A/N: I hope you enjoy this new FF. I'm not 100% sure where the future chapters are going to go, so your feedback in the comments will be super helpful! Also, the POV changes at each line break within the chapter. Hopefully it's not too confusing.

I slid my hand under her shirt and pulled it over her head, revealing her big breasts and pierced nipples. My lips instantly wrapped around her right nipple as I massaged her left, while pushing her back towards the bed. My shirt and bra had been gone since we walked in the door. I laid her down and climbed on top of her, pressing my knee up between her legs. I kept sucking on her breasts as I twirled my tongue around the small metal circle, lightly biting down. I started kneading my knee into her center, and I could feel her wetness soaking through my jeans.

She's so hot for me. She's got good taste.

I moved off her momentarily as I undid my belt to pull off my jeans, quickly returning to my previous position-latched onto her breasts. I grabbed one of her hands with mine and slid it under my thong to where I craved it. I moved up and sucked on her neck as hard as I could before breathing into her ear.

"Fuck me, Jenn. Fuck me hard."

She quickly obliged, plunging two of her fingers into me, forcing me to moan loudly into her neck as I sucked and bit at her pulse point from on top of her. My knee was still pressed into her, and I started rocking with the motion of her hand, and I could feel her getting wetter and wetter, too. Both of our breathing got faster and heavier as our rhythm got more intense. Finally, as I got close, I lifted my body up and gave her a look, signaling to hold up. I moved me knee to the other side of her so I was straddling her and made my way up the bed, positioning myself over her face. I could feel my own juices running down the sides of my thighs, and apparently, Jenn must have seen them too, because I suddenly felt her tongue licking all around and licking me up. I lowered myself, pushing myself into her face and felt her lips wrap around me, sucking and licking in all the right places. Being greedy, I reached back and shoved two fingers into her-I just wanted to feel her moan into my folds. She did and the vibrations sent me over the edge. I pulled out my fingers and added a third, pressing and curling into her quickly, feeling her walls tightening around my fingers. I rocked my hips, grinding on her face, feeling her tongue go in and out of me like that felt so good.

"That's it, Jenn... oh god, that's it..." I moaned and threw my head back, closing my eyes as I could feel my climax approaching, my screams and moans got more frequent and more desperate.

"Oh!... mmm... yeah, oh god yes! yes! yes!"

I knew she was getting close too and her panting breaths and moans and groans made me even hotter.

She came first, and I came shortly after, yelling through the entire wave.

"That's it! Yes, Jessie, yes!"

Finally I was done and rolled off of her feeling completely relaxed and having no energy, but I was immediately brought back from my euphoria.

"Jessie? Who the fuck is Jessie? You bitch!"

Shit! Shit, shit, shit!

"Oh baby, I didn't mean it!"

It was too late, she was already putting her clothes on. She walked over and grabbed my phone off her desk. "Shut the hell up. And don't you dare call me baby."

"What are you doing with my phone?"

"Deleting my number that I gave you tonight! And look, now I'm deleting yours from my phone. See?" She held out her phone for me to see the screen. "See? Santana Deleted!' You stupid slut!"

I'm the slut? She's the one that offered to give it up!

"Ugh... fine, whatever."

"Whatever? You don't care that I'm deleting my number and am about to leave?"

"Honestly, not really." I sighed and shrugged. "I'll have a different girl over here tomorrow night if I want to."

My blatant comment threw her over the edge and she slapped a glass lamp off my dresser and stomped out the front door as it shattered on the hardwood floor. I exhaled and laid back on the bed. I really didn't care she left; I kind of liked it, actually. I got what I wanted-sex. And I didn't have to act all nice and like I cared in the morning. It was true that I could get another girl over any time I wanted. I'm Santana Lopez. The chicks dig me.

"Brittany, I'm beginning to think you lack the ability to say 'no' to anyone."

That was my best friend, Quinn. We've known each other since high school, where we cheered and were in the glee club together. This isn't the first time she's lectured me about the ease in which I give in to all the girls that hit on me.

"That's so not true, Quinn! I don't give it up every time! I say 'no' a lot!"

"Hah!" She scoffed. "Okay, then. How about we place a little wager on it?"

"And the wager would be...?" I was intrigued.

"I will bet you can't go a month without having sex. If I win, you give me your vacation house at the beach for the summer. If you win, you get my BMW convertible for the summer."

"Hmm... car for the beach house?" She knew I'd always been eying that car, but my sister and parents will kill me if I lose. But I've always had an ego. I just have to go a month without having sex.

