Disclaimer: Duh.

"Would you like to go get coffee sometime?" Hermione looked up from her desk, face to face with Peter Abbott from International Cooperation. He was cute and Hermione enjoyed his small talk whenever they waited in line for lattes at the cart in the lobby. He was also younger. Like, was a seventh year when Rose was a first year.

Hermione tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm not really interested in dating right now, Peter." The disappointment on his face was clear but he nodded and straightened up, "Well, good talking to you," he said before walking away.

"Ouch." Ginny commented, handing Hermione her latte, "Rejection at its finest."

"Don't you have a Mr. Potter waiting for you upstairs?" she teased. Ginny laughed and walked off in the opposite direction of Peter, headed for the elevator.

Hermione worked at the Ministry in Law Enforcement after a brief stint with the Control and Regulations of Magical Creatures department. It was hard work but worth it and Hermione enjoyed being able to say she was a lawyer whenever she visited the muggle world. Once a week Ginny always came to visit her and the boys after practice with her Quidditch team and it was one of the few highlights in her life.

She sat at her desk and looked over some files for cases pending, chewing on her quill when her hand reached for the latte, effectively knocking it over. "Damn," she muttered, picking the cup up and throwing it in the wastebasket underneath the desk. She picked up the photo frame at the edge of her desk to make sure the coffee didn't reach it as she made it disappear with her wand.

Hermione put the frame back down, smiling at the photo it held. It was one Ron took, actually. Over summer holiday they had taken the kids to Paris together. The shot was one with Hermione in the middle of Hue and Rose, her arms over their shoulders as they cuddled with the Seine in the background. She stayed for a moment, grinning at the memories.

When the divorce happened she and Ron promised to give the kids a stable home life as possible. Since they didn't want to split them up too much over the summer they would usually go on vacation together before spending the rest of their holiday with the rest of the Weasley cousins.

Hermione stood up to get another latte, walking quickly and brushing off her skirt she didn't notice bumping into another person.

"I am so sorry!" she exclaimed, holding out a napkin as the man's own latte sloshed down his white Oxford shirt.

"It's no problem…Granger! Who would've known you were so clumsy?" She looked up to see Draco Malfoy grinning down at her like the ferret he always was.

"Sorry Malfoy, I wasn't looking." She crumpled the napkin her hand, averting eye contact.

"Well, I'll say that you owe me a mocha."

Hermione looked up and felt her heart give a start as she stared into his eyes.

"We can't keep doing this." Hermione was whispering as Draco's fingers were already going up her skirt. He nodded, "Last time," he agreed as she unbuckled his belt.

They were in the library. What started off as insult sparring during the late hours of the night turned into friendly banter and then something more than friendly.

It was sixth year. Horcruxes and the plan to kill Dumbledore weighed heavily on the teenagers' minds but one in a while when they were alone they were allowed to forget.

His teeth were leaving marks on her neck, one hand rubbing over her bud frantically, the other unbuttoning her shirt. Hermione was working away, her hand sliding over his cock with urgency while she held onto him. The two were keeping their best to be quiet but a little moan and groan escaped now and then.

He finally lifted her legs up and around his waist they went. He locked eyes with her as he buried himself inside. "No, look at me." He said harshly, his hand on his chin. Hermione gazed into those blue eyes as he pumped himself inside of her. Their noses were touching but never their lips. As she started to feel like she going to come her eyes started to roll until he repeated, "No, look at me." She was startled. He was pleading.

As they were getting dressed they didn't say a word. They always claimed it would be the last time but it never was. But this time it felt different. Draco was casting glances at her, thinking she didn't noticed until she asked, "What?"

His eyes were piercing in the dark library. He sauntered over to her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Bye, Granger."

The next day Dumbledore died.

"Yeah, I guess I owe you a mocha."

The pair took the elevator to the lobby and walked to the cart together, making small talk.

"So what were you doing so close to my desk?" Hermione asked.

"Well, I came by for some documents to give Peter Abbott. Padma Patil was helping me work out these contracts with the ministry. I'm expanding Malfoy Enterprises to America. New York actually. She helped me a few years back on a deal with Japan." They had reached the line for the coffee cart.

"Why the expansion? Not enough money for you?" Hermione asked. Draco smirked.

"We're not just an investment firm, we're into marketing and now technology."


"The muggles are great starting points." Draco smiled. Hermione rolled her eyes.

A silence ensued as they both stood in line.

Hermione had grown a lot through the years and was looking quite good for a woman who worked all day, had two children, went through a divorce, and celebrated her 35th birthday. Her hair was unmanageable as ever but her put it up in a bun the majority of the time. Her frame had gathered weight, especially around her stomach and her thighs had grown but what was to be expected when you never had time for exercise? But her face was unchanged. It was a little worn from stress but when you looked at Hermione it was like a snapshot out of the history books. She had the same smile and her eyes were timeless.

As for Draco, he was looking better than during his Hogwarts years. His jaw was sharp, his hair was gelled, his body was toned and he still had girls clamoring over him. In many ways he gave off the 'bachelor' vibe. He tried to raise Scorpius as best he could but like he was taught by Lucius, he thought Astoria was better suited for it.

Two owls flew in with letters for each of them. They took the letters and opened it quickly, glancing at each other suspiciously.

Ms. Granger,

Last night your daughter Rose Granger-Weasley was injured during detention. She is requesting your presence.

Neville had signed off the note.

"Was your son involved?" Hermione asked. Draco looked up and nodded, "Hurt during detention?"

"Guess we can forget the mocha. Let's take the floo network."

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