Title: Cherish is the word I describe all the feeling I have inside for you

Author: sharpiesgal

Fandom: CSI: Miami

Pairing: Horatio Caine/Rick Stetler

Genre: Slash

Prompt: 18—Cherish

Word Count: 300

Summary: A set of vignettes giving a glimpse inside a loving relationship.

Rating: PG to R

Author's Notes: for lj user="froggyfreak"

Disclaimer: Not mine. Merely borrowing. Might return…at some point.

Rick returned to their bedroom with a breakfast tray. He set the tray on Horatio's lap before joining the redhead in the bed. He snagged a piece of bacon and held it up for his husband to take a bite.

"Breakfast in bed," Horatio said between bites. "Must mean it's Sunday."

"Very observant of you, babe."

"Yes, I do get paid the big bucks for that very skill," Horatio quipped.

Rick groaned and handed Horatio the comic section from the Sunday paper.

Rick rested his head on Horatio's shoulder while the redhead attempted to read a forensic journal he had received in the mail that afternoon. His hand slipped under Horatio's t-shirt to run along his chest toying with the light dusting of red hair Rick knew that was there.

Horatio squirmed trying to get away causing the leather of the couch to creak. "That tickles, you know," he murmured as he peered at Rick over the rim of his reading glasses the forensic journal forgotten.

"What are you going to do about it?" Rick countered with a smirk.

"This," Horatio replied as he caught hold of Rick's hand stopping his husband's teasing. He raised the capture appendage to his mouth and sucked the thumb into his mouth to nibble on it.

Rick softly moaned completely forgetting about his plans to seduce the redhead.

Rick slid into bed behind Horatio softly kissing his husband's freckled shoulder. "Love you," he whispered into the warm skin.

"Love you more," Horatio quietly replied as he snuggled back into Rick's body while placing Rick's hand on his hip.

Using his leverage, Rick rolled Horatio onto his back and leaned down to soundly kiss his husband. "I love you more."

"Maybe," Horatio admitted once the kiss ended with them both almost breathless with passion. "But, I believe I can show you that I love you more."

"Really?" Rick quipped. "I love a good show and tell."

Horatio wrapped his arms around Rick's neck and pulled him down on top of him in another attempt to win this long running argument.