DISCLAIMER: i own nothing

A black Escalade comes to a slow stop in front of a large manor. A large black Victorian gate stands 12 feet tall with the words "Anderson Residence" welded across the gate. A well groomed teenage dream with black hair and hazel brown eyes looks out of the window and stares deep into the house.

"Will I see you later tonight?" a flirty smile shows on the pale blue eyed teen as he asks his boyfriend.

"Of course Kurt, I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world" an affectionate smile grows as Blaine reaches his hand out to grab Kurt's, "Am I allowed to kiss you?"

"Not till tonight sweetie, I promise!" Kurt smiles and unlocks the doors of his Escalade.

Today is Kurt and Blaine's one year anniversary and Kurt is going all out to have a very special evening with the boy he loves. As soon as Blaine enters his house, he quickly grabs his phone and sees that his boyfriend is calling him already.

"Hey babe, miss me already?" Blaine asks.

"You are so full of it, but yes" Kurt chuckles, "tonight's theme is A Night of Firsts! So wear your Warblers uniform."

"A strange outfit to request but sure, boxers or briefs?" Blaine smiles

"Neither! I know you won't be using either for long" Kurt teases.

"You are such a tease. But maybe I'll just surprise you" Blaine smirks, "I'll see you later tonight babe. Love you" he puts his phone down and runs to his room to get ready.

Kurt steps out of his shower and starts his moisturizing regimen to make sure his face is as beautiful as it ever will be for tonight. Kurt looks through his closet to find his familiar navy blue suit that he wore the day he spied on the Warblers. Finn knocks on the door and opens it.

"Kurt? Hey man I need some help!" Finn asks with his head peeping through a small opening of the door.

"Finn, I told you already. If you don't know how to make a roast, don't make a roast. Rachel is vegan anyway, she doesn't eat meat" answers Kurt.

Finn storms off pissed. He had already bought all the ingredients and he just remembered Rachel is VEGAN.

"This is going to be a very fun night" Kurt says to himself.

Blaine stares into his mirror and makes various sultry faces. He fixes his hair to perfection and looks over his perfume rack. He grabs Kurt's favorite scent, the limited edition first release of Versace for men, and sprayed it on his wrists and neck. He looks in his closet and grabs a random uniform and puts it on.

"Boxers or Briefs?" Blaine stares into his closet "Screw it! I'll go commando."

Blaine walks toward his bedside table and picks up his things. He steps out of his room and is greeted by the smell of roast beef and baked potatoes. "Looks like someone has a little free time on their hands, I better get out of here before I get forced to join the family dinner." Blaine rushes out the door and sees a familiar sight by the gate. He smiles as he runs toward his boyfriend's Escalade. As he steps into the vehicle, his phone rings.

"Hello?" Blaine answers.

"Hey cutie, I was wondering if you were free tonight, wanna go out for some drinks?" the familiar voice had an annoying but seductive tone.

"Hey Sebastian" Blaine replies while Kurt rolls his eyes in distaste, "I'm sorry but I'm not available. Today is Kurt's and I's first year anniversary. He has an exceptionally romantic evening planned."

"Ok, well maybe another time then. Say hi to him for me. Ciao!" Sebastian hangs up.

"What did the mere-cat want?" Kurt asks with such sass in his voice.

"He says Hi. And he wanted to know if I was available for drinks tonight." Blaine smirks.

"What part of you have a boyfriend does he not understand! He is so frustrat-" Blaine interrupts his boyfriend's rant by planting a large moist smooch on him.

"Would you stop? It's a wonderful day out and it's our anniversary. We shouldn't let anything ruin it" Blaine tells Kurt slowly as he caresses his boyfriends face.

"You're right. There is nothing that can ruin this night. Nothing" Kurt smiles.

Kurt shifts the gear to D and slowly drives away from Anderson Manor. The entire ride consisted of silence with simultaneous glances from either boy. Suddenly, Kurt's phone rings through the wireless function on his car. Kurt sees the name of the caller on the screen and answers the call. A vivacious female voice rings out through the speakers.

"Hey beau" Mercedes says playfully.

"Hey Mercedes!" the boys chimed together.

"I just wanted to call you fellas to greet you Happy Anniversary" she replies.

"Thanks cedes! He has no idea what will happen so I should let you go before you spill anything" Kurt rushes.

"Ok, I'll talk to you guys soon" the phone clicks.

Blaine turns to his boyfriend and admires the subtle grace and beauty emanating from him. He just can't figure out what he has done to deserve such a catch. Blaine lifts his hand up and caresses Kurt's face and smiles in content. This was going to be a wonderful night.

NOTE: I would like to thank samalamb100 for the title idea, i know that chapter one might be a little dry but it gets better i promise. give it a chance and please help me get my writing better through reviews and PM's :D