don't you ever speak of this to anyone."

JJ slammed the bathroom door, while Emily turned her gaze to the four men, before looking Hotch in the eye.

"You could've just asked us" Emily said, "It's not like we're hiding anything..."

Dave rolled his eyes while Hotch raised an eyebrow but it was Morgan's snort that caught Emily's attention.

"Say what?" Morgan asked, "Princess, you know I love you, but that's just bull."

"What?" Emily asked, "JJ and I are not in any relationship, not romantic or friends with benefits. We're just flat out friends."

"Then what was with the..." Hotch asked, trying to maintain his composure but relieved that Emily wasn't seeing JJ.

"The 'ooh', 'aah' and 'harder Emily'?" Emily asked, being blunt as ever but watching the four men's jaws drop, "That would be because of me and my practicing techniques of..."

"Full body massage therapy" JJ finished coming out fully clothed, "Yeah, I'm dressed, perverts."

The blonde wandered over to her go bag, shouldering it, "Em, I'll meet you by the car."

"Ok" Emily said, watching the men's attention go from her to JJ, "All right you bunch of chuckle heads, it's time to head out."

Reid exhaled and quickly left with Dave shaking his head giving the brunette an amused look and drag a stunned Morgan out.

"I swear I thought..." Morgan murmured.

"That's your problem there kiddo" Dave whispered to the younger man.

Emily stood their watching as Hotch slightly shifted from foot to foot. This was a first for her. The great and stoic Hotch was nervous and rightly so.

Emily wasn't one to beat around the bush and she really didn't feel like dealing with the uncertain man so she decided to take charge.

"Speak" Emily clipped out, harsher then intended but none the less, still maintaining her control, "I know you want to ask me something, so you might as well get it over with, Hotch."

"How long have you done the..." Hotch paused, "Full body massage thing?"

"Not long" she said, "A few weeks. My turn. Why did you come with Morgan and the others?"

Hotch was taken back by that, but took a deep breath, "I didn't want to believe it, not that there's anything wrong with..."

"Save your soap box, Hotch. I know you're pro-everything" Emily chuckled, "I just want to know one thing, then this interrogation will be over."

"Ok" he said slowly, "What is it?"

"Where you jealous?" she asked.

"Jealous?" he repeated, "Jealous of what?"

Emily took a deep breath before approaching Hotch, "Jealous that you believed that JJ was garnering all my attention" she put on a coy look, "Jealous that it was her that I was pleasuring?"

"What?" Hotch asked, looking at her while his eyes widened.

Emily slowly moved in front of Hotch, tilting her head, "You wanted to be you, right?"

"Emily?" Hotch said, surprised as the brunette placed her hands on his face.

"When you wanted it to be you" Emily finished, stepping on her tiptoes and surprising the man by pulling him into a kiss, "Now how's that for surprised?"

"Emily?" Hotch said, watching as the brunette pulled away from him, "What was that?"

Emily smirked, "That was called a kiss, Hotch."

He rolled his eyes, "Well I know that, but why did you kiss me?"

Emily bit her lower lip, "Well, if there was someone on this team that I'd choose to be with, I'd pick you."

She saw him furrow his eyebrows then added, "As good looking as JJ is, I'm straight and so is she."

Before he could even process that thought, he felt the brunette pull at his tie, bringing him down to her.

"I'm going to kiss you now" Emily told him with a smirk, watching his face light up at that.

Hotch put everything into the kiss, he was more then relieved to know that as close as the two women are, she wanted him. Just like he always wanted her.

And there was nothing he wouldn't do to make sure that he wouldn't lose her.

"What a lonely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be." Ellen Burstyn


I hope you all enjoyed this humor fic. Don't forget to leave a review.