Disclaimer: All rights go to Dan Schneider for Victorious and Robert Muchamore for Cherub.

First Bade Fan Fiction, I hope you enjoy. This storyline is based on the books by Robert Muchamore about a secret child service that fights criminals and just really cool stuff so I came up with this.

Please Review!

Chapter 1: The Mission

Jade's POV

I paced around the small room I was assigned, glancing at the stack of papers on the simple wooden desk. The wall to my right let through a stream of voices belonging to young girls, probably discussing how gross boys were or something. My name is Jade Wesley; I am a child agent for the organisation of Cherub. Cherub is a top secret organisation that solves crimes, but with a twist. The agents who go undercover are trained in martial arts, explosives training, agility and everything you can think of; did I mention that these agents were children? The children here are between the ages of four and eighteen, once you reach the age of ten you are put through basic training, a one-hundred day course of intense strength, agility and brain training. I am sixteen now, I have been with Cherub since I was twelve, the day after my parents, my brother and I were robbed and attacked in our Florida home, I was brought to Cherub. My parents and younger brother were killed in the incident; I escaped with bruises and a broken arm. I was assigned to this organisation due to the reasoning of my parent's death, my previous training in martial arts and the fact that, when my parents died, there was actually no-one to look after me. I remember all the missions I have ever completed, they involved drugs, and violence, alcohol, criminals, everything you can think of, and I have been involved with all of them at least once or twice. I had earned my black t-shirt whilst in Indonesia; I went above and beyond the call of duty, saving three other agents from death while also exposing the major drug lord we had been attempting to catch the entire time. Black T-shirts are awarded to those who stand out among others on dangerous missions for a hero-like doing that wasn't asked of them. I was respected among this organisation and that was the reason I was now handed the difficult missions. I was surprised by the location of the mission, the briefing papers lay astray on my desk, and it was in Los Angeles. It was at a Performing Arts High School in Hollywood, which seemed weird. My role in this mission was to get friendly with some students, especially a girl name Tori Vega, whose father was wanted for a large number of things. I had gone over it so many times, the hard part was to play the part of an innocent new girl to school, get close to this girl and find out all of her personal information within the short period of about three months. I knew I could do it, this was a simple mission. Nothing Jade Wesley couldn't handle. I picked myself up from my slump, strode out the door and up to the mission control rooms and told the administrators that I was accepting my mission. They smiled at me and spoke to their little microphone headpieces.

"You leave in three days. Be ready by eleven in the morning on Sunday, we will be sending Zachary Watson with you to pose as your older brother and your parent will be Maria. You will all take on the last name of West, as said in the documents and other information will be given to you on the plane"

I smiled at them,

"I'll be ready" I replied simply before leaving the room and walking back down to my room. I sat on the soft cotton bed sheets and thought about how I had to act. I had to act innocent but not too innocent that I didn't seem confident. I had to act like a normal teenage girl, but I had to be interesting, catch the eyes of the girl, Tori. I think I had myself figured out, all I had to do now was wait for the adventure to begin.

Mission Briefing: Jade Wesley – Los Angeles

Daryl Vega works in the police force. He has two children, Trina and Tori Vega, both of whom are teenage girls; both attend the Performing Arts High School in Los Angeles. He is married to Eloise Vega, and has been since before the birth of both daughters, all live together in their L.A home, 232 Sunshine Boulevard. Being in the police force, no one expects him to commit a crime, however, Cherub has reasons to believe that Vega works on the black market with drugs and weapons. Using his job as a cover-up to his family and his family as a cover-up to his job, he assumably uses these periods of time to deal in the black market.

Your role in the mission is to get close to Tori Vega and her friends, eventually get inside the house, plant bugs, devices and snoop around for anything that seems relevant to the issues of drugs, dealings and weaponry. Any further service on this mission will be told to you by Maria Waters if required.

