Song Of Hope: Yes! My first non one-shot Gin X Mad in a really long time. Okay, there are so many ABC Family (yes, I watch more than Cartoon Network, though not 4kids, they are evil) A Cinderella Story Movies, so I thought they might as well turn it into Beyblade. Then I thought, hey that might not actually be a bad idea. So, here it is. Forewarning, some out of place tec, but needed.

"Madoka!" She looked up to her evil stepsister from the floor. She was being forced to scrub it down. Madoka was wearing rags as clothes, tattered and extremely dirty, because if she tried to wash them, they became shredded and she would have to sow them together again. Madoka had been forced to be turned into pretty much a servant girl, and even through all the beatings, she still remained kind hearted (although very scary when provoked) and hopeful, which annoyed her evil stepsister and her stepmother to the ends of the Earth.

"What is it Muda?" Her evil stepsister, Muda Biboo smirked at her. She had short pink hair and brown eye, and really, she was pretty ugly. She wore a lovely (though not on her) pink dress.

"There's another Beyblade you need to fix."

"Why should I even do that? You get all the money and all the credit!"

"Must I remind you what will happen if you don't do as I ask? Mother will be forced to kill your precious little pets." She started freaking out.

"No! Okay, I'll fix it!" She had a pet eagle named Tsubasa who had always helped her and a cute little kitten named Yuu, who was a playful little thing, and those two were the best of friend, even though one was a cat and one was a bird, but as soon as her father had married her stepmother, she had locked them both up in cages so she could force Madoka to do what she and Muda want her to do. Muda smirked at her.

"Good. Now, take extra good care of this one! Prince Ginga has heard how great of a Beyblade Mechanic I am, so he has sent his very own Beyblade Storm Pegasis to here to have it repaired! It's so exciting! And when he sees the awesome work I've done on one of his most precious possessions, his Beyblade, he'll invite me to live in the castle. And then he'll fall in love with me, and we'll get married!" Madoka sweat dropped from her comment.

"Muda, Prince Ginga is my age, which is about 18, you're six years older than him, 24, you couldn't fix a Beyblade to save your life, I've also heard he's never heard of a Bey mechanic until very recently, and he wouldn't fall for you because I hear he's too in love with Beyblade to notice anybody. Now, where's the Bey?"

"It's downstairs, where else would it be? Now, go fix it or else!" She scampered off the floor and went down the stairs to her mechanic shop.

"Now, where is it?" She found it on the work desk. She sat down and looked at it. It was a Storm Bey, and a beautiful one in her opinion, but it had obviously suffered much damage over the years. She had a tear in her eye. "Pegasis? The poor thing. It's so damaged that I can actually see the damage. Well, I'd better get to work." She started doing what she did, using the air brush to get debris out, using the melted metal to fill in the scratches in the surface, repainting what needed to be repainted, putting equal amounts of coating on it, humming in a very pretty voice while she did all this, until it looked perfect in her eyes, and she was sure in the prince's eyes as well. It had taken her all night to do so, but when something like this was on the line, she was excused from her chores, but she would just have that much more work to do. She had fallen asleep at the worktable, having to run a few more tests before she was finished, when Muda came down.

"Give it to me!" She woke up instantly.


"Hyoma, the prince's best friend (!), is here to pick up the Bey." She went to grab it, but Madoka snatched it out of her grasp. She got furious at that. "What to you think you're doing you rotten little wench?"

"Pegasis isn't fixed yet! I still need to run some test on him before I can give the OK for him to go!"

"It's a thing, not a him, you little wench, and I don't care! Give it to me!" She reached for it again, but Madoka kept it out of her grasp.

"If you want Pegasis to come back here, then let me do my job! If the job isn't finished, then Prince Ginga will never want us to fix it again!" She stopped after that.

"Fine, I'll go tell Hyoma that I still need to run some tests on Pegasis." She went quickly up the stairs. Madoka got to work running the test, which was using a Launcher to see that it was working just fine.

"Let it rip!" She launched Pegasis. There wasn't any damage that affected the spinning or balance, so everything was just fine. She stopped Pegasis, put him in a little Bey holding case (free for every first time customer for fixing of a Beyblade), but she wrote a quick little note yelling at the Prince for not taking better care of Pegasis. She put it in the Bey case along with the Bey. Muda came back down.

"Okay, you done?"

"Yeah, Pegasis is in perfect condition."

"And did you put it in one of our finest cases?"

"Yes! But, just to make sure not to arouse suspicion, you should stay down here for a bit longer. In fact, maybe I should go up, posing as the little servant girl." She scoffed.

"I'll stay down here, but I'll be the one to give it to Hyoma. I'm not stupid. You're hoping if you can get to anyone good with the royal family for long enough that you'll be able to escape here. Well, I need my servant girl. You aren't leaving any time soon, or ever, at least not until I'm, dead. Now start scrubbing the floor!"

