Author's note: Okay, so I have a new favorite anime. I'm only about 70-80 episodes into the series, so it may not be that great, but I loved the Golden Pair so much that I had to write something. I got some inspiration from other fanfictions and a song or two.

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis.

Help Me


"Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated."
- Lamartine

"Ne, Oishi, I…really screwed up this time…"

It's hard to remember a time when they weren't together. Seemingly joined at the hip since they met during their first year of junior high, you hardly ever saw one half of the Golden Pair without the other after that. On the rare occasions that they had been apart, Eiji's smiles had always seemed just a tiny bit less bright, and Oishi's focus slipped just a smidge. Fuji had often teased that they would be lost without each other. Eiji had grinned and tackled Oishi into a hug, to which the taller boy had just smiled. But he wasn't smiling now.

"Oishi…I have to tell you something."

What would it be like, they had always wondered, if Oishi had never met Eiji, and vice versa. The Golden Pair had always just laughed it off, Eiji claiming that it was impossible because luck and destiny had brought them together. Though, Oishi had always been sure that he never would have made it through junior high without his doubles partner. On the other hand, Eiji was more outspoken and confident, and Oishi had been sure that the redhead would have no trouble fitting in wherever he went.

"I'm sorry…"

It's hard to come to terms with something when for three years you had been assured that it would never happen. That, no matter what, that person would be with you forever, and you would never have to say goodbye. Oishi had been shocked, and hurt, and angry. But most of all, he had been left devastated and empty. It hurt to look to the space beside you, the one where you had always seen a smiling face, ready with a joke, and see that it's empty. It hurts to know that a promise has been broken.

"Oishi…I'm leaving Seigaku."

How long? How long until it stops hurting? How long until you can feel whole again? How long until they come back to you? The other regulars had been worried about Oishi, and continued to worry. The boy had been rapidly losing weight, began to forget things, and even forgot to feed his fish a couple times. During their first year of high school, Oishi had handed the fish over to Fuji, claiming that he couldn't take care of them at that point in time, but he knew if he gave them to one of the regulars, he could get them back when he was ready.

"…I don't know when I'll be back."

Oishi was hurting. Everyone knew he was. Though no one could bring themselves to say aloud what they knew in their minds.

"I don't know…if I'm coming back at all."

Kikumaru Eiji had broken his heart when he left. He hadn't told anyone where he was going just that he was going. That he had to leave for at least a little while. He wouldn't say why, just that he was sorry.

"I'm sorry…Oishi."

The regulars had been blindsided, left lost and confused by the absence of the bouncy acrobat, but Oishi had been left crushed and alone, with no real reason behind the disappearance of his partner, his best friend, his other half.

"I don't want to hurt you, but I have to do this. Someday…someday you'll understand."

'If you don't want to hurt me, then don't leave me here. Don't make me live without you.'

Words felt, and understood, but left unspoken.

'I love you.'

Soooo let me know what ya'll think, kay? ;)