You will be known as Jade West, your brother will be Zachary West and your mother will be Maria West. Your wardrobe, school books and all other essentials has been set for you. Your characteristics are quite dark, sarcastic, confident, sultry and interesting. This profile is not to be used to fend off Tori and her friends, but may be used as an intimidating-like profile to other students to "stay out of your way" while on the mission. You have been assigned most classes with her, only two subjects you have without her.

Outline of all possible people you will encounter and need to acquaint and become close to, some do not need potential friendships. The main subject of focus is Tori Vega:

Tori Vega:

Tori goes to Hollywood Arts High School for acting, singing and dancing. She is brunette, brown eyes, tall and has a slender figure. She is an average teenage girl, does not have a boyfriend that we know of, and is close friends with Andre Harris, Cat Valentine, Beck Oliver and Robbie Shapiro. Younger sister to Trina Vega, daughter of Daryl and Eloise Vega. Has interests in photography, aspires to be a pop star and usually dresses in tight jeans and boots.

Trina Vega:

Trina attends Hollywood Arts High School with her sister, however her parents paid a large amount for her to attend due to her having limited talent. She is looked down upon for most students as talentless and is believed to be annoying. She resembles Tori, dark hair and eyes, slender and tall. Usually wears clothes that are fashionable. Does not have a boyfriend, although she seems desperate for one, her close friends are unknown of and she is usually part of whatever Tori and her friends are doing.

Cat Valentine:

Cat attends Hollywood Arts for singing, dancing and acting. She is very bright and bubbly, quite ditzy but confident. She has red hair, is short, slim and large brown eyes. She is one of Tori's closest friends and is said to be the funny one of the group. She has a current boyfriend, known as Daniel, who doesn't attend Hollywood Arts. Her father died when she was four in a car accident, so she is situated with her mother, Jean, and younger brother, George, in Los Angeles. She mostly wears dresses, skirts or something that is in fashion with a charming twist.

Beck Oliver:

Beck attends Hollywood Arts for acting and dancing, partially singing. He is half British and half Canadian but lives with his parents in Los Angeles. He has dark shoulder length hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and is tall and quite slender. He usually wears baggy jeans and combat boots, also usually wears plaid flannelette shirts. He is close friends with the same people as Tori Vega and does not have a girlfriend, although is believed to be appealing and liked by most of the girls who attend the school. He is a charming and witty boy who aspires to be a serious actor.

Andre Harris:

Andre attends Hollywood Arts for singing, acting and an instrumental course. He is very musically talented, being able to play six instruments. He is of African-American descent, has short dreadlocks, brown eyes, is average height and is quite muscular. He is sweet and does not currently have a girlfriend. He aspires to be a musician and is known by others as very friendly and talented.

Robbie Shapiro:

Robbie attends Hollywood Arts for his ventriloquist abilities and acting, he carries around a puppet constantly called Rex. Rex acts as his witty alter-ego; Robbie is classed as the nerd of the group. He has dark curly hair, glasses and is tall and thin. He wears mostly jeans and sneakers with button up shirts. He is close friends with everyone Tori Vega is friends with and does not currently have a girlfriend.

These are the friends of Tori Vega who you will become friends with over the course of the mission. However, the point is not to become friends or anything similar, it is to rat out the black market trading Daryl Vega.

Good Luck on you mission.

I closed the mission briefing and sat back into the seat of the aeroplane, in a few hours I would be landing in Los Angeles, arriving at the safe house and getting ready for the school I was supposed to start at in the morning.

I awoke at six in the morning of the Monday, a little jet lagged but ready for the beginning of a three month mission. I looked in the closet of clothes I had been given and hardly saw any other colour besides black. Maria had told me to streak some random parts of my hair, considering I had black hair, I went for a light green and turquoise blue which stood out. I pulled out a pair of leggings and a long black sequined shirt that fell to mid thigh. I saw only three pairs of shoes, all combat boots, a worn red pair, and a worn brown pair and, oh wow, a worn black pair. I pulled out the worn black pair and pulled them on over the feet-length leggings. I left the laces undone and brushed out my hair; it was naturally curly and fell in large rings around my face. I applied some dark eye make-up and natural lip gloss with a bit of foundation on my chin, nose and forehead. I looked good, considering this wasn't my natural look, similar but not quite. I looked a little more gothic and intimidating than my normal, but it looked alright.