"The cleaning supplies are upstairs. I'll get them." They really were upstairs, and Muda forgot about the fact that Hyoma was up there, so Madoka could easily get up there without another thought from Muda. She walked quietly up the stairs, really having no intention of getting Hyoma's attention, because she knew what would happen to Tsubasa and Yuu if she disobeyed the wills of Muda and her mother, so she went to quietly go get the cleaning supplies, but he still notice her. He was wearing a purple poofy shirt and brown pants. He had a bag, like a messengers bag on him.

"Hello there." She pretended not to hear him. She had been forced to learn sign language and to pretend she couldn't hear whenever anybody saw her, as to make people think that she was deaf and dumb, so that people who pity her and pay extra, insisting "You're saints for taking this poor dumb and deaf girl in. You deserve it", and it works every time. Only her two pets, her stepsister, and her stepmother knew that she could hear and talk. He noticed that she didn't seem to hear him, so he started waving his hand. "Can you even hear me?" Madoka walked over to him and started signing, saying "I'm sorry, I can't hear or speak, I've tried learning to talk, but no sound ever comes out whenever I try to do so. Did you need anything? I can help you easily. My name's Madoka." He seemed to understand.

"Oh, so you can only use sign language?" He signed that exact thing that he just said, and pretty quickly too. Madoka was surprised. She started signing.

"You know sign language?" He signed back, speaking as he did so.

"Yes, my mother couldn't hear either, but she learned to talk, only she didn't speak properly. I learned sign language as a way to talk to her in a way she could understand me. Most people wonder why my father ever married her." Madoka signed back.

"Well, it seems to me he didn't listen to his mind, he only followed his heart."

"Yeah, I guess. So, what are you doing here?" Madoka started signing again.

"I lived on the streets for the first few years of my life, but then Amano-sama (she hated being forced to call her stepmother that, especially since her name from her previous husband was Biboo, not Amano, Amano is her surname and her father's name) and her daughter Muda-sama, an excellent mechanic, found me. They knew they barely had enough money to support me, but they took me in anyways. My clothes are rags, they insist on buying me better clothes, but I keep telling them no because they need the money. They also insist on feeding me more than I eat, but I'm used o it, and they aren't." He smiled.

"Well, that's sweet of you and of them. Anyways, I'm just hear to pick up the Beyblade I dropped off yesterday, though I'll bet I won't get it until tomorrow, if Muda fixed Pegasis properly." Madoka acted surprised.

"Wait, as in Prince Ginga's Pegasis? Wait, then you must be Hyoma, aren't you."

"The one and only."

"Well, she's just running one last test on the Bey. She stayed up all night working on it."

"Well, that takes some dedication. I guess it will be in great shape."

"Now, I need to go find the cleaning supplies. I insist on helping, in fact doing, all the daily chores, since Amano-sama and Muda-sama work in the store and have no time to clean."

"That's very noble of you. Not many people have any true gallantry anymore." Muda came up. Madoka signed to her, although she didn't understand it.

"Muda-sama, is Pegasis done being fixed?" Muda sighed.

"Madoka, you know I can't understand sign language." She looked at Hyoma. "I'm sorry if you haven't been able to understand her."

"I know sign language. My mother can't hear. I can tell you what she's saying. She asked if Pegasis was done being fixed yet."

"Yes, it is. Could you tell her that?"

"Sure." Then, he started signing and speaking. "Muda says that Pegasis is all ready to go."


"She said good. Now, where is Pegasis?" She handed him the Bey holder. "Don't open it until Prince Ginga-sama gets it." He took it, and put it in his bag.

"I thank you for your services. I'm sure Ginga will as well." He signed it back to Madoka. "Now, how much will it cost?" Madoka signed it before Muda could respond.

"Regular fixing costs usually about $30, but seeing as to the condition that Bey was in, and how long it took Muda to fix it, you'd better pay extra!" Her determination in her eyes, which was more of a glare, made Hyoma decided to do so. He handed Muda about $100 dollars. She was shocked.

"$100? But a routine fix is only $30."

"Yeah, but from what Madoka just said, or signed, I guess, I though it would be good to pay extra." He turned around and left. Muda turned to Madoka.

"You can start talking again."

"Why did you and your mother force me to learn sign language if you didn't learn it yourselves?"

"Because, we're actually allowed to talk. Now, what did you tell him exactly?"

"I told him he'd better pay extra because of the condition Pegasis was in." She struck her, and made Madoka fall to the ground.

"Well, don't do it again! With any other customer it would be OK, BUT he's the best friend of royalty! Now, get back to cleaning the floor you rotten wench!" She went up to her bedroom. Madoka gently put her hand over where Muda struck her. She started crying, but didn't give up hope.

"I have to hold on. I hope that soon I'll be able to escape this life." She got the supplies and started scrubbing.

Song Of Hope: I considered calling her Madokarella, but decided against it.