A/N: Lookit me; I'm hopping on the Naruto/Pokemon (neither of which I own for the record) crossover bandwagon! Okay, a few things…

First; in some cases, I'll try to use character-predictable Pokemon only as a last resort i.e. Naruto getting a Vulpix or Shino getting the world's most generic bug-type)

Second; Each threesome will get a different generation's set of starters, from Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke getting Generation I all the way to the Sand Siblings getting Generation V.

Third; I know some Pokeruto crossover clichés are more or less unavoidable, like the Gokage as the Elite Four or Sarutobi in the place of Prof. Oak. I however will have some original stuff, like Tsunade in the role of Prof. Juniper and Shizune as Bianca.

Fourth; I'm sure anyone who's read chapter 570 of the Naruto manga will agree: holy sh!# is that awesome! Go to my deviantart page to see what I'm referring to.

Anyways; on with the story…

Prologue: Gotta Catch 'Em All!

"And there you have it, folks!" the television announcer blared to the audience both in the stadium and at home, "Konoha's gym leader, Fugaku Uchiha, has just defeated Konoha's Dojo's leader, Hiashi Hyuga, in tonight's exhibition match! It sure was amazing how his Houndoom bested Kadabra with that wicked combination of Fire Spin and Fire Blast!"

"Heehee… awesome!" Naruto whooped, sitting on his bed in his usual white night shirt w/ orange spiral and blue shorts.

"Naruto…" a intimidatingly sweet voice said from the doorway. Naruto turned around and saw…

…the smiling face of his mother, Kushina, in her maroon pajamas. And when I say smiling, I mean the kind of smile that tells you "you're in trouble."

"Naruto, sweetie," she grinned, "weren't you supposed to be asleep twenty five minutes ago?"

The twelve-year-old gulped, "but mom; tomorrow's the day I get my Pokemon trainer's license! I can't sleep! I'm too excited!"

Kushina sighed and walked over and turned his TV off, "I suggest you go to sleep now before I forbade you from taking any ramen with you on your journey."

"Good night, mom! Love you!" he spoke super-fast and snuggled under the covers, closing his eyes.

Kushina shook her head, giggling, and leaned down to kiss her son's forehead, "good night, sweetie."



Naruto sprung out of bed and rushed to the shower. He pulled on a black T-shirt w/ red spiral, orange unzipped hoodie, blue jeans, white socks, and dark blue and white high tops and bolted downstairs.

Kushina was in the kitchen, making breakfast, wearing a dark pink short-sleeved dress shirt, blue denim capris, and tan sandals, "hold on there, cowboy! Have some breakfast!"

Naruto begrudgingly ate his breakfast, kissed his mother good-bye, and was off to Prof. Sarutobi's lab to receive his starter Pokemon, five poke balls, and Pokedex.

When he got there, he saw the other two kids who were starting today; Sakura and Sasuke. Sakura was decked out in a white spaghetti strap top, charcoal denim short shorts, crimson cardigan tied around her waist, black thigh-highs, and black Converse. Sasuke, meanwhile, was clad in a black long-sleeved tee, blue jeans, white socks, and black and white Nikes.

"Hey guys!" Naruto smiled, waving.

"Hey, Naruto!" Sakura smiled in return, "slept in late again, I see." Sasuke just nodded.

"I call dibs on Charmander!" Naruto excitedly chirped, "what pokemon do you guys want?!"

Sakura smiled at her chipper friend, "Squirtle. It's just so cute." This time, Sasuke went "hmph."

At last the door opened, revealing Prof. Sarutobi (wearing the same attire as Prof. Oak cause this author is lazy), "ah… the last of the newest crop of students. Welcome!"

"What do you mean 'last'?" Naruto asked. Sasuke and Sakura rolled their eyes.

"The graduating class was split into groups of three and left at different times. Neji Hyuga's group left last week, Kiba's group left two days ago, and Ino's team left yesterday," Sakura explained. Honestly, she loved the blonde knucklehead like a brother but the boy could be so friggin' dense at times…

"That is correct," Sarutobi nodded, "please come inside and we'll get you prepared."

