When all is said and done in bed, does he love you the way that I do?

Chapter One~ I'm Yours, Baby.


"Dude, calm down. It's just a game."

But that did nothing to calm my jumpy nerves. Didn't he realize that this was more than just a game? But as the smaller version of myself in avatar form slowly tumbled into oblivion over the edge of some mysterious cliff, all hope abandoned me. Throwing down the controller, I huffed and stood. Zane laughed breezily, sending a fatal blow into the heart of a digital overlord that won him the game.

"I'm goin to get us some cokes."

He just nodded along, muffling his laughs as I left the room and he once again fell back into the world of Modern Warfare. Feet hit the shabby white carpet of my crooked steps, and I barreled down them, leaving the comfy carpeting behind for the solid feel of the wooden kitchen floor. Yanking open the fridge, there was nothing but the six-pack of soda cans Zane brought over on his way home from his shift at the shopping center down the street. Or what Forks called a shopping center anyway.

"How're those cokes comin, babe?"

He did that just to get under my skin. Not only was he being the total jerk-face guy he was by rushing me while he sat on his lazy bum upstairs, but he called me babe. Admittedly, any other girl wouldn't really object to someone like Zane calling them such a name, but after being friends with the bastard for the last couple years, that stuff really got to you. Like how he put his arm around you when you were at the mall, just so the other girls- the skinnier ones with nicer hair- would send me envy glares or swoon at the sight of him.

Don't let the 6'1, baby face, shaggy black hair fool you, the kid was the dorkiest of dorks. He was nothing worth dreaming about, I tell you that. He didn't seem to think so. And all the girls at school- that didn't know anything about him but his first name, and mine- were delusional if they thought he was worth fighting for. I smiled to myself as I took the time to stop in the bathroom on the way back up the steps. He could just put that in his damn pipe and smoke it.

Placing the two coke cans on the side of the sink, I ran the water and washed my hands. The routine seemed fake, and unneeded, but the hot water made my hands feel a little less like they would fall off from the refrigerated sodas I'd just carried. I caught a glimpse at the girl in the mirror. It was hard to believe that I was the fastest sperm.

"Need help?" He stood there in the doorway, smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes and tossed him a coke can. I secretly hope it explodes all over him. But he just grinned and led the way back to my room.

"You know, we should really start having Friday nights at your place. My overall lack of junk food and sugary drinks kinda puts a damper on the night." I sighed, throwing myself back on the bed. Ever since mom started going through that diet phase, we've had nothing but lettuce and carrots for weeks. This wasn't working out well with my eat-nothing-but-ice cream-and-pizza plan.

"Wanna go grab a pizza?" Zane starts wrapping up the controllers, already knowing my answer. Honestly, I wasn't that hard to read. I was a pretty simple person. Give me a pizza and I'll be happy. Give me coffee and I won't shut up. Give me icecream and I'm yours baby. That was that. See, simple.

"I heard you got invited to the bonfire." I hinted slyly as we walked down one of Lapush's dirt roads. See, people like me and Zane wouldn't normally get invited to such cool kid parties as the Bonfire. But Zane had this uncontrollable thing where he made every girl swoon at his looks. Sadly, it landed him with many a parties. And even more sadly, it left me alone on Friday nights. See, Friday nights were usually reserved for me and Zane time. But once that kid hit puberty, I had no hope.

Still, tonight was nice. It was rainy, and cold, which meant a break from parties and that nonsense, so we could finally just hang out again. That didn't mean, though, that every other girl in a ten mile radius wasn't whispering and pointing at the pair of us.

Sometimes I wished Zane was ugly.