Hello everyone. To everyone who watched this or any of my storys or me with in the past 2 months I wanna say thanks. I did not think I could get anyone to like any of my storys or anything like that and to see people start to latch on and give reviews and watches and things like that really makes me happy. I thank you all and I hope to live to your expectations

Real quick just to get all this out of the way this is a yaoi story which is homosexual pairings so you dont like that dont read it and I dont own Naruto or any of the related characters or symbols or anything like that so on and so on.

Now for the story. This is important for everyone who likes this story. After this chapter I will not add any more to Naruto's Awakening. Now let me explain. See I am being asked to do lot of different Naruto pairings out of this story. Now at first I didn't know what to do cause I cant do them all. But I think I came up with a brilliant idea. (This next part is spoilers so please read the fic before you read this cause it talks about the ending) With the way I have the story ending where Naruto is going to the village with Jaraiya it leaves open to lot of different possibility's with who Naruto can hook up with and such. So I am gonna use this story to make just about every male pairing Naruto can hook up with. So if you want to continue with this journey then watch me. Or if you do not wanna do that then just simply message me with what pairings you want to follow (Or just tell me all of them if you want to see all that i can do with this) and I will message you whenever I make a new story with a pairing and then I will message you with the link. I am actually working on the next story now which is a Kiba and Naruto story. So if that interests you message me. I hope I don't inconvenience anyone by doing this. Anyway I have been blabbing way to long. Please enjoy everybody.

Inside Naruto's head was a mental battle. Trying to tell himself that he didn't like last night and he hated Jaraiya also that this hug is stupid and gay and he hates it. But Naruto knew now this thought process was fruitless and a waste of time. Especially after last night. Jaraiya spoke softly into Naruto's ear hoping to get conversation going to understand things and help the boy. "Naruto... Can we talk? Please? I only wanna help" Naruto thought about it only for a minute but to both of them it seemed like an eternity. He spoke silently so his Sensei could hear him "Fine... What do you wanna know?" The old sage felt like he made a break through not only that his student spoke to him but that he agreed to talk to him. But Jaraiya noticed something as well. Naruto's voice... It was extremely feminine.

"Naruto... What is wrong with your voice?" Trying to hide that he was hurt beyond words Naruto took his head that was facing the side and moved it so he was buried back into Jaraiya's chest "This is my natural voice. I disguise it like that so I don't get made fun of." The sage felt like a ass after words "Naruto I am sorry I didn't mean..." He interrupts "Please don't. You didn't know. Its fine lets just move on." As the muscled man looked down feeling even worse he tried to press on but is afraid to ask the question "Is that all you change about yourself? Is their more?" The blond boy looked over to the side to get some air as he answered "Speech, walk, my likes, my dislikes. Just about everything. Cause everything about me is feminine. Then people would catch on, and I cant have that." The Sanin spoke calmly "But Naruto. No one will look differently at you. No one would hate you or anything. Gay people are equal now." As if he was reaching into his emotions and turning on a hate switch the Sage lit a fire into the feminine boy. "Equal? EQUAL? You know nothing do you? When I ... When I was younger and everyone hated me for the nine tailed fox... Some of the adults..." Jaraiya interjects "You don't have to say anymore. But that was a long time ago" The boy seemed to be getting worse "Jaraiya... I fucking make fun of gay people all the time. I hear the guys say such awful things about them. Some say if they see and this is a quote "A fucking faggot I shall kill them" They talk about it like its killing a bug."

Jaraiya was going no where and he even learns a lot about how the people saw Naruto's people. He never gave it much thought. He had sex with men before but only when he was really horny and they were all alone. Naruto shakes in his Sensei warm, welcoming, and loving arms. hugging him close as the Uzumaki boy said over and over "I hate you." and he didn't stop. As much as he wanted to believe what he was saying he couldn't. The legendary Sanin took Naruto's face and made him look up so they can meet eyes. To calm him Jaraiya slowly moved his head to Naruto and planted a kiss connecting them. The boy melted by his kiss as his shaking stop as he seemed at peace. Once stopped Naruto asked sadly and softly "Why am I like this? Why cant I be normal like all the other boys and like girls?" The gentle sage who held the extremely sad boy stroked his back again not knowing how to respond. "I wanna get out of the spring. Let me go Jaraiya" Being nice he obeyed and let go. Naruto got out of the spring walking away.

Back at the camp sight a still naked Naruto sat hugging his legs. Jaraiya came in and sat with him. Jaraiya was still naked as well. He put a hand on Naruto's solders "Look. I don't know anything about this stuff. About being gay or feeling feminine or any of that. So I cant help you with that. But if you don't mind... since you are my student and I am a gentleman, I want to be here to comfort you. No matter what that may be. Even when we get back to the village. Its not fair you are all alone like this and its not fair that I cant do this for you especially since I kinda did this anyway." The blond boy flashed a look at him "You don't have to do anything. Its my problem and its my issue. So just forget about it" "But I want to help. Like I said your my student and I ... well after all this I kinda feel special that I know this thing about you that no one else knows. As such I care for you. Almost like a father. So... its up to you if you take my offer or not. But know that its always available as long as I draw breath." the femine one let go of his knees and grabbed Jaraiya in a hug "Thank you Jaraiya. Words cant express how this makes me feel." For the first time since this whole ordeal Naruto smiled at Jaraiya. The sage smiled back happy that finally he got the boy back to his happy self and he started to feel better too. Naruto took his head and rest it on his comforter's shoulder and he smiles as does Jaraiya. They stood that way all the rest of the day. Feeling a connection unlike the two had ever felt for anyone else before. They couldn't describe what it was but it was there and it was strong.

The next morning after the two got dressed into their regular attire they decided to go back to the village. They packed up everything and came to a cliff that looked over the village. Naruto saw it and had a blank face. Jaraiya saw putting his hand on his back whispering "You ok?" Naruto looked at him with a smile and said in his natural voice "Yeah. I will be. Thanks to you" After a smile got flashed for Naruto's comment from Jaraiya the two walked to the village.