"Done. Deal."

"OK, but that includes anything you lezzies do to get each other off. For the purpose of the deal, anything below the waist is sex."

I chuckled a bit at Quinn's naïveté. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and a really fantastic GLBT ally, but she still gets all squeamish about the sex. Though, that's not reserved solely for "us lezzies," she's pretty tightlipped about sex with her own boyfriend, so at least she's an equal-opportunity prude. "Hah, alright, I can live with that."


We shook on it, and I smiled.

"What's the grin for, Britt?"

"Oh nothing. I'm just thinking of all the hot girls I'm gonna be able to fuck in that car next month."

"Puck, you know I hate this place. It's all straight, leering frat guys that think I'll be the perfect addition to their threesome."

"Chill, Santana. And as much as I like going to the gay bars with you and watch all the girls rubbing on each other, I deserve to go somewhere where I might actually get some. You can deal for just one night."

"UGH! Fiiiiine."

We found a booth and ordered our drinks. Puck had always been my best bud, I could wait this out for him. While we waited on our drinks, I relayed the events of the previous night to him.

"Shit, Santana, I thought you had more game than to scream out the wrong girl's name during sex."

I laughed, "Yeah, I thought I did, too. But oh well. She wasn't all that hot anyways."

"I guess you were wrong though."

"About what?"

"About being able to get another girl if you wanted to the next night. Newsflash, these girls don't play for your team. You're not gonna find a new conquest tonight."

"Oh I beg to differ. I bet I could still take one of these ladies home with me." I slowly scanned the crowd, and smiled when I spotted her. "In fact," I leaned over and elbowed Puck in the shoulder, "that blond over there is gay." He turned his head and took in a long look at the tall, blue-eyed blond at the bar.

"Damn, she's hot too, San. What makes you think she's gay?"

"Cause she's been checking out every chick that walks by her."

"Bullshit. She's as straight as an arrow." He said simply, as he took a swig of his beer. Then he got a mischievous look on his face. "But, if you're so sure, then how about a little friendly wager?"

"And that would be..."

"I bet that you can't get her in your bedroom tonight."

"What's the price?"

"Bar tab for a month."

"Deal. Damn. It's gonna be good having you get me drunk these next few weeks, Puckerman." I winked at him as I started to stand up, taking my drink in one hand.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Winning," I said, and I sauntered over to the girl who was now staring right at me.

I smiled to myself as the breathtaking brunette headed my way.

Yep, I still got it.

"Hey there," she said with a grin.

"Hello yourself. And to what do I owe the pleasure of being approached by a complete stranger?"

She smiled an infectious smile at me as she presented her hand to me. "I'm Santana. See? We don't have to be strangers for long."

Did she wink at me?

"Brittany," I said, accepting her offered hand.

"Well, Brittany," she leaned against the bar and I couldn't help by think that her previously adorable smile had turned arrogant. "I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at me for a while. So I decided to come over and see what it was that peaked your interest so much."

Damn, she is arrogant, but it really worked for her.

"Staring, huh?" I deflected. "Well, maybe your vision needs to be checked. I was most definitely not looking your way."


"Oh, well then. Excuse my forwardness..."

And then it happened. She leaned in closely and placed one hand on my waist, pulling me slightly closer to her. I felt movement through my entire body, originating at the touch of that hand. I froze completely, not quite sure what she was going to do, but knowing that I wanted her to do it.

She whispered, barely audible over the music, "... but I was most definitely staring at you." My eyes closed, uncontrollably, at the feel of her breath on my neck. I felt her hand move off my hip, and when my eyes fluttered open, she had stepped back away from me and turned towards the bar to order a drink. She spoke inaudibly to the bartender, and then turned back towards me with the same sly grin as before.

I could see lust in her chocolate brown eyes, and I was certain she could see the same in mine.

I want this girl. I want her under me, on top of me, standing next to me, kissing me. I just want her. All of her.

The bet. The damn bet! I am not losing that beach house for the summer. I can't!

After what felt like hours, but was likely only seconds, the bartender returned with a beer and a martini that looked exactly like what I was already drinking. She reached over, and took the empty martini glass out of my hand, replacing it with the other one.

"How did you...?" I looked at her, confused.

"Don't over think it, babe. I'm not psychic. I just asked the bartender to get another of what you were drinking."


Shit, now I look like a complete idiot.

"What is that, anyways? It looks super sweet."

"Stoli Raspberry, Chambord, and a twist of lemon," I said softly.

God, why can't I stop staring at her? She's so mesmerizing.