The four of them walked up to a table with three poke balls on it.

"Alright," Sarutobi cleared his throat, "Sasuke; since you're the son of our town's gym leader, you may choose first." Sasuke took a poke ball, "I choose this one; Charmander." Naruto bugged out.

"What?! No way! I called dibs not five minutes ago!"

"Deal with it, loser," Sasuke huffed, "besides it's tradition for the Uchiha to start with a fire type. It has been for the past three generations." (AN: Holy cow! Sasuke spoke more than one sentence! The world really is going to end this year!)

"Alright," Sarutobi nodded, "now then… Sakura?"

"No contest, professor!" she chirped, taking another, "this little cutie; Squirtle!"

Naruto sighed, "I guess that leaves me with Bulbasaur. Not my first choice but he'll do." It's better than no pokemon at all, he thought looking on the bright side, while shooting Sasuke a dirty look.

Sarutobi cleared his throat, "now then… here are your five poke balls and individual pokedexes."

They thanked him and walked out, each going to check in with their parents before leaving. Let's check in on the checking in…


"Hey mom," he smiled.

Kushina smiled at her son, "you seem less enthused than I thought. Something wrong?"

"It's just… I called dibs on Charmander and Sasuke-teme goes and claims it, saying it's 'tradition' for the Uchiha to start with a fire type…"

"Well," Kushina interrupted, rubbing the back of her head, "it is. Back when Mikoto, Mrs. Uchiha to you, and I started, she had her Vulpix her parents had gotten her for her birthday. Not to mention Fugaku, Mr. Uchiha to you, started with Houndoom back when it was a Houndour. His parents give it to him because most Uchiha shouldn't have to settle for the typical fire-type starter."

Naruto sighed. "Which of the other two did you choose?" she smiled. Naruto pulled out the poke ball and unleashed Bulbasaur, "Bulbasaur, my mom. Mom, Bulbasaur."

Anyways, Naruto packed with Kushina giving him eighty dollars spending money, a kiss good-bye, and a kiss for good luck.


"What a cute pokemon," Sakura's mom smiled. Squirtle blushed at the praise being set forth by the older woman wearing a pink turtleneck and beige slacks. "Best of luck, honey," Sakura's father, wearing an evergreen short-sleeved button-up shirt and brown jeans, smiled. He pulled out his wallet, "here's eighty bucks spending money."

Sakura hugged and kissed her parents and finished packing. She got up, recalled Squirtle into his ball, and started out.


MIkoto Uchiha, in a light blue long-sleeved top, white apron, violet skirt stopping just above her knees, and jet-black tights, smiled, "isn't he a cutie." Charmander gave her an uneasy smile. MIkoto's Nine Tails had come over to sniff the new comer.

"Father," said Sasuke, "I'm leaving for my pokemon journey…"

Fugaku, in an evergreen blazer, white V-neck top, dark gray slacks, black socks, and black loafers, spoke without turning to look at his younger son, "win four badges… then speak to me of your pokemon journey. Normally, a rookie Uchiha shook have won two badges to be counted among the clan but you're the son of a gym leader, so the expected standard is higher."

Sasuke nodded, "yes, father. I'll make you proud."

All Sasuke got in return was… "actions speak louder than words."

Mikoto shed a few tears, handed Sasuke one hundred and twenty dollars, and kissed her baby good bye. Sasuke hugged his mother, gave a quick, determined look at his father's back, and set off.

There you go… the prologue chapter of my Naruto Pokemon crossover. Similar to Naruto canon, I have them split up in groups of three. And for the record, I already have pokemon acquisitions all planned out. Just wait and see what I have planned for the Eeveelutions. If don't understand a pokemon choice, just let me know in your review and I shall explain in reader responses at the start of the next chapter. This goes for any chapters from here on in. And remember, nothing nice or constructive, then no comment. Ciao!