I trudged down the stairs and into the open kitchen of our "house". I sat on the bar stool next to Zach, who I just realised I hadn't talked to the whole trip of the plane and since we had arrived.

"Morning" I said as I poured a bowl of cornflakes into some fancy china bowl.

"Hey" he replied, looking up from his Cocoa Puffs and smiling. "So, I didn't get to ask you, what is your role in this whole she-bang" he laughed,

I smiled, "Well, I have to get close to Tori Vega and her friends, plant bugs inside her house and stuff if I get the chance, what about you?" I asked, grabbing a long silver spoon from the cutlery draw and sitting back down beside him.

"Well, I have to pretend to be a new recruit at the police force and I get assigned to be "daddied" by Daryl" he air-quoted "daddied".

"Cool, good luck" I said. I didn't really know Zach, I had never been on a mission with him before, all I knew was he was as well as myself, very respected, earning his black t-shirt at the age of just twelve. I did the washing up of dishes after we had finished and glanced up at the clock, it was seven-thirty and I had planned to leave here by eight. Maria walked out of her downstairs room, looking smart but casual in dress pants and a white blouse. She was assigned to work with Eloise at the fancy restaurant down the street.

"Everyone ready and excited?" she chimed, a smile lighting up her pale face. She looked older than she was which was why she was assigned to be a parent most of the time, she was over eighteen but joined Cherub as an occupation, going on missions only as a parent, rarely getting involved. She had a pale face, straight black hair and blue eyes, she resembled both Zach and I quite well. We all had black hair and blue eyes, which made this whole family business, seem more realistic.

Half an hour later, I was striding out the door, a large brown bag hanging off my shoulder. It was filled with books, I was thankful it was only a fifteen minute walk to the school.

I reached the large double doors of the school at eight-fifteen, right on time. I entered and was met by a magical sight. The interior was very busy, all the lockers were customised and there was a large open space met by a two directional staircase. I walked through the halls until I found the main office to retrieve my time table. The short, stumpy lady at the desk handed me my timetable, her squinty eyes peering judgementally over her round-rimmed glasses at my threatening appearance. I liked this. My first class today was an acting class with ... Sikowitz? What kind of a last name was that? Anyway, I shook my head and walked to the locker I was assigned. Cherub had already taken it upon them to get someone to decorate it according to my given characteristics. My locker was painted black and had multi-coloured scissors poking out in all different places, I smiled at the creativity and opened it. It already had a few text books and writing materials inside, I grabbed out a pencil, a notebook and my phone, placing them all in my bag and heading around the halls to my first class. Students were dancing, singing and rehearsing everywhere, they crowded the halls with their talent. I reached the wooden door that was my first class and entered, a few students were already inside talking. I went and sat down at the back, in the far right corner, placing my bag on the floor and pulling out my phone as if I was texting. I looked up to see a tall, slim, tanned and ... attractive guy staring at me. Black hair fell around his ears and his deep brown eyes were looking at me, it's like his eyes were flirting with me. I just stared at him and then looked back down, trying to remember his name from the briefing. Brad? Brian? Beckham... wait, Beck. That was it, strange name. I saw combat boots over the top of my phone and then felt the air pass me as someone sat down in the chair beside me.

"Hi, I'm Beck"

"Jade" I answered, not looking up. I had to show him I wasn't interested in dating, but then again he might just be friendly, why did I automatically assume he liked me?

"You new?"

