Paths and Roads of a Single Parent
Rating T for language, violence, drug and alcohol use, and sexual content
FFNET: A little OOC. AH. AU
Work In Progress
Beta'd: No

Summary: Celine is a hard working single parent. She is raising her only son Jace alone. Celine goes through many low paying jobs, and hard working times to support her son. It soon becomes saddening and frustrating to work so hard for so little money. So Celine turns over to a life of Crime, all to give her son the things he needs and deserves. Jace and Celine travel the country running from the Law hot on their tales. Soon the finally come to a stop in Santa Barbara, California. Celine plans to keep steady once they arrive here, for Jace's sake. But soon the law catches up with her, and she must make the hardest decision of her life. Whether Jace will be better off without her or not...


You are my sunshine.
My Golden gift from God…
You make me happy…
Oh so happy… That you are my strength,
When I am weak.
And my voice, when I cannot speak.
My eyes when I am too blind to see.

You never judge me.
You always see the best in me.
And although you always thought it was I,
Who held you high.

Even though…

You think that I make you feel like
You could touch the sky.

I am everything that I am, because you are my baby…

Remember when you were two?
I lifted you up in the room.
High above my head…
Like you were soaring above the world?
But it was really you who made me fly.

You made me feel like I could touch the sky.
When I lost my faith

You gave it back to me.

I always told you…
That no star was out of reach.
But it was you who made me like that.
You were always smaller than me.
When I stood by you,
You stood up tall!

When I have you
I have it all.
I am so thankful to God
Because I am blessed to have you
As my little boy of two…

Now time has passed.
You have become so tall.
So handsome…

You look so much like your Daddy
It makes me cry.

I may be your mother
But you were my savior…

Now I am not sure if I am yours.
I look at all the things you could have
The things you deserve to have.

And I am not sure I can give them to you.

And though I carried you
Gave birth to you.
And raised you.

You were always there for me.
The light in the dark.
Your love being my flashlight.
You've been my inspiration.
And my world is a better place
Because of you…

So now the time has come.
To repay you
For being my gift…

To be your savior…

And if it means to let you go….

Then I will…

A mother leaving her baby…
Is the hardest things to do.
But please realize it's what's best for you!

But also please remember…

That I love you…

And I am everything I am
Because you loved me too. . . .

Okay! I cried while writing this.

I have another sad story in the making =( so my next group of Stories will be quite sad. Sorry guys

So Clary will be in this story as Jace's love interest, yes! I am asking you guys to please be patient with this one.

Clary doesn't arrive for quite a few chapters in.

I want to explore Jace and his mother's relationship first.

And what they go through.

Please tell me what you guys think...

Like the idea?

Don't like it?

Love it?

Hate it with a passion? lol

Review so I can know. =)