Author's Note: Hey y'all, new story! :) Thank EVERYONE that reads these lil fics I do, it means a lot. Especially considering that a lot of them are pretty stupid lol…. particularly this one. So, PLEASE please comment if you like it because well, I just don't know if it's that kinda stuff y'all like readin' soooo…. Lemme know! :D And of course, I do take requests! ;)


"100.4 kiddo. You're stayin' home today." Darry declared, yanking the thermometer out of my mouth. I groaned.

"C'mon, Dare. I gotta go to school today, and besides I—"

"No buts, listen to what the man says." Soda popped his head in our room, dressed in his DX shirt and some jeans.

"Trust me, I'm not even sick! It's probably just some freak fever or something I'm not sick!" Of course it was at this moment that my body decided to throw me into a coughing fit.

"And he says he's not sick." Soda rolled his eyes.

"Look Pony, you're stayin' home and that's final." Darry concluded. I sat up in my bed and crossed my arms.

"Hey, do ya want me to stay and look after you? I don't know if I can just leave you alone here by yourself…." Darry started.

"Darry, c'mon I'm not five years old! I can stay home by myself!" I sneezed.

"Bless you!" Soda piped up cheerfully, putting on his converse.

"Darry, both of y'all have work, I'll be fine." I assured him.

"Well, hang on just a minute, I'll call the guys. Sure as hell won't be at school anyways." Darry mumbled, leaving the room to get the phone.

And that is how Dally, Johnny and Two-bit arrived at my house (after Darry, Soda and Steve had departed of course), apparently just to annoy me senseless.

"Hey Ponyboy, not to fear! The babysitting club is now here!" Two-bit yelled, coming inside loudly and slamming the door. "Where are you?" I let out a low moan.

"Guys my head hurts, stop screamin'…." I closed my eyes. The gang piled into my room.

"Sorry Pony!" Johnny apologized in a soft whisper.

"Nah, it's not your fault, Johnny." I said, staring daggers at Two-bit. He whistled innocently and looked casually around the room.

"Hey, uh, you lie down man, and I'll getcha some aspirin." Dally suggested, leaving the room.

"Ugh, I'm so BORED. I'm comin' too." I announced, pushing back my sheets.

"Are you sure?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, I don't want you to get even sicker or something…." Two-bit said worriedly.

"You can't get "sicker" from getting' out of bed you bonehead!" I mumbled grumpily, as we made our way into the living room. We all sat down on the couch and Two-bit flipped on none other than Mickey Mouse, God almighty Himself. Dal handed me my aspirins, which I swallowed gratefully. Just when I thought I was feeling better, it got real cold in the room and involuntarily shivered. I hoped no one had noticed because shivering wasn't a manly thing to do. I shuddered again. Dang.

"You cold? I can go find a blanket if you want." Johnny suggested kindly. I nodded and he got up. Concern was clearly written all over Dally and Two-bit's faces.

"Jeez, you're shakin' like a leaf, Pony! You okay?" Two-bit asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm f-f-fine." I stammered, just as Johnny threw a blanket over my shoulders.

"Why don't you lay down on the couch? Me and Johnnycake will be fine on the floor, right?" Johnny nodded in agreement.

"Thanks." I mumbled, breaking off into a hacking cough, followed by a sneeze. Johnny winced, and I wondered if he felt bad for me.

"Hey, I'll make y'all some soup. Sound good, huh Ponyboy?"

"Yeah, thanks Two-bit." I croaked, my throat a little sore. I could not lose my voice. Not today….