"Obviously" I answered; there was a bite to my words. This whole outfit made me feel witty and stronger. I took that in my stride and decided that a half bitchy tone would work with most people, but show my confident and sweet self to only those I had to.

"I could show you around later, I mean, if you wanted to"

"I think I'll be alright" I said, finally looking up at him and regretting it immediately. His eyes were beautiful, deep brown and easy to lose yourself in. I had been trained for five years to ignore people, to do whatever, and I look at this boy for two seconds and can't control myself. There's my Cherub career down the toilet.

"What happens if you need to use the bathroom?"

"I'll find it" I said sourly, wanting him to leave. I couldn't take it, he was hitting on me and I was finding it hard not to flirt back. The only way I could stop myself was to be unbecomingly rude.

"Can I ask you something?"

"It's not like me saying no will stop you anyway"

"What's your favourite kind of flower?"

"I hate flowers" I replied. God I was being a total bitch. This boy was so sweet, but I couldn't have it. I was on a mission

"Okay" he replied. I glanced up to see him smiling at me, his arms folded casually across his chest.

Within the period of our conversation, every other seat in the room had been taken by someone, looks like I had to sit next to Romeo for the rest of the class. A man entered through the back of the classroom in pyjama pants and hobo clothing, he was sipping on a coconut. Was he lost?

"Good Morning children!" he addressed, my mouth fell open as everyone didn't do anything but smile and nod in acknowledgement. Surely this nut wasn't our teacher? I saw the future Elvis sitting beside me grin and silently chuckle at me expression of shock, obviously new kids always thought he was Hollywood's neighbourhood hobo, not their acting teacher.

"We have a new student!" he cooed, gesturing to me with his coconut hand. I smiled a tight lipped smile but then widened it sweetly a little as I saw a pretty brunette girl turn towards me. Tori Vega spotted. She smiled back at me and everyone else just merely glanced, beside the red head in the corner he called out,

"Hi! I'm Cat"

Obviously the mission briefing had been right. Cat, bubbly, they sure got that right. She giggled back into her seat and I leant back into mine, wanting to know what this whack of a teacher was actually going to teach us. My questions were answered as his hands went into the air and began to speak.

"Right, alphabetical improvisation, Beck come up here"

Beck stood up and sauntered to the front, a hand running through his thick hair. He stood up on the stage and grinned a half smile as he faced the audience, waiting for Sikowits's next instruction.

"Please, choose three other children and invite them upon this elevated slab of wood"

Elevated slab of wood? What was this guy smoking?

Elvis boy began to speak again and I saw a glint in his eye as they brushed over me,

"Tori, Andre and um, Jade"

Sikowits's eyes widened and he leant forward as I glared at Beck, what was he doing? First day and I had to act in front of people, no idea what I was doing. Tori and Andre gladly stood up and took their spots on the elevated slab of wood, known to normal people as a stage. I stood up, dumped the bag I had been hugging on the floor and slowly walked up to where the others were. I turned around, a step away from everyone else and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I, um, I don't know how to do this?" I turned to Sikowitz.

"It's okay, just follow these guys. You must say a sentence beginning with the next letter of the alphabet"

I still didn't understand but they had already started, the order seemed to be Andre, Tori, Beck and then me.

"So, what's your name?"

"Tell us"

"Um, unable... to answer that ... right now" I said uneasily, glancing at Sikowitz and he nodded in approval. It was now Andre's turn.

"Very mysterious" he winked,

"Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners, but don't worry we are nice!"

"Good work Tori!" Sikowitz chimed in, she nodded to him in thanks and it was back to Beck.

"You can tell me" he said, looking into my eyes again.

"Zero, that's how much I can tell you" I said, looking away from him.

"Back to the letter A!" Sikowitz screamed excitedly,

"Are you hitting on her Beck?"

"Beck, that is so rude, she only just got here!" Tori laughed,

"Can you guys stop harshing my mellow!" he joked, looking back at me.

