
The man known as Tribune looked up as his secretary entered the office and frowned. His secretary was on vacation, she shouldn't even be in the building. Before he could reach for his gun, however, his secretary changed shape.

"Mystique," he said coldly.

"Long time, no see, Graydon," Mystique replied as she walked over to him.

"How'd you get past the DNA scanners?" Graydon demanded.

He made a move for the gun he kept under his desk top, but Mystique was too fast for him, roundhouse kicking him away from his desk before he could do more than graze the handle. Mystique jumped over the desk and pressed him to the wall, a knife to his neck.

"Go ahead, do it, mutie," Graydon said.

Mystique smiled nastily.

"Have I ever told you how much you look like your father?" she asked.

"He's not my father!"

"You have his temper too."

"Lies," Graydon spat. "All lies. You're not my mother."

Mystique's smile broadened into a sinister grin.

"I thought you'd be interested in knowing you're an uncle," she said, "of a mutant boy."

Graydon stared at her.

"It's not true," he said. "I don't even have any siblings!"

Mystique released him.

"Just like Victor and I aren't your biological parents?" she asked as she headed to the open window. "So glad you managed to make it out of the Brotherhood battle alive, Graydon. We wouldn't want your little club to have to mourn its leader, now would we? It might give them ideas."

Mystique climbed out through the window. Graydon grabbed his gun and rushed to the window as Mystique escaped, light on her feet. He shot at her multiple times, but each bullet missed their mark. He cursed as she moved out of range and disappeared from sight.

"This isn't over."


Thanks to everyone for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to review. I really appreciate it.

And an extra special thanks to Hopey Hannigan for all her help.

I have no idea what the next chapter fic is going to be. I'm toying with half a dozen different ideas at the moment. What am I saying? I'm always toying with a bunch of different ideas, heh.