"So Brittany," she took a step closer to me and placed a hand on my arm. "What do you…"

Out of nowhere, I felt an elbow jam into my back, lurching me forward into Santana, while my drink flew past her arm and crashed onto the bar. I felt her wrap her arm around me, catching me from falling, and steadying me on my feet.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Our faces were mere inches away from each other, and I gasped softly. She looked so sincerely concerned.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine. It just startled me. Did my drink spill on you?"

"No, no, I'm totally good."

I stepped back to take a look at her, and saw a good portion of the martini on the ground. "Shit, it got on your boots!"

"Seriously, Britt. It's really not a big deal. They're leather, which means not only do they look super hot, but it'll clean off with no problem."

I started to respond when I was nudged again from behind, not nearly as hard as before, but hard enough to push me slightly forward. Without missing a beat, Santana stepped beside me, shoving the guy who kept bumping me. He stumbled forward and turned around quickly, with a look in his eye saying he wanted to fight.

"Listen, ass-wipe. Clearly, this is your first time ever drinking in public, so Imma help you out a bit. At this point in the night, you and your 'bros' have probably had about five light beers each, and even though most freshmen sorority girls drink more than that for breakfast, it's too much for you all to handle, causing you're your dopey, middle-aged ass to continually knock over my girl, Brittany, here. So take this as really good advice and do not come within 50 feet of either of us for the rest of the night, or else I will ends you. And trust me when I tell you that you really don't want to find out what that means."

God, that was hot.

I stared at the scene, Santana, this passionate, fiery, gorgeous woman, laying into this group of guys who all stood, dumbfounded. Slowly, the backed away, and then shuffled to the other end of the bar, continually glancing over their shoulders with fear. Once she was satisfied they were far enough away, Santana turned back towards me and smiled.

"Now, let me go replace that drink."

After what seemed like an eternity, I got the bartender's attention, ordered her another drink, tipped him and turned around to walk back over to her. I stopped dead in my tracks.

She's talking to another girl. Who does that bitch think she is?

I took a deep breath and slowly walked back over to the two of them, not quite sure what I was getting myself into.

"Here you go, Brittany. Hi," I said to the other girl, wanting to make myself known, "I'm Santana. You are...?"

"Oh, Santana, this is Quinn, my best friend. That guitarist up there is her boyfriend. She's actually the one who dragged me here to watch him play tonight."

I shook Quinn's hand and mumbled a "Nice to meet you," but I couldn't take my eyes off of Brittany.

Is she blushing?

She was so quick to tell me that this Quinn girl was straight and with someone.

As she took her drink from me, our fingers lingered on top of each other and our eyes locked again. I could feel the fire between us, and I could tell that she did too. I wanted this girl to come home with me, but not like all of the others. I couldn't explain the feeling I was having, or the aura that she emitted, but I knew that this was something different. The three of us talked for a while about the 'usual' things: jobs, family, travels, etc. But the connection and chemistry between Brittany and I was undeniable. I felt like the whole bar and city and world could feel it.

I looked over at Puck. He had found some young hottie to talk to. As usual, she looked too young for him, and too drunk to be able to realize that. I smiled at him a knowing smile, and he gave me a goofy "Thumbs up!" Though he didn't want to lose the bet, I knew that he thought Brittany was hot, and would ultimately applaud me in the morning for my conquest.

Conquest? I don't want her to be a conquest.

I looked back over to her and realized that I had zoned out, because Brittany was staring at me with a look on her face that said she was expecting a response. She looked so sexy. I turned to look at Quinn to see if she could give me a hint towards what I was supposed to say, but she was gone.

"I, uh... I'm sorry, what did you say?"

She laughed, thankfully, and leaned over to speak into my ear so I could hear her over the band. It was times like these that I was thankful that the music was loud.

I could feel her warm, sweet breath on my ear and my neck, and I got a chill all the way down my spine.

"San," I couldn't help but smile at the nickname, "Let's get out of here."

She took my earlobe in her mouth and sucked on it slightly. My knees buckled, and I had to grab the bar to keep from falling. She removed her lips from my ear and whispered again.

"I'll take that as a yes." She nipped my earlobe with her teeth again and pulled away with a look of seduction on her face, but I reached up and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her towards me again. I looked into her ocean blue eyes and wanted so badly to kiss her, but just as our lips were mere millimeters apart, I pulled her face to the side of mine, and I heard her breath catch. I slowly licked the outer part of her ear as I huskily said, "Oh that's definitely a yes, sexy."

Mission accomplished.