"Don't say that, you sound like a douche" I smiled tightly and sarcastically as Andre's mouth widened into a smile at me remark.

"Nice!" he raised his hand for a high-five which I accepted,

"Andre! You're out!" Sikowitz said, bending over and making a sour face.

"Nah, it's cool. Beck just got burned!" he laughed as he went and sat down in his seat. What letter were we up to? I looked at Tori, hoping she knew.

"Even if he seems nice, trust me, he's not" she punched Beck's shoulder and he turned to her with a questioning look on his face.

"Far out! I am only trying to be nice!"

He was getting picked on by two girls, this was pretty funny. If I was clear enough in my words right now, he could potentially leave me alone in the dating department for the rest of the mission. Thinking for my best interests, I snappily said the next words.

"Go grow some balls, Beck"

His eyes widened in shock at me, so did Tori's and when I glanced around everyone did that little, ooohh, teasing noise.

"Wow" Tori said, looking speechless.

"Tori, you're out!" Sikowitz jumped up and down, getting more excited as this little game played out.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice, I haven't said one mean thing to you"

"I don't care"

"Just a little, not even a little?"

"K, Elvis, let's just hold up here. What's your deal?"

"Look who's talking? No one in here knows a single thing about you besides your name"

"My personal details don't need to be shared around"

"No, but I think people would like to know more about where your pretty face came from"

"Okay, you want to go down this path. When my mum and dad were about twenty they decided-"

"Please don't say it... you know what I meant!" he said, staring at me again, more intensely this time.

"Quit trying to figure me out"

"Really? Why won't you let me?"

"Sorry princess, I don't date jerks"

"Time for you to chill out"

"Unbelievable, who do you think you are my father?"

"Vague is what you are, considering you are at a performing school, why don't you tell us a little bit more about you, or maybe just me. I'd be happy to listen any day sweet lips"

"What did you just call me?"

"X-ray your brain, I can tell you can't stop thinking about me" everyone laughed and cheered as he continued to flirt with me, walking around me.

"You're disgusting"

"Zap! You're thinking about me again, I can just tell!"

"Are you retarded?"

"Be nice sweet heart"

"Can you stop calling me stupid pet names? I hate pet names. Especially when moronic people like you use them"

"Damn, what are you going to do about it? You couldn't hurt me"

"Even though I'm a black belt in karate"


"Give me one good reason not to prove to you that I am"

"Hit me and I'll kiss you"

I stopped in my tracks, the arm I was preparing to punch with fell loose as I looked at him. My eyes squinted, what did this guy want from me?

"I don't believe you"

"Jade, is that a challenge"

"Kissing? A challenge? It'd be beyond a challenge for you. You wouldn't even know what hit you if you kissed me"

"Let's find out"

With that, he leant down and pressed his warm lips against mine. My stomach went wild, butterflies swarming in my chest. His hands caressed one side of my face and the other lingered on my hip. His hands felt so good on my skin, I didn't want to let go. I realised what was happening and had to end it. I pushed him off me.

"Maybe you should go shave your toes now, considering you don't have anything better to do with your life then hit on girls out of your league" It hurt me to say it to him this time. I had felt one of the most amazing feelings when we had kissed but this thing between us couldn't get personal. I was on a mission and that was it.

"That was incredible" he whispered to me,

"Beck you're out, I didn't hear what you said but that definitely wasn't an N"

"No worries" he joked, sauntering back to his seat and I followed. I had just won an alphabetical improvisation, been talked to by a hobo of a teacher, been kissed by an insanely cute boy who was not keeping his eyes off me and potentially been labelled the bad girl of the school. This school was insane, I hadn't even been here a fucking hour yet!

I hope you guys liked it! I know the alphabetical improvisation almost takes up the whole thing haha. But I had to get a little Bade in there before I ended the chapter to keep you guys wanting more! More Bade and criminal stuff in the next chapter! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE REVIEW!