I had almost given up on this story but thanks to its recent review and new follower (and an astonishingly high view count) I decided to keep on writing it. Thanks for the review. Since someone made a request for a bonus hero/villain, I feel obligated to say that I'm bringing more heroes and villains in right now so if I do bring in others, it would be later, but feel free to make suggestions. If someone wants to point out certain things that a character has done, feel free to message me or leave it in a review. There's a ton of people so I may forget some things (Like Spider-man's (and Wolverine's) association with the Avengers)

Dumbeldore watched the new arrivals after they had been explained what had happened. Their group now numbered nearly twenty. Gandalf's allies appeared to be simple humans-and an elf, dwarf, and a...hobbit. It was curious to noted the differences between Legolas and the house-elves of the wizarding world, but that would need to wait until after the upcoming battle. The Justice League appeared to be the most powerful...excepting the wizards, of course. Yet of those, there would be interesting allies. Superman was already nearly a god, and the Martian Manhunter appeared to be just as powerful, even if his weakness, fire, was readily available. Wonder Woman was also a powerful figure, with her strength and flight. The Green Lantern was also a powerful figure, but the last two appeared to be lesser than the rest-a man who could run quickly and a man who could speak to fish? How would they help against Voldemort's Death Eaters? The Batman was a mere muggle, skilled in martial arts but no more.

To his surprise, Batman was the first to organize the group into units. He placed Frodo with Superman, Mad Eye, and Gandalf, ensuring that the One Ring would only be near those with a nearly indomitable willpower. Harry was joined by Dumbeldore, Wonder Woman, and Aragorn, giving him the protection of some of the most skilled people of their respective universes. Then the Flash, Sirius, Gimli and Legolas were made into a group for quick, decisive attacks. Aquaman, Tonks, and Boromir would be used for more unconventional attacks. Lastly, Lupin, Green Lantern, Batman, and the Martian Manhunter would head to secure a base at Mount Doom, so that both Horcruxes and the Ring could be destroyed. When the base was secured, J'onn (Manhunter) would telepathically signal Superman, who would fly Frodo over the volcano to destroy the Ring.

When asked why not simply fly Frodo there now, Batman signaled to the top of the mountain, where the Dark Mark floated, signaling the location of the Death Eater base.

Obi-Wan looked at the heroes who stood before him, and noted that there were fifteen of them, Sauron, or Mairon as he now wished them to call him, was the only one without his allies, except for Saruman, the head of the wizards on Middle-Earth. Sauron explained that Saruman was the only ally he had who still worked for the good, and that he now renounced the dark, after hearing Obi-Wan's story of how it had caused the death of so many.

As the heroes began to acquaint themselves with their situation, a terrible roar was heard and a giant demon advanced towards them. It was a creature made of shadow and flame, standing almost twenty feet tall, with a flaming sword in one hand and a whip in the other.
Saruman was the first to speak, "This is a Balrog, a creature that has existed since nearly the beginning of time, and one that cannot be harmed easily."

The Balrog roared, and Thor shouted, "Foul creature! You defy me, Thor Odinson and wielder of Mjolnir?"

Thor raised his hammer and lightning flew at the Balrog. The Balrog swatted it aside with it's sword.

The chaos ensued. The Balrog began to strike at everyone it could reach, while a storm brewed overhead and the earth itself began flying at the creature. The smell of sulfur tainted the air and purple clouds formed all along the Balrog's exterior. Blaster bolts flew at the Balrog, and a laser steadily struck it.

The Balrog roared and a sudden high-pitched, fear inducing screech was heard. Three figures, in cloaks and wielding swords began to move towards the heroes. The screech left Wolverine unconscious, his enhanced hearing making it even more painful. Nightcrawler collapsed mid-teleport and lay crumpled on the ground. Cyclopes covered his ears in agony, accidentally blasting unleashing his full blast into the earth, creating a long, deep ditch.
Thor remained unaffected, and battered the Balrog with his hammer, taking advantage of the confusion. However, the screech caused the Hulk to lose control and leap into the sky, prepared to smash everything when he landed, only to be shot with whatever defenses the island had against flight.

Obi-Wan and Yoda were dueling the Nazgul, the Force allowing them to overcome the fear induced by the screech, but they began to lose ground quickly.

"Enough!" Sauron stood unfazed. "You shall leave!" He struck the earth with his mace, sending a shockwave which caused everyone to fall.

Everyone else temporarily unconscious, Sauron instructed the Nazgul to keep watch on the other heroes, and sent the Balrog to guard the entrance to Mount Doom. Sauron noted the Balrog limping, most assuredly from the pounding it took from Thor, the Hulk, and Cyclops's laser, for everything else might only scratch it.

He then heard a small voice, "Good, you pretend to be, but evil you still are, hmm?" Yoda stood up with his walking stick. "Faced one false friend to the good, I have already. Same mistake, make twice, I will not." The diminutive green figure pulled out his lightsaber. "Face me, you shall."
Sauron swung his mace-

Please read and review, remember those are anti-writer's block/fuel for the story.