I paid the remainder of my tab and gave Puck a wink as we headed out of the bar and towards the parking lot. He looked pissed, and I could tell he was not happy about funding my debauchery over the next thirty days, but I had more on my mind than free drinks.

As we walked towards Santana's car I felt her arm wrap around my waist and I couldn't help but smile.

This girl is good. I have to be careful. I cannot lose this bet!

We got to her car and she walked me around to the passenger side, and as I barely opened the door, she slammed her hand on the window and shut it quickly. She turned me around and pressed her body up against mine, her arms propping herself up with a hand on either side of me. She immediately moved in and started kissing my neck, going directly for the pulse point. She lightly sucked on it and pushed her body even harder onto mine. The feeling of her breasts pushing against my own made me incredibly hot and as she bit down on my neck, I couldn't help but let out a slight moan.

"Ohhh, gosh Santana..."

"Shhh..." she said into my neck, placing one of her hands onto my stomach.

She pulled off my neck and looked up into my eyes. She bit the bottom of her lip, and I couldn't hold back any longer. I wrapped one hand around her neck and the other onto her shoulder and pulled her crashing into my lips. Instantly I could feel as if our bodies and formed into one, and her tongue slowly ran along my bottom lip. I opened my lips and slid my tongue into hers, and we gained a rhythm with our tongues like we had been doing this for years.

The hand she had rested on my stomach and slowly lowered itself and was now resting on my belt buckle, while her fingers ran along my skin just above my jeans. I was getting so turned on for her.

I can't do this! The bet!

She shifted her body and slyly placed a foot against the inside of mine, parting my legs. She leaned her body into my as her muscular thigh pressed against the area between my legs. I was growing wet; I could feel it.

"Santana!" I gasped for air and pulled back from her.

She looked at me, slightly surprised, but with a look of mischief still on her face.

"Yes?" She smiled and started kissing my jaw and neck and collarbone again. "What is it?"

"I can't... I can't do this..."

"Why not?" Her question was muffled because her lips were still pressed against my skin, making this impossibly hard to verbalize.

"I just can't... not tonight." I was breathing so heavily, and my voice was shaking.

She looked up at me, into my eyes, and moved both hands onto the top of my hips. "Are you sure? That kiss…"

"I know, I know. Trust me, I want to," I ran my hands down her back and looked her up and down and lowered my voice, "I want to so badly, I just… can't."

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do." She smiled.

Normally, I wouldn't believe that. I would think that a girl like this-so fast and hot and loose-would be trying to play with me. But somehow I believed her. She spoke again.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to, under one condition."

Oh, of course.

"And what's that?" I leaned in and took her bottom lip into my mouth, sucking on it teasingly. I just couldn't help myself.

"The condition is that I have to wake up looking at those blue eyes." She kissed me again, with even more passion than before, and this time, it was my knees that buckled.

Her hands on my hips saved me, as they wrapped around onto my ass and grabbed me, pulling me up, without ever breaking that lip lock. I could feel her smiling into the kiss and I pulled back.

"Don't you dare laugh at me, Santana!"

"I can't help it," she winked, "I was just looking for a reason to grab your ass all night."

With that we got into the car and headed for her house, making out at every red light and stop sign along the way.

Damn this is going to be hard.

After a short drive, we pulled into Santana's driveway, and I knew I was gawking at the size of her house.

This place is huge!

"You live here?" I asked, incredulously.

She laughed and said, "Yeah, well, when your aunt is Jennifer Lopez, these are the perks. Come on, babe, let me give you the grand tour."

"Wait, wait, wait. You're Jennifer Lopez's niece?"

"Hah, yeah. I don't normally tell people that, actually." She paused, "In fact, I'm not really sure why I just told you. I guess I just felt… comfortable." She reached her hand out again, "Santana Lopez, to be precise." I took her hand to shake it, but she pulled me into her, wrapping her hands around my waist and resting them on the top of my ass.

She pulled me in for what was probably the thousandth kiss we had shared since leaving the bar, yet the sparks and sensuality in it still felt like a first kiss. I moved my right hand up to behind her head and wrapped my fingers in her brown curls, pulling her even deeper in.

I never want this to stop.

After a few moments, she finally pulled away slightly, our faces still only inches from each other's and grabbed my hand. "Come on, I was serious about that tour."

As she turned and led me into the house, I couldn't help but notice what a nice ass she had.

Damnit, Brittany! You cannot sleep with this girl tonight! You have to win that car!

Suddenly, I realized she was talking to me, so I nodded as if pretending I heard everything she had said. We walked through all of the downstairs, and into a kitchen that was about the size of my entire apartment before heading for a spiral staircase.

She's taking me up to her bedroom! Think, Brittany, think!

"Wait, San. I saw a bathroom back there. Gimme a minute?" I looked at her with the most innocent smile I could muster. She laughed and nodded, pointing upstairs to indicate that's where she'd be. "Okay, I'll only be a minute, I promise!"

I walked up to my room and realized it was still kind of a mess. Thankful for the break to clean up before Brittany came up, I threw all my dirty clothes into the hamper in the closet and put walked over to my iPod, instantly turning on my "Get Into Girls' Pants" playlist. Soft songs floated over the room, and I dimmed the lights, thankful for the money to set up the perfect 'sex room.'

Damn I'm good.

But then I remembered something.

She doesn't want to do this! Shit!

For whatever reason, this girl seemed different. Rather than simply wanting to fuck her, I want her to like me. I want to make her happy. I heard her coming up the stairs, so I ran over and turned the lights all the way on, and switched my iPod to my 'Favorites' playlist and pretended to be doing something on the computer.

She walked in behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders. I felt a chill run all the way down my body, but I tried to seem uninterested by not turning around, still scrolling through Facebook. She began giving me a tender, amazing massage, and I rolled my head to the side, letting her hands work over my neck. Slowly her hands slid down the sides of my torso, bringing her face down with them. Once her hands were resting on the sides of my waist, I could feel her warm breath approaching my ear, and I tilted my head even more to grant her access for whatever she was going to do.

"So, you're ignoring me now?" I heard her whisper in my ear. She began kissing down on my neck and onto my shoulder. She was kissing me hard, sucking, slightly biting down. I gasped and brought in a huge, loud breath. She spoke again.

"Good to know I finally have your attention."

She continued her assault on my neck and I felt her hands slide down into my lap and onto my thighs, painstakingly slowly, they slid towards the inner part of my thighs and I leaned back and into her, wrapping an arm behind me and onto the back of her head. I moaned slightly, encouraging her to continue what she was doing. She began to massage my inner thighs as she started kissing back up towards my neck.

I swiveled the chair around, but didn't get up. She was standing there, looking down at me with more lust in her eyes than I had ever seen before.

[earlier, in the bathroom]

I walked in, shut and locked the door, and leaned back into it, letting out a huge breath I had been holding in. I just needed a moment to think and to breathe.

Why am I doing this? I could have a free car! I don't have this girl's money. I can't just get my rich aunt to buy me one! I need this car! Besides, my parents will KILL me if I lose our ability to use our own beach house on a bet because I couldn't keep it in my pants.

I walked over to the counter and rested my hands on it, staring at myself in the mirror. I closed my eyes, but all I saw were her eyes and her lips.

God I want to kiss her again.

It was true. I have been with a lot of women. A LOT, but I've never had a kiss like I had with her. It was soft, heated, passionate, just... just perfect.

I have to have more of her.

I started replaying the bet I made with Quinn in my head.

She forbade anything below the waist. Okay, I can do this. I can make out with her, and hold her and feel her. I don't have to have sex with her. I can do this.

I splashed a little cold water on my face, reapplied my lip gloss, inhaled and exhaled one more big breath and made my way up the stairs.

When I finally found her room, I walked in and she was at her computer. I made my way over to her, but with her hair brushed to one side like it was, her neck and upper back were completely exposed.

Damn. Even the back of her neck is turning me on.

I walked over to her and rested my hands on her shoulders, slowly massaging her. When she didn't respond after a few moments, I lowered my mouth to her neck and whispered to her, sucking at nipping at her neck as I let my hands roam the sides of her torso. She stopped clicking with the mouse, obviously paying attention now. She shifted her body around, and eventually spun around to face me.

She is so gorgeous.

She just stared up at me, and I stared down at her. I froze, not quite sure what to do. Then she rolled the chair the extra foot towards me, placing one of her strong legs on either side of me. She pulled me into her by my ass and began kissing my stomach through my shirt. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, savoring the feeling of her lips so close to where I really wanted them.

No, I have to be good!

I put one hand under her chin, pulled her to her feet and into another kiss. This one was filled with more lust and desire than the others, and I felt myself begin to grow wet again-forget the fact that her hands were simply on my back.

Without breaking the kiss, she started walking me back towards the bed until I felt it on the back of my legs. Very carefully, she laid me down and kneeled over me, straddling me.

Oh god, this is going to go poorly. And by poorly, I mean that this is going to feel great.